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Allied Powers
Great Britain (Neville Chamberlain—Winston Churchill)
Soviet Union (Josef Stalin)
United States (Franklin Roosevelt—Harry Truman
France (various)
Axis Powers
Germany (Adolf Hitler)—> democratically elected
Italy (Benito Mussolini)—> dictator of Italy, took total control, Hitler admirer
Japan (Emperor Hirohito)—> living god and government, no surrender, allow to remain emperor if they stand down
Italy under Benito Mussolini invade ___ and ___
Japan under the Emperor and his military leaders seized ___ and attacked ___ and ___
U.S naval vessel (the U.S.S Panay) on a river in China
Germanys aggressive movements
1936- recaptured the German Rhineland
1938- invaded and annexed Austria
1938- threatened to invade the Sudetenland (Hitler meets with British Prime Neville Chamberlain and the two leaders sign the Munich Pact. Hitler is granted the land while promising not to take any more land)
1939- Germany seizes the rest of Czechoslovakia (breaking the Munich Pact)
1939- September 1st Germany invades Poland
1939- September 3rd Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
1940- April, Germany invades Denmark and Norway
1940- May, Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
1940- June, Germany takes France
1940- In late summer and early fall, Germany begins to attack Great Britain (Begins the Battle of Britain/Operation Sea Lions)
Aryans/Master Race
German or Germanic dissent
blonde, blue eyes, fittest and fastest
Beliefs of Nazis to create a master race
Mein Kampf
the book Hitler wrote
“Heil Hitler” vs “Gruss Gott”
common greeting, god be with you → to replace religion with himself
-World War I memories
-Great Depression occupied all our attention
Neutrality Acts
because… America almost took away congresses power to declare war
The United States will not sell any war materials to nations at war
Cash and Carry (to prevent debt and ship explosions)
75% Americans polled…
wanting congressional power to declare war taken away and instead want to implement a national vote for war declarations in the future
The series of “plans”
Roosevelt and Churchill spoke daily on the phone and Churchill implored FDR to help Britain in the war effort or they will lose leaving the US to stand alone against Germany and Japan
The plans allows Britian to get the tools they need but not go against the Neutrality Acts
Plan #1- Destroyer for Bases Deal
The US gave the British 50 US navel destroyers and the British gave access to use all their navel bases around the world
Unfair Deal- million ships and they take time to make → we would have already been allowed to use the bases
Congress goes nuts (even though it was a transaction w/out money)
Plan #2- “Private” Buisnesses
Churchill made private companies and the US sold war materials to these companies
Bye Bye Great Depression
Churchill goes on the radio to call US and Britain a “dual economy”
Plan #3- Lend/Lease
lend/lease to Britain or any other Allies, war materials because Britain could not pay for them
NOT SELL (lend/lease)
how does that work for bullets and bombs?ai
mostly to the French
Homefront USA
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
planned days/weeks ago
shut down of boat radio from Japan
“A state of war HAS existed”
because we stopped selling steal and oil them
Senate: 82 to 0 vote
HOR: 388 to 1 (Jeanette Rankin a democrat from Montana)
(no choice) but to change factories, almost impossible to get new things
arsenal of democracy
nickname for Detroit Michigan → supply weapons for the US, Britain, etc. switches from car companies to make war materials
Rosie the Riveter
11 million men fight in WW@
Women had to do factory jobs
(very nervous) blue color is using hands jobs. Woman can still be feminine
The real Rosie the Riveter is Naomi Parker Fraley
Mandatory Rationing
every family was given a monthly rationing book with coupons saying how much you could buy depending on the number in your family (chocolate and stockings were the hardest to get)
Blue Star families/ Gold Star families
Blue → one star on the front door per family member in the war to honor or help
Gold → a star for a person who has died
Anti-Japanese sentiment
Mussolini and Hitler as cartoons
board game
JAP (racism)
do not fuck around- do not make jokes, take sick days, be late, keep your mouth shut about ship movements and war materials, grow food on back-yards
otherwise you are helping the enemy
Executive Order #9066
our founding fathers wanted it to be used during emergencies or trial
a decree by the president that holds the weight of a law (same as law)
the saftey vaule is all can be challeneged by congress
#9066: inturn all Japanese Americans. Gave 48hr and you must show up here… bring as much as you can carry. Military based houses. not tortured, beaten, or slave labor, but freedom was gone. 120,000, 2/3 born in the US. under FDR for 1.5 years
Joe Biden (1700)
Korematsu vs. US
drafted for WW2, failed physical due to stomach issue (upset), worked on docs sending out war materials
1) lost his job
2) family sent to camps
3) brought up in supreme court
Due process: life, liberty, and property. What crime? What guilty? Unconstitutional. 6/3 against him because…
for the betterment of the country, emergency appeal outweighs unconstitutional
Two theaters
will be fought by the Allies (European Theater and Pacific Theater)
Active Defense
the plan for the Pacific Theater for the beginning of the war (defend for the first 6months while helping Europeans. Then go offensive both ways because we needed to get British off the ground)
Pacific Theater vs European Theater
Pacific Theater- heat, water, bugs, snakes
European Theater- very cold, alphs
trained for, not transferred, it was like changing a planet
December 7, 1941
Pearl Harbor
November 1942
North Africa
clear out (operation torch)
cut of major oil supply for Germany and Italy
Late 1942/Early 1943
Bombing of Germany
British carpet bomb at night, but then have to fly back and make it to Britain.
America= pin point bombing. getting down low (which was dangerous) more men and planes to sacrifice. 70% death
Americas began to start the damage
September 1943
southern front/not western
italians had helped America because they did not like Musalini
June 6, 1944
D-Day (Operation overload)
purposly slow down and get Germany to send southern troops to clear room in the west bc we wanted to go through France
June 4th. 200,000 and 1,000 ships go into English channel to invade France (prepared). Hitler thought America would attack Calai (Germany moved all its stuff there). America let Germany receive a fake message. Generals convinced Hitler to leave some Normandy troops, the tanks stayed in the middle. The weather was horrible. The night before the attack we dropped power troopers over the France line to divert coast attention (cancelled due to weather)
June 6th. little clearing, new D-day. Isan Howard (super unsure). Hitler is furious and sleeps till the afternoon, servants are too afraid to wake him up. He needs to release the Pansars, he only releases some.
easy way to call the attack day if it changes
The Beaches during D-day (operation overload)
US Beaches: Utah, Omaha (2,500 casualties. biggest)
Britain and Canadian Beaches: Juno, Sword, Goid
September 1944
Invasion of Germany- Hitler never expected
December 1944
Battle of the Bulge
Hitlers last attempt, young/old guys vs Britain, Us, France, and Canadians
Germanys plan is to hit in the center and then break through and go to the sides
Bends and Bends but does not break
100,000 German forces die, so they have no chance
February 1945
Yalta Conference (FDR, Churchill, Stalin)- The Big 3
How to finish Germany
The countries will determine their own government
important meeting
FDR is really sick and almost dead
In the Black Sea of the Soviet Union
Countries determine their own government, to prevent Stalin from becoming a future enemy. → Stalin keeps the land which led to the cold war. he lied
Early 1945
Race for Berlin (the capital of Germany)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (president) Supreme Allied commander
Reasons for taking Berlin: Leadership, money, Germany scientists, lots of leadership kills themselves, Lose race on purpose because we do not want to lose all our men, unlike soviets who do not care, we start to come across camps and need to document it
April 12, 1945
FDR dies
bought places in Georgia (hot springs) sick people camp, FDR died in the camps
Truman becomes president
April 30, 1945
Adolf Hitler commits suicide
FDR and Hitler were sworn in together (kionula) and died around the same time
May 7, 1945
Germany surrenders- unconditional surrender w/ any conditions
May 8, 1945
V E DAY- victory in Europe day, coming home soldiers
Sullivan Brothers
they were all on the same ship (5) → inspo for “saving priv ryan” on Juno Ship Japanese torpedoed and hit the ship, slit ship and sunk, all sons died
Japanese mindset
“Samurai Tradition” (ex. Hiroo Onoda)
kill enemy or die trying
Japanese thought emperor commands were from god
though Genova accords were a joke
Genova accords make people easier to fight
had people on all islands (ex. fuel)
Hiroo Onoda was on an island (1945-1974) off the coast of Philippians because thought the war was still happening bc the commanding officer left him there, the student went to find him and told him the war was over, but Hiroo didn’t believe him, the commanding officer had to come out and say stand down
Superiority belief (The rape of Nanjing)
December 7, 1941
“a date which will live in infamy”
“Active Defense”
playing defense until the British got back on their feet
Amphibious war
Land= General Douglas McArthur
Sea= Adm. Chester Nimitz
fighting on land and sea, Douglas most knowledgeable general in Pacific, phillipeans has men and McArthur and men, McArthur does not want to leave his men
Bataan Dealth March
“I will return” - General Douglas MacArthur
Last time anyone touched america was…
Alaska and Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway
clears up central pacific
Battle of Guadalcanal
southern, heavy casualties, solidify southern pacific
Battle of Aleutains
clears northern pacific and breaks the link to our coast
(no air force) severly cripple Japanese navy, knock out back then almost whole airforce
Iwo Jima
750 miles from Tokyo, new air base/fuel, US KIA=4,200 J=21,000
360 miles from Tokyo, all planes could bom Japan (we do not want to enter main land) US KIA= 12,500 and wounded=36,500 J=100,000
Potsdam Conference (July 1945)
Truman (FDR dead), Stalin (Soviet Unions), Clemente Atlee and Churchill (new and old prime minister of GB)
City in germany- has to be second meetin, germany is beaton
Manhatan project= atomic bom drop in new mexico (no more than 2)
leads to undercover soviet spies when Stalin isnt suprised
Isidary bom
fire bom
Hiroshima (August 6, 1945)
first atomic bomb dropped, a military center, on a time (goes off before hit land)
Enola Gay- plane named after his grandmother
told factories the plane was being built for Roosevelt, crew did not know, piolet and copilot knew
“little boy” nickname= first atomic bomb
70-100,000 deaths on impact, radiation goes everywhere for decades and causes cancer
Truman said “give unconditional surrender or we give hell”
Nagasaki (August 9, 1945)
box car plane
fat man is a platonic bomb
more US soldiers would die if did not drop the second bomb immediately
cost billions
killed 40,000-70,000 instantly
V J Day
Japan surrenders, if soldiers alive they will come home, celebration
Neville Chamberlain
British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1937-1940
Winston Churchill
British military officer and writer, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940-1945
Josef Stalin
soviet politician, revolutionary, ruler
Franklin Roosevelt
US president during great depression, died before end of WWII
Harry Truman
Vice president → president #33, dropped atomic bombs in Japan
Adolf Hitler
Austrian-born german politician, dictator of Nazi Germany, hatred for Jews, and successful political movement. Holocaust, democratically elected
Benito Mussolini
Italian politician, dictator of Italy, took total control, admires Hitler
Emperor of Japan, “living god”, no surrender, he was allowed to remain emperor if Japan stood down
Rosie the Riveter
Naomi Parker Fraley, woman can work and be feminine
Fred Koremastu
Drafted for WWII, failed physical (stomach problems), worked on docs, lost job, the family sent to camps, “unconstitutional” in supreme court
Dwight D Eisenhower
Planned and supervised Operation Tourch and Invasion or Normandy and Race for Berlin, 34th President, assassinated
Hiroo Onoda
on the Phillipean islands (1945-1974) did not believe the war was over
Douglas MacArthur
American general, served as a top commander, on land, “I Shall Return”
Chester Nimitz
Admiral for sea, naval history, US Pacific fleet during WWII
Clemente Atlee
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1945-1951
Theodore Geisel
Dr. Seuss drew posters for the Treasury Department and the war Production Board, 1943 he joined the US army
Charles Lindebergh
Dr. Seuss enemy, American avatar, first non-stop solo flight across Atlantic Ocean, ridiculed for “Americas Fist” movement