transverse waves
the displacement of particles is perpendicular to the waves movement
in SHM velocity is at its max at and 0 at ..
max at equilibrium position
0 at maximum displacement (turning points)
In SHM acceleration is at its max at
when object is furthest from the center because restoring force is stronger there
Traveling waves
waves that can propagate
mechanical waves
waves that need a medium to travel trough
transverse waves
the displacement of particles is perpendicular to the wave movements
longitudinal waves
the displacement of particles is parallel to the wave movements
areas with high density
areas with low density
electromagnetic waves
waves who do not need to have a medium to travel through (light)
characteristics of traveling waves 4
waves bend going from one medium to another/ change in direction of a wave
when one wave goes from one medium to another part of the wave can reflect, the angle at which the lights reflects can be the same as the incident angle
the spreading of a wave when thy pass through a gap or around an obstacle
critical angle (3 parts)
the smallest angle at which the wave will be fully reflected back.
the angle of incidence where the angle of refraction is 90 degrees
critical angle only exists when a wave travels from a denser medium (slower) to a less dense medium (faster), thus N1>N2
total internal reflection
because the critical angle is exceeded, all the light is reflected
optical fiber
a thin strand of glass or clear plastic
wave fronts (3)
any line joining points that are in phase
are the peaks and throughs of the wave
there perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer (rays)
superposition principle
the total displacement is the sum of the displacement of each wave/the possibility to add or subtract waves
destructive interference
two out of phase waves add vectorially to cancel
constructieve interference
two in phase waves add vectorially to give a wave of twice the amplitude
waves if different frequencies travel at a different speed through a medium causing them to spread out
double-source interference only possible when waves are
coherent, same frequency, similar amplitude and a constant phase diffrence
light fringes (maxima)
appear at points where waves add up
dark fringes (minima)
appears at points where they subtract
first harmonic
least possible amount of nodes and antinodes
standing wave occurs when
a wave reflects (at the boundary) back on itself and interferes with itself (due to superposition traps the wave into a standing pattern)
a point in a standing wave where no movement occurs due to to destructive interference between the orginal and reflected wave
a point in a standing waves with maximum displacement due to constructive interference