they represent shortened forms of words
they are an efficient way of communicating quickly and concisely with other healthcare workers
healthcare workers use abbreviations to convey information about their patients
they help save time and space on medical documents
C/o: Complains of
Symptoms: Patient complains in the patient’s words and expressions.
usually, the patient is complaining of pain, fever, bleeding, swelling, difficulty to do usual acts, abnormal features…
usually said in non-medical terms
Signs: what doctors see and find and usually written in medical terms
Temp: Temperature
Normal Temperature around 37°C
A high temperature is called a fever
P: Pulse
Pulse is counting the heart rate (HR) and looking for its regularity
Normal around 72/min, regular
Increased HR is called Tachycardia
Slow HR is called Bradycardia
BP: Blood Pressure
Normal - around 120/80
Increased BP (120/110) is called Hypertension HTN
Decreased BP (70/50) is called Hypotension
Severe hypotension (50/30) is called Shock
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
CHF: Congestive Heart Failure
DVT: Deep Venous Thrombosis
DM: Diabetes Mellitus
RF: Renal Failure
TB: Tuberculosis
HAV: Hepatitis A Virus
HBV: Hepatitis B Virus
HCV: Hepatitis C Virus
HDV: Hepatitis D Virus
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
CBC: Complete Blood Count (CBP)
Hb: Hemoglobin
WBC: White Blood cell
RBC: Red Blood Corpuscles
ESR: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
BT: Bleeding Time
CT: Clotting Time
PT: Prothrombin Time
C&S: Culture and Sensitivity
GTT: Glucose Tolerance Test (Curve)
CT: Computed Tomography
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
ECG: Electrocardiogram
EEG: Electroencephalogram
EMG: Electromyogram
CXR: Chest X-Ray
q.i.d. : 4 times a day
t.i.d. : 3 times a day
b.i.d. : twice a day
IM: Intramuscular
IV: Intravenous, Intravenously
ER: Emergency Room
ICU: Intensive Care Unit
NICU: Neonates Intensive Care Unit
IDU: Intensive Diseases Unit
OR: Operation Room (Theater)
ALS: Advanced Life Supporter
CPR: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Post-op: Postoperative (after surgery)
Pre-op: Preoperative (before surgery)
Wt: Weight
~ : approximately
% : percent
# : pound or number
✓ : check or checked
↑ : increase or increasing
↓ : decrease or decreasing
→ : to the right
← : to the left
△ : change or changed
° : degree
♂ : male
♀ : female
cc: cubic centimeter (same as ml)