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To point out, indicate, show
Ahorrar vs. gastar
To save money, time, effort vs. to spend money, time, effort
A partir de
Starting from, beginning in
La natalidad
The number of births per year (birth rate)
La esperanza de vida
Life expectancy
Los mayores
A more polite way to say 'old people'
El varón vs. el macho
Male human vs. male animal
la niña/la mujer vs. la hembra
female human vs. female animal
La edad
El tratamiento
tratar vs. tratar de
manner of address (formal vs. informal); to treat vs. to try (to do something)
El tuteo; tutear
The use of the 'tú' pronoun to address someone; to use the 'tú' pronoun to address someone
El tratamiento de Ud.; tratar de Ud.
The use of the 'Ud.' pronoun to address someone; to use the 'Ud.' pronoun to address someone
La palmada
A slap or pat with the palm of the hand
Darle la mano (a alguien)
To shake someone's hand
El gesto
An expression made with the hands
Entablar conversación
To start a conversation
La tertulia
A gathering of friends who regularly meet to talk
La sobremesa
A conversation that continues at the table after a meal
La charla; charlar vs. chatear (en este contexto)
An informal conversation; to talk/chat informally vs. to chat online
El estado civil
Marital status
El matrimonio
Marriage; a married couple
Casarse (con alguien)
To get married (to someone)
La boda
The ceremony where two people get married (wedding)
La boda civil; el matrimonio civil
A non-religious wedding; a marriage outside religious institutions
El/la novio/a (en este contexto)
Groom, bride
La pareja de hecho
A couple in a romantic relationship who live together without being married
El/la soltero/a
A person who is not married (single)
El papel; hacer un papel (en este contexto)
Role; to play a role
El ingreso
The money a person receives from work or investments; synonym for 'salary,' 'wage,' or 'income'
El ama (f.) de casa
A woman who does not work outside her own home (housewife)
Debido a
Due to, because of
El/la cónyuge
A spouse, a person in a couple
El reparto
Distribution, division
La guardería
A place where small children are cared for while their parents work (daycare)
La vivienda
House or apartment; the place where a person lives
Soler (ue) + infinitivo
To be in the habit of, to usually do something
To go, to attend
Los ancianos
Elderly people (synonym for 'los mayores')
El gasto
The money spent on something (expense)
Advertir (ie, i)
To warn, to advise
To flee
La patera
A small and sometimes makeshift boat
El cayuco
A small canoe
El salto; saltar
A leap; to jump (over), to climb (over), to skip
La valla
Los gitanos, los romaníes
Gypsies, the Roma people
Related to the home (domestic)
From Asia (Asian)
Los "ninis"
Young people who neither study nor work
la carretera
el aspecto (físico)
physical appearance
to hate
el conejo
the rabbit
la mancha
el estofado
el chaval
to hit