Failure if you don't pass - Asian Achieve level 10.5 for continuum
Border, Orientation, Legend, Title, Scale, Source
Space, Place, Interconnection, Change, Environment, Sustainability, Scale.
Space in SPICESS - Different Location
Absolute Location (V.Longitude and H.Latitude)
Approximate Location (description)
Relative Location (More Specific than App., less than Abs.)
Social, Historical, Economical, Environmental, Political, Technological
The ability of human beings to access neccessities to live happily/healthy.
GDP Per Capita
Gross Domestic Product Per Capita, Economic product values per year.
Gross - total before tax/depreciation
Domestic - within the country
Product - refer to tangible goods/services.
PIE (Measures of GDP)
Product, Income, Expenditure
Literacy Rates
Number of people in population which can read/write.
World Happiness Report
Reviews the state of happiness in the world today and shows how the science of happiness explains personal and national variations in happiness.
United Natiosn Human Development Index - Averate aspects of human development e.g. Literacy rates, etc.
Big Mac Index
Examines if the values for exchangement of currencies are under/overrated.
Chlorapleth Maps
Quick impression of spacial pattern by dark/light (most'/least) shades, similar colours.
Happy Planet Index
How well a country maintains happy/stable lives; is measured in Life Expectancy, Experienced well-being and Ecological footprint (green best and red worst.)
Pattern, Quantification, Exception.
Phycology Triangle
Self - Actualization
Self - Esteem
Physiological Needs
Political, Historical, Religions, Artistic, Social, Environmental, Economic, Moral, Scentific.
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Measures the price change of a typical basket of goods/services produced by Australian households each quarter (3 months).
The average rate of rising prices. Increase of general level of prices paid for goods and services over a certain period of time.
Inflation Rate
The change of prices from one quarter to another.
Reasons for Inflation
Consumerās confidence about future;
Buisnessesā confidence about future;
Low interest rates, encouraging both consumers and buisnesses to borrow more;
Higher taxes/interest rates.
Management of Inflation
Central banks raise interest rates to restrain inflation;
Consequently making wages and stocks go down;
Commercial bankās interest rates will be increased as they are competitive with each other;
Impact on mortgage holders;
More paybacks to banks as the interest is higher;
Consequently, people are low in cash;
Therefore low spending on goods/services;
The sellers want to attract buyers, and prices will be lowered;
Inflation is consequently controlled (target: 20% inflation).
Gaining a buisness advantage
Offering consumers a lower price;
Advertising the product;
Offering consumers better quality or perceived quality;
Responding to consumer needs.
Unemployment Rate
The percentage of people in the labour force who are unemployed.
Causes of Unemployment
Shifts in GDP; International Competition; Technology; Global Events.
The part of the land adjoining or near the sea.Ā
The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.Ā
The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.Ā
The regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth or another planet occupied by living organisms.Ā
Total amount of water on a planet.Ā
A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.Ā
To nourish again or anew.Ā Ā
Ebb TideĀ
The period between high tide and low tide during which water flows away from the shore.
Flood TideĀ
The tide when it has risen from low to high water.Ā
Spring TideĀ
A tide just after a new or full moon, when there is the greatest difference between high and low water.Ā
Neap TideĀ
Tide of minimal range occurring near the time when the Moon and the Sun are in quadrature.Ā
The process of wearing or being worn by long exposure to the atmosphere.Ā
The geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind or water.Ā
The state or process of rotting; decay.Ā
The distance betweenĀ successiveĀ crestsĀ of a wave, especially points in a sound wave orĀ electromagneticĀ wave.Ā
Measured as the distance between the peak or trough of the wave; a measurement of the amount of energy transferred by a wave.
The distanceĀ travelledĀ by wind or waves across open water.Ā
The rush ofĀ seawaterĀ up the beach after the breaking of a wave.Ā
The motion ofĀ recedingĀ waves.Ā
Constructive wavesĀ
Waves with low energy and have stronger swashes than backwashes.Ā
Destructive WavesĀ
Waves that have stronger backwashes than swashes. Strong energy.
Catching and trapping part of the sediment moving (mainly in a longshore direction) in the surf zone.Ā Ā
Longshore Drift
The sediment moved by the wave current at a certain angle.
Riverine FloodĀ
Rivers overflow, inundating land due to heavy rain or snowmelt. Occurs 6+ hours after heavy rainfall.Ā
Flash FloodĀ
Sudden, intense rain or snowmelt causes rapid, severe flooding.Ā
Major FloodĀ
Severe and widespread, cause extensive damage and displacement.Ā
Global Warming
The increase in the planet's overall average temperature in recent decades.
Climate Change
Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns
Resource Curse
A paradoxical situation in which a country underperforms economically, despite being home to valuable natural resources.
Thinking Laterally
An innovative method of problem solving in which you look for an out-of-the-box solution. Instead of evaluating the problem in a linear way, you come at it with unique angles to make the less-obvious solution.
Innovation in Buisness
Change the product;
Add accessories;
Add complementary products;
Enhance the sale channels.