also known as the Burgess model is one of the earliest theoretical models to explain urban social structures. created in 1925, it is not commonly use in modern day
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sector model
also known as the Hoyt model, is a model of urban land use proposed in 1939 by land economist Homer Hoyt.
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multiple nuclei model
an economical model created by Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman in the 1945
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transportation infrastructure
the set of transportation facilities and systems that serve a country, city, or other area e.g. buses, trains, cars, ships, planes,…
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healthcare infrastructure
the set of healthcare facilities and systems that serve a country, city, or other area e.g. hospitals, clinics, dentistries,…
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water and sewage infrastructure
the set of water and sewage facilities and systems that serve a country, city or other area
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electricity system
the set of electric facilities and systems that serve a country, city, or other area (doesn’t have “infrastructure” in the name)
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communication infrastructure
the set of communication facilities and systems that serve a country, city, or other area
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urban sustainability
when something can be used forever and it does not have a negative impact on urban life