chapter 16 - work & the political economy

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what is an economy

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what is an economy

social arrangements that organize the production, distribution and consumption of goods

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what is hunting and gathering

  • allows for stable diets for nomads

  • exploit food resources for immediate consumption

  • mechanical solidarity

  • everyone participates in acquiring food

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what is horticulturalism

  • 10000 to 12000 years ago

  • Based on animal and plan domestication

  • Simple work techniques, turning the soil, slash and burn

  • Simple and complex horticultural societies

  • supports larger groups of people

  • Development of sedentary based communities

  • Changed when irrigation was introduced

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what is pastoralism

  • Immerged at same time of horticulturalist

  • Usually nomadic

  • People make living by tending herds and animal

  • Increasing social inequality

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what is agriculture

  • 6000 to 10000 years ago

  • Led to dramatic increase in population

  • Use of plows

  • Huge impact on humans

  • People liberated from food production

  • Few agrarian societies evolved into empires

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what is pre-industrial / Feudal economy

  • Generated productivity form agriculture

  • Artisan work (potters, bakers etc.)

  • Life revolved around farming - family centered

  • Increased gender-division of labour

  • Industries around warfare expanded

  • Timing becomes more important

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what is industrialization

  • Development of technology

  • Use on non-animate sources of energy to produce goods

  • Using new sources of power, centralization of work, mass production, emergence of the factory , specialization, wage work

  • Exploitative working conditions in early factories

  • Caused rapid growth and immuring social problems

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what is post-industrialization

  • Reorganization of society from the growth of information technology, global consumerism, integrated financial markets, and cultural pluralism

  • Smaller, flexible workplaces

  • Increase in PT work

  • Based on Knowledge-based activities and providing services

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what are the 3 sectors of the economy

primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector

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what is the primary sector

Exploiting raw materials from the environment (<2%)

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what is the secondary sector

transforms raw materials into consumers goods (10%)

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what is the tertiary sector

provides services and incused part-time, precarious work (75%)

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what is the Primary Labour market (core jobs)

professions which requires post-secondary education with a stable salary and benefits

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what is a profession

prestigious occupations that require a specialized body of knowledge

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what are the 6 characteristics of professions

  1. Common body of specialized knowledge

  2. Regulated performance standards

  3. Representative professional organization

  4. Perceived by the public as a profession

  5. Code of ethics

  6. Formal programme of training and professional development

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what is the secondary labour market (peripheral jobs)

  • Insecure, and temporary, minimal pay, few opportunities to advance

  • Called McJobs (high levels of control, predictable and efficient which Devalue, demean and oppress workers)

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what are labour unions

  • collective bargaining and strikes

  • decline in younger members and in private sector

  • represent workers to improve wages and working conditions

  • worker needs employer more than employer needs workers

  • workers have a collective indispensability to the employer

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what is the functionalist approach

  • oscial stability, social integration, kept at status quo.

  • People need to connect to their work

  • Occupational group (Durkheim) promotes integration and belonging for workers

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what is the conflict theory approach

  • alienation of workers (Marx)

    • capitalism leads to particular experience of works where workers dont own their goods and its not important to them which leads to alienation form their product

    • alienation from fellow workers due to job competition

    • can’t fulfill our potential under capitalism

  • workers are de-skilled in industrial production

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what is the symbolic interactionalist approach

  • social drama

  • work plays role in our sense of self

  • Weber - work is your calling from God (protestantism)

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what is Hughe’s Social drama

how our identities are framed through our work (social interactionalism)

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what is the feminist theory approach

  • women live in 2 worlds (Birurcated consciousness -Dorothy Smith)

  • reproductive economy and productive economy

  • women’s unpaid work

  • need a broader definition of work

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what are the global economic systems

capitalism, socialism, communism and state/welfare capitalism

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what is capitalism

economic system grounded in private ownership of the means of production (pure capitalism doesn’t exist)

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what are the 3 defining features of capitalism

  1. Private ownership

  2. Ability to pursue personal gain and profit

  3. Competition among business

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what is state/welfare capitalism

political and economic system combining free-marked principles and social welfare programs

  • gives all citizens access to important resources

  • means of production is collectively owned

  • hard to compete with countries who are able to exploit resources

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what is socialism

  • Raw materials and the means of production and collectively owned

  • Tries to address needs of majority

  • Different than communism

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what are the 4 defining features of socialism

  1. Collective ownership

  2. Centralized

  3. State-administered planning agency

  4. Production and distribution of goods without profit motive

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what are politics

endeavours to gain and maintain control of the state apparatus

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what is the state

 institutions that maintain a monopoly over legitimate use of force in a given territory

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what is the political economy

 interactions of politics, government and governing, and the social and cultural constitution of markets, institutions and actors

  • Wallace Clement (defining feature of Canadian sociology)

  • Harold Innes (The staples thesis)

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what is Harold Innes’ The staple Thesis

Canadian development based on exploitation of raw materials for export

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what is power for weber

ability to achieve ones desires despite resistance

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what is domination for Weber

situations in which and entire group of people could be directed to comply with commands

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what is authority for Weber

describes the situation in which subordinates consider the domination by leaders to be legitimate

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what are the 3 types of authority

traditional authority, rational-legal authority, and charismatic authority

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what is traditional authority

present when power is legitimated by respecting long-established cultural patterns and traditions (most universal and primitive type of authority - based on patriarchal authority)

  • i.e. a chief rules a group

  • Irrational aspect from patriarchy which prevents undertaking of large scale economic activity which requires rational planning

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what is rational-legal authority

presents when power is legitimated though laws, rules, and regulations

  • Rule of law is rationalized

  • rise of bureaucracy

  • Most relevant for our time of study

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what is Bureaucracy

rational organization decide to complete many routine tasks as efficiently as possible

  • Central for understanding society - become most dominate form of social control in modern society

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what are Weber's defining characteristics of bureaucracies

  • Extensive division of labour

  • Specific hierarchy of authority

  • Ongoing written records

  • Written policies and procedures for workers and customers

  • Hiring based on rational experience of knowledge

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what are the features of bureaucracies

  • Decisions based on rationalization

  • Specialization of functions - outromanced based

  • distinction between official duties and personal relationships

  • Authority tied to position (not person)

  • Codification of norms with written rules and regulations

  • Emergence of hierarchy of authority

  • Hiring based on expertise

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what is weber’s iron cage - economic organization

  • Dehumanizing and depersonalizing experienced of bureaucracy

  • It compromises authentic relationships

  • Bureaucratic domination allows for the more efficient suppression of the individual in modern society

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what are corporations

primary organizational structure in capitalism economies

  • legal entity that has rights and liabilities that go beyond those of its individual members

  • Can own property and enter into contracts

  • Required to pay taxes, at lower rates

  • Flexibility to sell interests

  • Richest Canadians control the largest corporations, possess disproportionate share of the country’s wealth

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what are Global political systems

monarchies, absolute monarchies, constitutional monarchies, authoritarian regimes, dictatorships, totalitarianism, democracy

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what are monarchies

power and legitimacy resides in a single person / family passed down generationally

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what is an absolute monarchy

monarchs defined through family membership / divine connection (i.e. Russian Zhar and French monarchy)

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what is a constitutional monarchy

symbolic in that true leadership is held by elected body

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what is an authoritarian regime

controlled by rules who don’t allow citizens to participate

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what is a dictatorship

leader relies on personal loyalties and threats of force

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what is a totalitarian regime

power through forced, state apparatus attempts to regulate virtually everything, emerges when leader sees their interests in conflict with the interests of the masses (I.e. Nazi regime)

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what is a democracy

political system in which individual adult citizens select their representative leaders through an electoral process (a need for obtaining consensus of the masses) - 2 types

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what are the 2 types of democracies

participatory democracy and representative democracy

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what is a participatory democracy

citizens involved personally in decisions

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what is a representative democracy

citizens elect representatives to act on their behalf

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what is communism

Marx’s hypothetical economic system in which ownership of means of production is collective and workers labour isn’t exploited

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what is a military Juanta

an authoritarian regime where military leaders rule a country after seizing power

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what is the prime minister

head of federal government

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what is the cabinet

committee of ministers in charge of government departments w

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that are senators

non elected officials appointed by federal government to represent their constituents and the interests of Canada

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what are back benchers

elected members of parliament who dont hold a cabinet position

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what is the govenor general

crown representative at federal level in Canada

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what are lieutenant-govenors

crown representative in each province

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what is a territorial commissioner

federal government representative in each territory

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