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Rome had 40 provinces, each with a governor loyal to the emperor. Each city had a senate/council for local issues.
Client Kingdoms
Kingdoms surrounding Rome that were considered autonomous and served as buffers between inner Rome and their enemies.
Became more based on jurisprudence (or precedent) rather than legislation.
Three Principles of Roman Law
All men are equal under law:
Innocent until proven guilty
Right to face accusers
Right to appeal
Roman Forum
Similar to the Greek agora, the forum was the economic center of Roman cities. This was also where Romans met to vote until Tiberius abolished voting.
Bread and Circuses
Included public baths, chariot races and gladiatorial games eased the dissatisfaction of the poor. Became an issue because they were very expensive (due to grian importation), and became a political issue because it reduced the poor’s voice and quelled their anger.
Slavery in Rome
Began to decline with the lack of wars, and their frequent freeing by their owners in Rome. Their freeing became a problem because the people would often flow into Roman cities.
Roman Architecture
Triumphal Arch
Public Bath
Amphitheaters (gladiatorial games)
Colosseum (theatre with pulleys and cages)
Pantheon (unknown use, best preserved)
Circus Maximus (chariot racetrack)
Appian Way
Rome’s first major highway, still in use.
Romans built an extensive system over 200,000 miles total:
Improved communication
Legions dispatched easily
Improved trade
Over 1,300 miles total, moved between 200-300 million gallons of water each day. Lead paint chipping eventually led to the gradual poisoning and infertility of the population.
Roman Religion
The Romans initially tolerated other religions as long as a sacrifice was made to their gods. Mithraism (worship to the emperor) and the Cult of Isis (offered immortality) became popular.
Was initially persecuted in Rome. Eventually became the official religion when Constantine became the emperor,
One of the Jewish groups that support the primacy of high priest, and cooperate with the king and the Romans. They cooperated because it allowed them to maintain their power and influence.
A faction of the rabbis that function out of synagogues and believe it is up to them to interpret the religious law of the Old Testament: strict interpretation of the law.
Were not religious in motivation, but revolutionaries against foreign control of their land (against Rome). Aimed to gain their freedom.
Created a new interpretation as the son of god that God was kind and forgiving as compared to the old testament, where God was vengeful. Christianity is based upon the belief that ____ sacrificed himself for the sins of humanity.
Christian Persecution
Nero persecuted the Christians after he blamed the fires in Rome on them. He destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, giving the Christians confirmation of their religion, and convinced the Jews that they were being punished by God.
Edict of Decius
Required all Romans to make a sacrifice to the gods, and for the person to get a certificate called libellus.
Great Persecution
Last and worst persecution of the Christians, enacted by Diocletian.
Roman city destroyed by a volcano. Gave insight into Roman life including street scenes and public baths.
Pax Romana
Apex of the Roman empire, from emperor Caesar Augustus to Marcus Aurelius.
Established the Praetorian guard, 1-2 legions of soldiers dedicated to protecting the emperor. The guard were the only people able to bring weapons into Rome