An inflammation of the stomach lining
What is the cause of gastritis?
Bacteria or viruses, some medications (motrin), alcohol, spicy foods, excessive eating poisons, and stress
Treatment for gastritis:
Cook food properly to kill bacteria/viruses, avoid foods/medications that irritate stomach linings, begin acid reducing medications
Heartburn (GERD)
Occurs when stomach acids are pushed into the esophagus
What are the causes of heartburn?
Alcohol, some foods, defective esophageal sphincter, pregnancy, obesity, hiatal hernia, and repeated vomiting
Treatment for heartburn:
Reducing weight, diet changes, reduce alcohol consumption, medications, not lying down after meal
Varicose veins of the rectum or anus
What are the causes of hemorrhoids?
Constipation, excess straining during bowel movements, liver disease, pregnancy, and obesity
Treatment for hemorrhoids:
Eating high fiber, stool softeners, medications, surgery
Inflammation of the liver
What are the causes of hepatitis?
Bacteria, viruses, parasites, immune disorders, the use of alcohol and drugs, and overdose of acetaminophen
Treatment for hepatitis:
Avoid drugs and alcohol, prescribed medications
Hiatal hernia
Occurs when a portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest through an opening in the diaphragm
Inguinal hernias
Occurs when a portion of the large intestine protrudes into the inguinal canal
Oral cancer
Usually involves the lips or tongue, but can occur everywhere in the mouth
Pancreatic cancer
4th leading cause of death in the U.S.
Stomach cancer
Most common in the upper part of the stomach
Stomach ulcers
Occurs in the lining of the stomach