Digital Electronics

Binary Hexadecimal Octal code

binary-2^0=1 2^1=2 2²=4 2³=8

Hexadecimal -binary code until after 9 A=10 B=11 C=12 D=13 E=14 F=15

Logic Gates

AND OR NOT gates | NAND NOR gates

AND gate function-multiplication

OR gate function- addition

NOT gate function- inverter ,opposite of AND gate outputs are compliments of AND gate outputs.

XOR XNOR gates

IC-integrated circuits

The point of k-maps is to reduce the amount of logic gates on the integrated circuit by reducing/condensing the function.


2 variables



Truth tableK-mapresulting function


Multiplexer is similar to traffic light 🚦 many inputs but only one output at a time (only one light turned in at a time)

Half Adders and Full Adders
