What is heat?
Is a from of energy which is transferred from one body to another as a result of the diffrence in temperature
Is how hot or cold a substance is.
Si unit for temperature
Temperature Scale
A system used for measuring temperature quantativly
What is a fixed point?
Is a standard degree of hotness which can be reproduced
An example of fixed point is
Melting point of pure ice
Celsius Scale lower fixed point
What is a lower fixed point/ice point
Defined as the temperature of pure melting ice at standard pressure.
Celsius Upper fixed point/steam point
The temperature of steam above water is boiling at standard pressure. (100°C)
Fahrenheit upper fixed point
Fahrenheit L.F.P
1°C is equal to how much in Fahrenheit
How many equal intervals are there in the Fahrenheit scale?
The formula to convert °F to °C
5(°F - 32)/9
°C to°F
F= 9(θ)/5+32
Caloric theory of heat
States thar heat was an invisible, indestructible substance whuch would combine with matter and raise its temperature.
Kinetic theory of heat
That all atoms have some form of motion and heat is this energy that give the atoms its motion
Joule's experiment
a calorimeter was used to measure the heat produced by a falling weight. He found that a specific amount of mechanical work always produced the same amount of heat. This led to the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted.
Absolute 0
Is the temperature at which all the molear motion is presumed to stop due to heat being removed.
What is the Lower fixed position for Kelvin
Is the temperature whuch water exists in all 3 states at standard pressure
Value of triple point of water
273 Kelvin (K)
Formula for Kelvin to Celsius
θ= T-273
Celsius to Kelvin
T=θ +273
Thermal Expansion
It occurs when an object explands when heated and contracts to its original shape when the object looses this heat.