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Operational Data
Data related to current operations, such as daily revenue.
Informational Data
Data that can include historical information and context.
Abbreviation for Database, an organized collection of related data.
Stored representations of meaningful objects and events, like names or birthdays.
Structured Data
Data that is organized in a defined format, such as numbers and text.
Unstructured Data
Data that does not have a predefined format, such as images and videos.
Database Administrator, responsible for managing databases.
Database Management System, software for managing databases.
Data Management
The process of handling data for personal or organizational use.
A database architecture suitable for small companies.
A larger scale of data management, often involving complex systems.
Data that has been processed to enhance knowledge.
Processed Data
Data that has been transformed into meaningful information.
Data that describes the properties and context of user data.
Data Models
Abstract models that organize data descriptions and constraints.
Conceptual Data Model
Defines what the system contains, created by stakeholders.
Logical Data Model
Defines how the system should be implemented, regardless of DBMS.
Physical Data Model
Describes how the system will be implemented using a specific DBMS.
Descriptions of people, places, objects, events, or concepts.
Characteristics or properties of an entity.
Primary Key
Unique attributes that identify an entity instance.
Foreign Key
An attribute that creates a link between two entities.
Connections between entities, such as parent-child relationships.
One-to-Many Relationship
A relationship where one entity can relate to many instances of another.
Many-to-Many Relationship
A relationship requiring a bridge entity to connect multiple instances.
Entity-Relationship Diagram, a visual representation of entities and relationships.
Required Attribute
An attribute that must be present in each entity instance.
Optional Attribute
An attribute that may not have a value.
Composite Attribute
An attribute that consists of meaningful parts.
Simple Attribute
An attribute that cannot be broken down further.
Multivalued Attribute
An attribute that can have multiple values for a single entity instance.
Derived Attribute
An attribute whose value can be calculated from other attributes.
An attribute that distinguishes individual instances of an entity.
Relationship Type
A meaningful association between entity types.
Cardinality Constraint
Rules specifying the number of instances in a relationship.
Time Stamp
A time value associated with a data value indicating when an event occurred.
Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER)
A model extending the original E-R model with new constructs.
A subgroup of entities within a larger entity type.
A generic entity type that has relationships with one or more subtypes.
Attribute Inheritance
Subtypes inherit attributes from their supertype.
Defining a more general entity type from specialized types.
The process of defining one or more subtypes of the supertype and forming supertype/subtype relationships
Completeness Constraint
A type of constraint that addresses whether an instance of a supertype must also be a member of at least one subtype
Total Specialization Rule
Each supertype instance must belong to at least one subtype.
Partial Specialization Rule
A supertype instance may not belong to any subtype.
Disjointness Constraint
Specifies if a supertype instance can belong to multiple subtypes.
Subtype Discriminator
An attribute determining the target subtype for an instance.
Data Structure
Organization of data in tables, rows, and columns.
A two-dimensional table of data.
Composite Key
A primary key consisting of more than one attribute.
A value assigned when no other value applies.
Entity Integrity Rule
No primary key attribute may be null.
Referential Integrity Constraint
Foreign key values must match primary key values or be null.
Well-Structured Relation
A relation with minimal redundancy and no anomalies.
An inconsistency that arises from redundant data.
Regular Entity
An entity with independent existence, representing real-world objects.
Weak Entity
An entity dependent on a regular entity for its existence.
Associative Entity
An entity formed from a many-to-many relationship.
Surrogate Primary Key
A system-assigned primary key for a relation.
The process of organizing data to minimize redundancy and anomalies.
Normal Form
A state of relation that requires that certain rules regarding relationships between attributes are satisfied
First Normal Form
Any multivalued attributes that have been removed so that there is a single value
Second normal Form
Any partial functional dependencies have been removed, Entity whose non primary key attributes are dependent of the full primary key
Third Normal Form
Any transitive dependencies have been removed Entity whose primary key attributes are not dependent on any other non primary key attribute
Goals of normalization
Minimize data redundancy, this avoids anomalies and conserves storage space, Simplify the enforcement of referential integrity constraints, Make it easier to maintain data (insert, update, and delete), Provide a better design that is an improved representation of the real world and a stronger basis for future growth
adding new rows forces user to create duplicate data
deleting rows may cause a loss of data that would be needed for other future rows
changing data in a row forces changes to other rows because of duplication
Overlap Rule
A rule that specifies that an instance of a supertype may simultaneously be a member of two or more subtype