Biology HL Unit 1 (Water, Carbohydrates, Lipids: A1.1, B1.1)

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Definition of Life

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Definition of Life

  • Ability to reproduce (sexual/asexual)

  • Must be made of cell(s)

  • Must have a way to get rid of waste products (sweat, respiration, digestion)

  • Must have a life cycle (stages of growth/development)

  • Ability to do cellular respiration

  • Gas exchange (aerobic/anaerobic respiration)

  • Maintaining homeostasis/ responding to stimuli

  • Able to take in (photosynthesis/cellular respiration)/ utilize energy (metabolism)

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Currently alive

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Once living

Was alive, but is not at present time

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Never living

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Covalent bond

A bond between atoms in which pairs of electrons are shared (within a molecule)

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Hydrogen bond

  • A weak attractive intermolecular (between two molecules) force.

  • A H atom in a molecule is attracted to an electronegative atom (oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine) in a different molecule.

  • Accounts for unique properties of water.

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Polar molecule

A molecule with an unequal distribution of electric charge. The ends are slightly positive or negative. (Ex. water)

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The force by which individual molecules of the SAME type attract and associate (stick together)

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The force by which individual molecules stick to surrounding materials and surfaces.

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Surface tension

The property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesion between water molecules (hydrogen bonding).

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A fluid’s resistance to flow, affected by temperature

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Materials and substances with an affinity for water

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Materials and substances that are repelled by water. Insoluble in water. Non-polar substances. Ex. all lipids

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Capillary tubes

Channels with a very small internal diameter. Soil has many vertical, thin channels in which plant tubes are located.

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Capillary action (aka capillarity)

The tendency of a liquid to move up against gravity when confined within a narrow tube (capillary)

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Dissolved molecule or ion in a solution

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A liquid in which another substance (solute) can be dissolved

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The ability of any fluid to provide a vertical upwards force on an object placed in or on it.

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Thermal conductivity (k)

The measure of how easily heat flows through a specific type of material.

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Specific heat capacity

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 degree C.

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Goldilocks zone (aka the ‘habitable zone’)

The area around a star where the temperature isn’t too hot or cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets.

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Biological molecules that increase the rate of chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy needed.

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Carbonaceous chondrites

Meteors with water incorporated into their mineral structure. Hydrogen isotope ratio similar to Earth’s seawater.

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  • All lifeforms are carbon-based

  • Have 4 valence electrons in outer shell, allowing for formation of strong covalent bonds

  • Create large, stable structures that can only be broken through h

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Structures of carbon

Chain, branched-chain, ring

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  • C, H, O, N

  • Sugars, starches, and cellulose

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  • C, H, O

  • Insoluble in water

  • Waxes, steroids, fatty acids, triglycerides

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  • C, H, O, N, S

  • Enzymes, muscles/skin

  • One or more polypeptide chains of amino acids that folds into a 3D structure to become a protein

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Nucleic acids

  • C, H, O, N, P


  • Chains of nucleotides

  • Sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous base

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Anabolic reaction

  • Putting things together (adding)

  • Net energy loss

  • Energy + small molecules = larger molecule

  • Protein synthesis: ribosomes creating proteins by assembling amino acids

  • Storage of excess glucose: starch for plants, glycogen for animals

  • Dehydration synthesis: condensation reactions

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Catabolic reaction

  • Breaking down molecules (cats break things)

  • Net energy gain

  • Large molecule = smaller molecules + energy

  • Digestion of proteins, carbs, lipids in the digestive system

  • Seed germination: starch breakdown for anaerobic respiration

  • Glycogen breakdown in liver for energy

  • Hydrolysis reactions (Ex. photosynthesis)

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  • Single sugar units

  • Form ring structures in cells

  • Hexoses: glucose, fructose, galactose

  • Pentose: ribose

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  • Many monosaccharides linked together

  • Starch, glycogen, cellulose

  • Disaccharide: maltose, sucrose, lactose

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Condensation reaction (aka dehydration synthesis)

  • An anabolic chemical reaction - net energy loss

  • Loss of an —OH group from one molecule and a —H from another

  • Monosaccharides combine to form a polysaccharide and water molecules

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  • Water helping to break two monomers apart

  • Restores the —OH and —H that were lost in the condensation reaction

  • Catabolic reaction - net energy gain

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Lactose intolerance

Low levels of enzyme lactase in the digestive system means that the hydrolysis of lactose doesn’t occur. Lactose enters the large intestine, where bacteria convert it into gas.

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  • A straight chain of starch that will coil up into a helix

  • About 20-25% of a plant’s starch

  • Long-term and more efficient energy storage

  • C1, C4 bonds; chains of alpha-glucose

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  • Branched structure of starch

  • Short-term energy storage

  • C1, C6 bonds; glycosidic bonds

  • 75-80% of the starch in a plant

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  • Amylose & Amylopectin

  • Stores carbohydrates for plants in seeds, bulbs, and tubers

  • Long-term storage

  • Chains of alpha-glucose molecules

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  • Temporary storage of excess glucose for animals

  • In liver or muscles

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  • Structural support for plant cell walls

  • Beta-glucose molecules bond upside down

  • Hydrogen bonds

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Lipid function

  • Energy source & long-term storage → release 2x more energy per gram than carbs when metabolized

  • Insulation (lipids have a low thermal conductivity)

  • Components of cell membranes (phospholipid bilayer)

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  • Condensation reaction

  • 3 fatty acids + 1 glycerol → 1 triglyceride + 3 H2O

  • Simple lipid

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Fat vs oil

Fat: solid at room temperature

Oil: liquid at room temp

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Saturated fatty acid

  • Long hydrocarbon chain capped by a carboxyl group (-COOH)

  • Have a hydrogen at every possible position (straight)

  • Usually in meats → unhealthy as they stack easier & can clog arteries

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Unsaturated fatty acid

  • Long hydrocarbon chain capped by a carboxyl group (-COOH)

  • Double carbon bond means not complete saturation with hydrogen (bent)

  • In seeds & plant products → healthier, less likely to stick in veins

  • Monounsaturated: one double bond; Polyunsaturated: more than one

  • Cis: same side H on the carbon that’s double bonding, healthiest

  • Trans: H are on different sides

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  • Chain of amino acids

  • Amino acids are combined by condensation reactions into a polypeptide chain, linked with peptide bonds

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Parts of an amino acid

  • Double bond C=O

  • Central carbon (alpha-carbon) C-H

  • Carboxyl group (aka carboxylic acid) -COOH

  • Amine group -NH2

  • R group (varies)

<ul><li><p>Double bond C=O</p></li><li><p>Central carbon (alpha-carbon) C-H</p></li><li><p>Carboxyl group (aka carboxylic acid) -COOH</p></li><li><p>Amine group -NH2</p></li><li><p>R group (varies)</p></li></ul>
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Functions of protein

  • Transport (e.g. hemoglobin)

  • Storage

  • Building & repairing tissues

  • Catalyzing metabolic reactions (enzymes)

  • Strength & structure (muscle contraction & movement)

  • Protection (immune functions & antibodies)

  • Cellular communication & coordination (hormones)

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Essential vs non-essential amino acids

Essential: 9/20 amino acids, can’t be made by the human body so have to be gotten from diet

Non-essential: can be made by the human body, but made from essential amino acids

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Combinations of amino acids

  • 20 amino acids

  • Almost infinite combinations (order, length of chain, etc)

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Primary structure of protein

  • Linear chain of amino acids held together by peptide bonds

  • Aka simple protein or polypeptide chain

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Secondary structure of protein

  • Folding/coiling of the primary chain due to hydrogen bonds (carboxyl—amine) between polypeptide backbones

  • Alpha-helix: a delicate coil (hair, wool, feathers)

  • Beta-pleated sheet: 2 parts lie parallel, relatively insoluble in water (tend to be fibrous with structural function - muscle fibers)

  • A and B can be found in the same chain

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Tertiary structure of protein

  • Folding of the chain caused by interactions between R groups

  • Hydrophobic groups cluster together on the inside, hydrophilic groups on the outside (amphipathic)

  • Hydrogen bonds: between polar R groups

  • Ionic bonds: interactions between ions in R groups

  • Disulfide bridges: 2 cysteine amino acids w/ sulfur in R groups will form H bonds

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Quaternary structure of protein

  • Multiple chains of amino acids linked together

  • Held together by hydrogen & ionic bonds, disulfide bridges, and hydrophobic structures

  • Not all proteins have a quaternary structure

  • Non-conjugated: no prosthetic group

  • Conjugated: incorporates other non-protein parts/prosthetic group (e.g. hemoglobin)

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  • Quaternary, globular, conjugated protein

  • 4 chains - 2 alpha, 2 beta

  • Each chain has a globular shape that is folded around the haem (prosthetic), which contains an iron atom that helps transport oxygen (a non-polar molecule)

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Globular protein

  • Round/spherical shape with irregular amino acid sequences

  • Tend to be more specialized

  • Generally soluble in water & sensitive to pH and temperature changes

  • Ex. hemoglobin, enzymes, immunoglobulin, insulin

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Fibrous protein

  • Long and narrow, typically composed of repeating, regular structures

  • Insoluble in water & stable in a large range of conditions

  • Have a structural role - strength and support

  • Ex. keratin, myosin, acting, fibrin, elastin, collagen

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  • A small, globular, non-conjugated protein

  • Shape allows it to bind to insulin receptors on the surface of liver, muscle, and fat cells, initiating a cellular response

  • Secreted by beta cells in the pancreas

  • A hormone - acts as a signal to cells in the body to absorb glucose and help reduce blood glucose concentration

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  • Fibrous, non-conjugated quaternary protein

  • 3 chains forming a triple helix, each strand composed of 3 repeating amino acids, 1200 amino acids in each chain

  • Regular and geometric fibrous shape that allows it to form rope-like fibers with high tensile strength

  • Makes up ~25% of all protein in the human body, structural support

  • Helps prevent cracks in teeth and bones

  • Forms a mesh of fibers in skin and blood vessels that resists tearing, also forms connective tissue

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Amphipathic substances

  • Have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts

  • Ex. soap - can wash away both polar and non-polar substances

    • Phospholipid bilayer: hydrophilic heads & hydrophobic tails

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  • The most important monosaccharide

  • Used in photosynthesis & cellular respiration to store & release energy

  • Polar molecule - soluble in water, can be transported in blood to all cells

  • Ring form & 4 covalent bonds for each carbon make it a stable molecule

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  • The process in which a protein unravels to its primary structure, becoming inactive

  • Renaturation can occur in some cases

  • Enzymes are especially sensitive to denaturation

    • Human enzymes work best at 37 C (optimum temperature)

    • The optimum pH for human enzymes changes based on location (e.g. stomach vs intestines)

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Reaction rate of enzymes

  • Temp increase = kinetic energy increase; more chance of enzyme/substrate collision

  • Substrate concentration increases, reaction rate increases

  • The reaction rate levels off if:

    • The enzyme is saturated

    • All enzymes have their active site engaged

    • There are limiting factors

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  • Anabolism & catabolism

  • A complex network of interacting and interdependent chemical reactions

  • Nearly all metabolic reactions are enzyme-catalyzed in multi-step pathways and cycles

    • Ex. blood clotting, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, digestion

  • Reactions/energy can be controlled & regulated by enzymes

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Linear pathway

  • A series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions which run in one direction from reactant'/substrate → product

  • Ex. glycolysis in cellular respiration & light independent reactions of photosynthesis

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Cyclical pathway

  • Circular series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions where there is no end, as the initial substance is eventually reformed

  • Ex. citric acid cycle aka Krebs cycle aka tricarboxylic acid cycle

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  • Controls enzymes to ensure that metabolism is regulated

  • Negative feedback cycle, important for maintaining homeostasis

  • Competitive & noncompetitive inhibitors, end-product & mechanism-based inhibition

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Competitive inhibitors

  • Molecules that bind to the active site of an enzyme

  • Complete with the substrate - will still allow enzyme-substrate complexes to form, and if more substrate is added, it will be out-competed

  • Ex. Statin: a medicine used to treat high blood cholesterol by competitively inhibiting the enzyme that forms cholesterol

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Noncompetitive inhibitors

  • Binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme

  • Causes the enzyme to change shape, making the active site less effective

  • Not affected by the amount of substrate, but can be overcome by the addition of more enzymes

  • Ex. ACE inhibitor: medicine used to treat hypertension by preventing molecules from signaling constriction of the blood vessels

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End-product inhibition

  • The end of a metabolic pathway shuts down that pathway

  • Prevents a cell from wasting chemical resources by synthesizing more product than is needed

  • The end product can become a noncompetitive inhibitor and bind to the enzyme

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Mechanism-based inhibition

  • Aka suicide inhibitors

  • Ex. heavy metals (mercury, lead): bind non-specifically and irreversibly to a wide range of enzymes through covalent bonding of the SH group in the active site

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  • A group of antibiotic chemicals obtained from molds

  • Have a similar shape to the terminal ends of peptide chains, allowing them to bind in the active site

  • As peptidoglycan synthesis is halted, its cell wall is compromised, leading to cell lysis & death as the cell is unable to maintain osmotic pressure

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