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Absolute Pathname

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Absolute Pathname

starts with a slash (/), which represents the root directory. The slash is followed by the name of a file located in the root directory. An absolute pathname can continue, tracing a path through all intermediate directories, to the file identified by the pathname. String all the filenames in the path together, following each directory with a slash (/). This string of filenames is called an absolute pathname because it locates a file absolutely by tracing a path from the root directory to the file.

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Relative Pathname

traces a path from the working directory to a file. The pathname is relative to the working directory. Any pathname that does not begin with the root directory (represented by /) or a tilde (~) is a relative pathname

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3 ways to return to your home directory

cd ~, cd, cd $HOME

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What‘s the arrangement of directories and files in the unix system?

a tree-like structure called the file system, called a directory tree. At the very top of the file system is a directory called “root” which is represented by a “/”. All other files are “descendants” of root.

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What directory does it take you to when you first log in?

The home directory.

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What’s the command that gives helpful information on a utility?

man (eg: ‘man cat’ will display a manual on the cat utility)

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What symbol do hidden files in a directory start with?

dot character (.)

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What’s the command that tells you the current name of the shell?

echo $0 (returns -bash)

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Set a variable value in a borne shell. How do you display the variable?

echo $variname

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What does echo $PATH display?

Which directories your shell is set to check for executable files. $PATH is the list of said directories.

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What is the command and option that lets you see all the meta information of a file?

ls -l filename

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Inside a borne shell script, what’s the symbol used for the PID?


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What’s the command that can be used to change permission information for a file?


syntax: chmod a+r filename (makes filename readable to all)

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What’s the command that copies files?


syntax: cp ogfile copyfile

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What’s the command that is used to tell the type information of a file?


eg: file filename (displays filename: ASCII text)

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What’s the command used on a file to display one page of information of the file contents at a time?

more or less (less allows you to scroll up, more does not)

eg: cat filename | less

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What’s the command to make soft links?

ln -s filename linkname

Allows multiple filenames to be linked to a file

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What’s the command that outputs the contents of a text file?

cat filename

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What’s the command that searches for patterns in a text file?

grep string filename

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Basic redirection syntax.

cat >  filename

Create a file called filename. Type the desired input and press CTRL+D to finish. The text will be in file filename.

cat < filename

Just cats the content of filename.

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What is the command that makes a new subdirectory/directory?

Mkdir dirName

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What’s the command that removes a file? Moves a file?

rm filename

mv filename newfile

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What’s the command that displays the information about the users logged into the system?


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What’s the command that deletes a non-empty directory?

rmdir or rm -d

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If I touch a file name, and the file name doesn't already exist, does touch create it?

Yes, touch creates an empty file.

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If you set the variable value in the shell and you want a program/script to read and display it, what command do you have to do on the variable to make it available to the script?


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How do you read in a value in a shell prompt?


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What does the command “find” do? find -name?

used to find files and directories and perform subsequent operations on them. It supports searching by file, folder, name, creation date, modification date, owner and permissions.

find -name searches filenames specifically.

<p>used to find files and directories and perform subsequent operations on them. It supports searching by file, folder, name, creation date, modification date, owner and permissions.</p><p></p><p>find -name searches filenames specifically.</p>
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What is the command to list all the files in your working directory that start with a dot?

ls -a lists all files including hidden files that start with a dot. do not try ls .* it broke my thing

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Metacharacter for pipe?


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Which key stroke will enter command mode in VIM?


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in VIM, which keystroke will allow you to enter editor mode?


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What mode is VIM in at first?

command mode

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Command to write (save) the contents of the files then quit the editor?

esc :wq!

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What symbols do commands start with in VIM?


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Can you chmod a file you don’t own?


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Can you list metadata on files you don’t own?


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What is a root?

A user that can do anything (ex: chmod any file)

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What does touching an already existing file do? Does it reset it’s permissions?

if the file existed beforehand, touch will not change its permissions, just update its last edited timestamps

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What is a token?

A non blank character/sequences of characters

A token is made up of ordinary characters, or of operator characters ()<>&|;, but not both. For example, foo<@a&>b consists of the tokens foo (ordinary), < (operator), @a (ordinary), &> (operator) and b
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What symbol do options start with?


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Identify commands with 0 arguments.

cd, pwd

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What is an example of a built-in command?

echo, cd

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How do you do piping?

A pipe is a form of redirection (transfer of standard output to some other destination). Allows you to use 2 commands at once

ex: history | tail

calls history command and tail to display the last 10 executed commands

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What’s the comments you need on the first line of the script to ensure it gets executed on the bash shell?


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What are the 2 metasymbols you have to put at the beginning of a script for it to run correctly?


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What’s the syntax for creating an alias?

alias ‘someAlias=someCommand’

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What does grep do? Syntax?

Identifies line with requested string.

grep “l” filename

works on directories to search file names

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Which file do you save variables, functions, and aliases to so they are available upon log in?

In the ~/.bashrc file

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What are the single dot and double dot directory entries?

mkdir automatically adds these 2 entries.

The . is synonymous with the pathname of the-working directory and can be used in its place; the .. is synonymous with the pathname of the parent of the working directory. These entries are hidden because their filenames begin with a period.

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number1=”Add $num”

number2=’Add $num’

What will echo $number1 and echo $number2 display?

Add 875

Add $num

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ls -l info idk just memorize this

knowt flashcard image
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chmod symbols (just memorize this too)

knowt flashcard image
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Do I have to put symbols in front of a function name to run it or can I just put the name of the function?

Just name of function.

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What is the shell metacharacter that matches 0 or more characters?


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What is the shell metacharacter that matches 1 character?


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Inside a script, what are the symbols that contain the arguments on the command line to the script?

$1, $2, 
 , $n for each argument n on the command line

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