r&b: river restoration

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river restoration

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river restoration

reestablishing structure and function of a river ecosystem; goal is to get as close to pre-disturbance as possible

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river rehabilitation

making land useful again after a disturbance; not necessarily aimed at meeting pre-disturbance conditions

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river reclamation

changing a river's biological capacity; ecosystem definitely changes from pre-disturbance

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how do you decide what to restore in a river?

depends on project but: observe what shapes the channel's morphology both short and long term; pick a goal, see how these factors impact said goal

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where do you decide to restore a river?

depends on project but: diagnose a problem, design a way to fix it based on previous observation, implement design, monitor it to ensure success

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what are the two most important factors you must consider when restoring rivers?

spatial contexts and temporal contexts

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in the PNW, what is the hottest river restoration design right now?

large woody debris (LWD)

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where should you look for a river's historical context and true natural form?

read historical descriptions, look at historical pictures/art of it

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where is beaver restoration an important part of river restoration?

everywhere but especially small streams

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what are dave's ten commandments of river restoration?

do not harm; look beyond channel to see whole context; use native materials; mimic natural structures; let channels do the work; let channels use their floodplains; manage inputs to system so river can fix itself; only use direct manipulation as a last resort; allow for river to make its own changes; and use qualified/appropriate personnel to design efforts

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