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2.30 mts.
Minimum floor to ceiling height.
Location on Property
eaves over required windows not less than 750mm. minimum over from the side & rear property lines / - sum of areas of openings must not exceed 50 % of sum of areas of walls
Pedestrian Protection
Railings - street side of the sidewalk - at least 1m in height
Fences - not < 2.40m above grade
Canopies - 2.40m above the railway, live load 600 kg per sq.m."
600 kgs./sqm.
Minimum live load bearing capacity of a construction canopy.
4.50 mts.
Maximum height of 1st the floor for a 2-story wood structure with a height of 7 mts.
Fire zones
Under the NBC abutment on lot lines are allowed only in
200 mm.
Under the NBC, for Group A Dwellings, stairs shall have a minimum run of
3.70 mts.
Accessible parking should have a minimum width of _________
38 m./min.
The rate and speed, measured along the angle of inclination, shall be not more than __________ meters per minute.
112 cms.
Minimum width of Class 'A' ramp.
38 mm.
Minimum clearance of a handrail from any wall.
55.9 cms.
Minimum width of landing for a fire escape stair for existing stairs.
1.00 mtr.
Minimum width of an aisle serving an occupant of 60 or more serving two sides for a public assembly building.
76 cms.
Minimum width of an aisle serving an occupant of below 60 for a public assembly building.
A finely powdered substance which, when mixed with air in the proper proportion and ignited will cause an explosion.
9 cms.
Maximum reduction in width of a stair by a handrail.
20.5 cms.
Maximum change in elevation between the interior of a door to the outside of it other than a balcony.
37.8 oC (100 oF)
A combustible liquid is any liquid having a flash point at or above.
38 mm.
Maximum horizontal projection of a handrail over a stair.
Dip Tank
A tank, vat or container of flammable or combustible liquid in which articles or materials are immersed for the purpose of coating, finishing, treating or similar processes.
Minimum number of stories of apartment buildings requiring fire alarm system.
Fire Door
Fire resistive door
Fire Lane
Portion of road/publicway kept opened/unobstructed for fire fighting units.
Fire Wall
A wall designed to prevent the spread of fire w/ fire resistance rating of not less than 4 hours and structurally stable.
Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings
Floor Live Load
Entrance & Exit At least 1 entrance & 1 exit"
"Lot Occupancy Corner Lot - 90% Inside Lot - 80%
*at least 2m from property line
Sanitation At least one (1) sanitary toilet & adequate washing & drainage
Foundation Footings - 250mm thick & 600mm below ground
1st Floor - 200 kilograms per sq.m
2nd Floor - 150 kilograms per sq.m*minimum
Roof Wind Load - 120 min. kilograms per sq.m for vertical projections
Stairs Clear width - 750mm
Rise - 200mm
Run - 200mm
Min. of 3.00m above the established sidewalk grade
a. - exit door shall swing to exit travel in hazardous areas w/ 50 or more occupant load
750.00 sqm.
Maximum floor area for an attic made of incombustible materials.
400 mm / 0.40 mtr.
Maximum rise of one row of seat to the next.
Minimum number of exit for stands within a building serving an occupant load of 300.
2.70 mts.
Minimum ceiling height for naturally ventilated rooms.
2.00 mts.
Minimum headroom clearance for any stair.
Minimum number of exit for any stage.
60.00 mts.
Maximum distance of a handicapped parking from the facility being served.
1.70 X 1.80 mts.
Minimum dimensions for an accessible water closet stall.
150 mm
Minimum run of a winding stair.
100 mm
Minimum thickness of masonry chimney for residentials.
0.90 mts.
Minimum height of a switch from the floor.
0.70 mtr.
In BP344, the minimum height of a handrail.
Business and mercantile
Printing plants shall be classified under what type of occupancy.
Under what classification of occupancy does factories and workshops using incombustible and non-explosive materials.
A long interior passageway providing access to several rooms.
The purpose of the NBC is to provide for all buildings and structures, a framework of standards and requirements which is the
2.00 mts
"Under the NBC, the minimum dimension for court or near yard from the property line to the face of the building is"
"Under the NBC, of only two exits are required, they shall be placed a distance apart of not less than what fraction of?"
14 cu. mts.
"Under the NBC, habitable rooms with natural ventilation shall have a minimum air space per person of"
residential, hotels & apartments
Under the NBC, monasteries shall be classified under what occupancy classification?
1 car : 4 alley
Parking slot ratio of Bowling Alley
What is the least dimension for Room (Human Habitations)?
Passenger train shall have at least __________ designated seats for disabled person.
30 degree
The angle of inclination of an escalator shall not exceed __________ form the horizontal.
Firewall with a minimum 2 hour fire-resistive rating constructed with a minimum height clearance of __________ above the roof.
That portion of the foundation of a structure which spreads and transmits loads directly to the soil or the pile.
The minimum width of a curb cut-out should be __________
"Minimum required number of water closets for female for office and public buildings serving 55 occupants for employees."
Descriptive of any substance that ignites spontaneously when exposed to air.
Any material which by its nature or as a result of its reaction with other elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surrounding.
15 mts.
Minimum height of buildings requiring automatic sprinkler protection.
55.9 cms.
Minimum horizontal dimension of any landing of platform for existing stairs for fire escape.
5.00 mts.
Minimum distance of an incinerator containing kindled fire or rubbish fire or bonfires.
(1:8) 12.5%
Maximum slope for aisles for public assembly structures.
63.5 mm.
Size of standpipe provided for each stage for public assembly building.
2.44 mts.
Minimum width of corridors, aisles, and ramps for exits in hospitals and nursing homes.
plastic substance having cellulose nitrate as base
1.20 m
minimum size of passageway or street
20 sqm
floor area requirement for single family dwelling unit
2.00 m
minimum ceiling heights
5 mm
maximim variation in tread and risers
4.00 m
minimum distance between two dwelling units
a fireblock which extends vertically from the lowest portion of the wall
1.50 m
maximum dimension of turn about spaces
3.00 m
maximum distance between restop
.80 m
minimum width of door elevator
0.71 mtr.
Minimum exit door width.
0.19 mtr.
Maximum stair rise height for a class A stair.
2.75 mts.
Maximum height between landings for class A stair.
2.00 mts.
Minimum headroom for class A & B stairs.
0.28 sqm.
Unit area per person for waiting areas or standing rooms.
Number of exits for place of assembly for 1000 occupants
0.83 mtr.
Minimum spacing of rows of seats from back to back for a public assembly building.
Maximum number of seats in a row in between aisles.
Maximum number of seats in a row opening on to an aisle at one side.
60 cms.
Standard width of a seat without dividing arms for places of assembly.
91 cms.
Minimum width of an aisle serving an occupant of 60.
2.00 mts.
Minimum headroom created by any projection from the ceiling.
112 cms.
Minimum dimension of landings in direction of travel for class A & B stairs.
Minimum number of risers in any one (1) flight of stairs.
76 cms.
Minimum height of a handrail above the upper surface of the tread.
91 cms.
Minimum height of a guard rail.
106 cms.
Maximum height of a guard rail.
7.50 mts.
Minimum inner radius of a monumental stair.
112 cms.
Minimum width of any balcony or bridge.
112 cms.
Minimum width of a class A ramp.
20.3 cms
Maximum rise of any floor from the balcony floor to which an access door leads.
1 floor
Maximum vertical height in floors for an escalator.
55.9 cms.
Minimum width of a fire escape stair for existing stairs.
30.5 cms.
Maximum rise of fire escape stair for a small building.
22.9 cms.
Maximum rise of fire escape stair for existing stairs.
3.66 mts.
Maximum height between landings for a fire escape stair for existing stairs.
2.13 mts.
Minimum headroom clearance for a fire escape stair for existing stairs.