Segregation and Education

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What was Brown v Board?

Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka changed the landscape of legal support for segregation, specifically racial segregation in public education.

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What was the technique employed in Brown v Board?

Technique of losing the case in the smaller courtrooms, then appealing them and finally making an appeal in the Supreme Court.

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Who was the New Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time?

Earl Warren

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Who was Charles Hamilton Houston?

Leadership role in the steps for the overturning of Plessy.

Contributions were so critical he became known as “the man who killed Jim Crow”

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Did the NAACP ask the courts for mixing of races (/desegregation) ?

No, they attacked the economic factor, asking to allocate as much money per pupil for AA students as was spent on white students.

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What are some evidence of racism in education?

  • Spending was x2-5 more than AA students

  • Facilities within schools were unequal

  • School year for AA was significantly shorter.

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In context of NAACP versus Graduate Schools, what was their idealogy?

Flipped racism upside down: if they need to be seperate, they need the schools for that:

Ex: if they want separate hospitals, but there are no medical schools for black people, then what?

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Which are some cases the NAACP chose that would fail in state court, so they could appeal it in US spreme court room?

  • Gaines v Missouri (1938)

  • Swett v Painter (1950)

  • McLaurin v Oklahoma State Regents (1950)

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Who was Houston’s chosen successor?

Thurgood Marshall. It was the task of Marshall and the NAACP legal team to establish that separate facilities could never be equal, even if equally funded.

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What important change occured in in the summer of 1953 US supreme court?

Chief Justice Fred Vinson had died, and Eisenhower appointed Earl Warren even tho he had never been a judge.

Later recalled as “the biggest damned-fool mistake I ever made”.

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What was the ruling of May 1954?

Supreme Court ruled unanimously that segregation by race in schools was inherently unequal.

The ruling in Brown was a monumental decision that, while not specifically overturning all laws supported by Plessy, was understood to have greatly undermined any legal support for Jim Crow.

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What was Superintendant Virgil Blossom’s proposal for the Little Rock school board? (+ purpose)

It was a gradualist plan that allowed Blossom to choose the AA students who would be integrated into previously white-only schools.

Purpose: To comply with Brown on a minimal basis, with tokenism that would limit enrolment of AA to a handfull.

The plan was revised to start in 2 years for high schools, and for elementary in 6 years.

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What did the Capital Citizen’s Council do?

Formed to build support against integration

organized rallies and brought in guest speakers to promote white supremacy and demand segregation.

Sponsored a second anti-integration org, the Mother’s League of Central High School, to provide a “feminine” slant to the efofrt.

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Of the ____ applicants, the school board bicked ___ black students to attend 57-58 academic year.

80, 9

Segragationists (CC and MLCHS) requested Governor Faubus to stop this, suggesting violence.

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Faubus, fearing violence, asked who for help?

Requested help from Federal Gov, but was refused on ground that public safety was a local and state responsibility.

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Faubus took action and order the Arkansas National Guard to CHS to prevent violence. What was their real role?

Not to ensure their enetry, but to surround the school preventing their entry.

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What was Eisenhower’s view on Little Rock?

He believed int the supremeacy of federal powers as expressed in the Constitution.

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What was the significance of Elizabeth Eckford’s arrival at CHS?

She mistakenly arrived alone and was harrased by a white mob, creating an iconic and shocking image that spread globally.

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What happened during Faubus’s negotiations with Eisenhower?

They met on 14th September 1957, but Eisenhower failed to convince Faubus to obey federal orders.

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What did Judge Davies rule on 20 September?

Ordered the Arkansas National Guard to stop blocking the students

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How did the federal government respond?

On 24th September, Eisenhower ordered 1200 federal troops to enforce integration

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How did Eisenhower justify his decision?

“Whenever normal agencies prove inadequate
the President’s responsibility is inescapable.

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How did Governor Faubus responsd to federal intervention?

He went on TV saying: “My fellow citizens, we are now an occupied terriory”

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What support did Eisenhower receive?

Parents of the Little Rock Nine sent a telegram thanking him:

“Your action has strengthened our faith in democracy”

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How did MLK Jr react?

Before intervention: Warned that failing to act would set integration back 50 years

After intervention: Praised Eisenhower for restoring law and order.