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Fort Sumter
was on an island in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, that was garrisoned by a small force under Major Robert Anderson. South Carolina sent commissions to Washington to ask for the surrender of ______, but Buchanan refused to yield it. In January 1861 Buchanan ordered an unarmed merchant ship to proceed to Fort Sumter with additional troops and supplies. Confederate guns on shore fired at the vessel, the first shots between North and South.
taken over by P.G.T Beauregard and surrendered by Anderson
Battle of Antietam
On September 22, 1862, after the Union victory at the Battle of _______, President Lincoln announced his intention to use his war powers to issue an executive order freeing all enslaved people in the Confederacy.
Manassas/First Battle of Bull Run
Union: McDowell
Confederacy: Beauregard
In mid-July of 1861, McDowell marched his inexperienced troops towards ______. Beauregard moved his troops behind _______ a small stream north of ______, and called for reinforcements, which reached him the day before the battle. The two armies were now approximately the same size. McDowell almost succeeded in dispersing the Confederate forces. But the Southerners stopped a last strong Union assault and then began a savage comeback. The Union troops, exhausted after hours of hot, hard fighting, suddenly panicked. They broke ranks and retreated chaotically. McDowell was unable to reorganize them. The Confederates, as disorganized by victory as the Union forces were by defeat, and short of supplies and transportation, did not pursue.
Battle of Wilson's Creek
Union: Nathaniel Lyon
Confederacy: Clairebore Jackson
At the battle of _________, Lyon was defeated and killed -but not before he had seriously weakened the striking power of the Confederates. Union forces were subsequently able to hold most of the state.
Fort Henry/Fort Donelson
Union: Grant
Confederacy: Albert Sidney Johnston
Confederate troops under the command of Albert Sidney Johnston were stretched out in a long defensive line centered at two forts on the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers respectively. Ulysses S. Grant attacked Fort Henry, whose defenders, awed by ironclad riverboats accompanying the Union army, surrendered with almost no resistance on February 6.
Battle of Shiloh
Union: Grant
Confederacy: Johnston/Beauregard
Grant marched to _______, Tennessee, where a force almost equal to his own, commanded by Albert Sidney Johnson and P.G.T. Beauregard, caught him by surprise. The result was the Battle of __________. On the first day of the fight, the Southerners drove Grant back to the river. But the next day, reinforced by 25,000 fresh troops. Grant recovered the lost ground and forced Beauregard to withdraw. The Union won a narrow victory.
Johnston dies
Union occupied Corinth after
Battle of Murfreesboro
Union: Rosecrans
Confederacy: Bragg
The Union and Confederate armies maneuvered for advantage inconclusively in northern Tennessee and southern Kentucky for several months until they finally met in the Battle of _________, or Stone's River. Bragg was forced to withdraw to the south, and his campaign was a failure.
Valley Campaign
Union: McDowell
Confederacy: Jackson
In the brilliant ___________ of May 4- June 9, 1862, Jackson defeated two separate Union forces and slipped away before McDowell could catch him.
Battle of Fair Oaks
Union: McClellan
Confederacy: Johnston/Lee
In the two-day battle of ___________, Confederate troops could not repel Union forces. Johnston was badly wounded and replaced by Robert E. Lee, who then recalled Stonewall Jackson from the Shenandoah Valley.
Battle of Seven Days
Union: McClellan
Confederacy: Lee
With a combined force of 85,000 to face McClellan's 100,000, Lee launched a new offensive, known as _____________. Lee wanted to cut McClellan off from his base on the York River and then destroy the isolated Union army. But McClellan fought his way across the Peninsula and set up a new base on the James. There, with naval support, the Army of the Potomac was safe.
Second Battle of Bull Run
Union: Pope
Confederacy: Lee
In the ensuing ____________ Lee threw back Pope's assault and routed Pope's army, which fled to Washington. With hopes for an overland campaign against Richmond now in disarray, Lincoln removed Pope from command and put McClellan in charge of all the Union forces in the region.
Battle of Antietam Creek
Union: McClellan
Confederacy: Lee
Instead of attacking quickly before the Confederates could recombine, McClellan delayed and gave Lee time to pull most of his forces together behind _________. In the bloodiest single-day engagement of the war, McClellan's 87,000-man army repeatedly attacked Lee's force of 50,000, with enormous casualties on both sides. Six thousand soldiers died, and 17,000 sustained injuries. McClellan allowed Lee to retreat into Virginia. Technically, it was a Union victory, but in reality, it was an opportunity squandered. A month later, Lincoln finally removed McClellan from command for good.
Battle of Fredericksburg
Union: Burnside
Confederacy: Lee
Burnside tried to move toward Richmond by crossing the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg, the strongest defensive point on the river. There, he launched a series of attacks against Lee, all of them bloody, and all of them hopeless. After losing a large part of his army, Burnside withdrew to the north bank of the Rappahannock.
Burnside resigns on his own
Battle of Chancellorsville
Union: Hooker
Confederacy: Jackson/Lee
In the Battle of Chancellorsville, Stonewall Jackson attacked the Union right and Lee himself charged the front. Hooker barley managed to escape with his army. Lee had defeated the Union objectives, but he had not destroyed the Union army. And his ablest officer, Jackson, was wounded during the battle and subsequently died of pneumonia.
Union: Grant
In the spring of 1863, Grant was driving at _____, Mississippi, one of the Confederacy's two remaining strongholds on the southern Mississippi river. _______ was well protected, surrounded by rough country on the north and low, marshly ground on the west, and with good artillery coverage of the river itself. But in May, Grant boldly moved men and supplies -overland and by water -to an area south of the city, where the terrain was better. He then attacked ______ from the rear. Six weeks later, on July 4, ______-whose residents were by then literally starving as a result of a prolonged siege —surrendered.
Port Hudson
The other Confederate strong point on the river, ______, Louisiana, also surrendered -to a Union force that had moved north from New Orleans.
Battle of Gettysburg
Union: Meade
Confederacy: Lee
The Union and Confederate army finally encountered each other at the small town of ________, Pennsylvania. Meade's' army established a strong, well-protected position on the hills south of the town. Lee attacked, even though his army was outnumbered 75,000 to 90,000.
Lee loses a third of his men
Pickett’s charge
Battle of Chickamauga
Union: Rosecrans
Confederacy: Bragg/Lee
After occupying Chattanooga, Union forces under William Rosecrans began an unwise pursuit of Bragg's retreating Confederate forces. Bragg was waiting for them just across the Georgia line, with reinforcements from Lee's army. The two armies engaged in the Battle of _________, one of the few battles in which the Confederates enjoyed a numerical superiority. Union forces could not break the Confederate lines and retreated back to Chattanooga.
Battle of Chattanooga
After the Battle of Chickamauga, Bragg began a siege of __________itself, seizing the heights nearby and cutting off fresh supplies to Union forces. Grant came to the rescue. In the Battle of _________, the reinforced Union army drove the Confederates back into Georgia. Northern troops then occupied most of the Eastern Tennessee River. Four of the eleven Confederate states were now effectively cut off from the Southern nation.
Battle of the Wilderness
Union: Grant
Confederacy: Lee
The Northern campaign began when the Army of the Potomac (115,000) plunged into the wooded wilderness area of northwestern Virginia in pursuit of Lee's 75,000-man army. After avoiding an engagement for several weeks, Lee turned Grant back in the Battle of the __________. But Grant was undeterred. Without stopping to rest or reorganize, he resumed his march toward Richmond.
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
Union: Grant
Confederacy: Lee
Grant met Lee again at the bloody, five-day battle of ____________________, in which 12,000 Union troops and a large but unknown number of Confederates died or were wounded. Despite the enormous losses, Grant kept moving.
Kennesaw Mountain
Union: Sherrman
Confederacy: Johnston
The two armies under Sherman and Johnston fought only one real battle -at __________________, northwest of Atlanta, where Johnston scored an impressive victory. Even so, he was unable to stop the Union advance toward Atlanta.
Battle of Nashville
Union: Sherman
Confederacy: Hood
Sherman sent Union troops to reinforce __________. In the Battle of ____________, Northern forces practically destroyed what was left of Hood's army.