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Contains water electrolytes and proteins, liquid portion of blood
Plasma minus clotting factors
Formed elements
RBC WBC and platelets
concentration of RBC in the blood, measures how well blood can carry oxygen
Centrifuged blood
Plasma 55%, Buffy coat (WBC and platelets), RBC 45%
Formation of blood cells, starts in bone marrow and regulated by hormones
bone marrow
Lymphatic tissues
Immature RBC
Abnormally high hematocrit
Artificial polycythemia
Due to blood doing, danger is thick blood which may cause strokes
Polycythemia Vera
Bone marrow problem that overproduces RBCs, solution is to donate blood
Lack of oxygen delivery through the blood
Anemia of chronic disease
Due to chronic inflammatory, infectious, and autoimmune diseases, defect in erythropoiesis
Aplastic anemia
Bone marrow fails to produce enough new blood cells and platelets
Folic acid deficiency anemia
Due to lack of fruits and vegetables, Chron’s, pregnant, alcohol abuse, and kidney disease
Hemolytic anemia
Accelerated destruction of RBC, produces increased serum levels of bilirubin, causes jaundice in tissues urine and feces
Hypoxic anemia
Low levels of oxygen in the tissues, sometimes due to thin air and high altitude
Iron-deficiency anemia
Most common type, sometimes due to menstruation, or GIB and cells look bright orange
Pernicious anemia
Due to deficiency of B12 or protein intrinsic factor that absorbs B12, causes immature RBC to rupture easily
Sickle-cell anemia
Hereditary condition that causes blockages in arterioles and capillaries due to malformation of the RBC, more fragile leading to hemolysis
Hereditary condition, deficient synthesis of protein chains required for hemoglobin molecule, may cause bone marrow hyperactivity, enlargement of the spleen, growth retardation, and bone deformities