enviro unit 9

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how scientists learn about past

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how scientists learn about past

tiny air bubbles trapped in ice cores that show high CO2 levels in troposphere

  • troposphere composition, temperature trends, greenhouse gas concentrations, solar/snowfall/forest fire activity

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relationship between CO2 and temperature

high CO2 = high temperature

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stratospheric ozone

  • good ozone

  • blocks and filters harmful UV radiation

  • forms through breakdown of O2 by UV rays. some of the free oxygen rebinds w/ oxygen gas, forming ozone.

  • UV rays break down the ozone - process repeats

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tropospheric ozone

  • bad ozone from smog

  • harmful to organisms

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3 types of UV rays

  • UV-A: low energy UV radiation

  • UV-B: shorter, higher energy wavelengths

  • UV-C: shortest, highest energy wavelengths

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chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

group of chemicals responsible for ozone depletion in the stratosphere

  • were used for cooling appliances but banned because one atom of the chlorine can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules.

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Montreal Protocol

commitment by 24 nations to reduce CFC production by 50% by the year 2000

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Copenhagen Amendment

signed by 180 countries, stopping CFC production

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what is ozone measured in

Dobson units

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ozone thinning

caused by CFCs and other ozone depleting chemicals (ODCs)

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increased UV radiation reaching Earth’s surface is harmful to…

  • human health

  • crop productions

  • forests

  • animals

  • plankton

  • materials

  • It does NOT lead to global warming!!

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squamous cell cancer

top layer of skin; spreads fast (metastasize)

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basal cell cancer

develops slowly; rarely metastasizes; curable if caught early and treated

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most deadly of the skin cancers; fast growing; metastasizes quickly

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global change

includes climate change and global warming; it is a change in the chemical, biological, and physical properties of the planet

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the rate of change for many global change issues and the causes can be traced back to…

human activities

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global climate change

changes in the average weather in an area over years/decades

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greenhouse effect

absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases and reradiation of the energy back toward the Earth

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runaway greenhouse effect

w/ addition of greenhouse gases, the normal process is exacerbated

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greenhouse gases (least to most concern)

  • water vapor H2O

  • carbon dioxide CO2

  • methane CH4

  • nitrous oxide N2O

  • CFCs

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greenhouse warming potential (GWP)

estimate of how much a molecule of any compound can contribute to global warming over a 100-yr period relative to 1 molecule of CO2

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natural sources of greenhouse gases

  • volcanic eruptions

  • decomposition and digestion

  • denitrification

  • evaporation and evapotranspiration

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anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gases

  • burning fossil fuels

  • agricultural practices

  • deforestation

  • landfill use

  • industrial production of new chemicals

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Evidence that Earth is warming

  • 20th century was hottest century in 1000 years

  • Since 1900, average temperature has been higher

  • Arctic temperature higher over the past 50 years

  • Glaciers melting/shrinking rapidly

  • Floating sea ice melting/shrinking rapidly

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three countries with highest greenhouse gas emissions

US, China, India

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global climate change leads to…

  • melting polar ice caps

  • rising sea levels

  • glaciers are melting and not re-freezing

  • exposed soil absorbs more heat, decreasing albedo

  • more freshwater, altering circulation

  • Europe colder temperatures

  • melting of permafrost

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climate change effect on coastal cities

more vulnerable to flooding, saltwater intrusion, erosion

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how do melting ice caps affect polar bears

they can’t hunt efficiently because they have to swim so far, rather than jumping from ice to ice

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  • world’s largest island

  • 80% covered by glaciers

  • holds 10% of the world’s freshwater

  • glacial melting and movement accelerating

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CO2 and ocean water

it is very soluble (mixes really well)

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warmer oceans…

  • increased acidity of surface waters by 30%

  • threatens corals/snails/phytoplankton/organisms with shells

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equation for ocean acidification

CO2 + H2O —> carbonic acid (H2CO3)

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as CO2 concentrations increase in the atmosphere, the ocean acts as a ____________ for absorbed CO2

sink (reservoir)

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when CO2 entered the ocean, it is converted into ________ when combined with water, lowering the pH of the water and causing _____________________

carbonic acid

ocean acidification

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importance of phytoplankton

they produce oxygen for the ocean and humans, and are the base of the food chain

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decrease in pH causes the calcium carbonate to dissolve, so species will not be able to grow large or will die, as in the case with _______________

coral bleaching

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Kyoto Protocol

1997 agreement that set a goal for global emissions of greenhouse gases from all industrialized countries to be reduced by 5.2% below their 1990 levels by 2012

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carbon sequestration

capturing carbon before it goes to the atmosphere and storing it

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Paris Climate Agreement

2015; established as a pledge to keep global warming less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels

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climate change is difficult because..

  • global

  • long-lasting

  • political

  • benefits not spread evenly

  • controversial solutions

  • humans are not “hard-wired” to respond

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carbon footprint

carbon generated directly or indirectly by a person/group. diet, non-food purchases, every little choice adds up

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what do invasive species tend to be

r-selected and generalists

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African Honeybees

intentionally introduced to California to generate more honey and help pollinate. They ended up killing native California honeybees

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Kudzu vines

brought intentionally to reduce erosion, but have overrun other plants

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Silver carp

Brought to the US as a food source from Asia; escaped into the Great Lakes/river systems, spreading to the Mississippi River

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best method to control invasives?


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6th mass extinction

driven by human activities

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endangered species

likely to go extinct in the near future

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other species categories

threatened, near-threatened, and least-concern

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which species face most threat of any other types of animals


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factors that determine whether a species may become endangered

  • reproductive rate

  • habitat preference

  • relationship to humans (food, etc)

  • success in competition

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main causes of declining biodiversity

  • Habitat destruction

  • Invasive species

  • Population growth (human)

  • Pollution

  • Climate change

  • Overexploitation/Overharvesting

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which letter in HIPPCO is the most impactful

H - habitat destruction

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HIPPCO is the main cause for…

premature extinction

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Purple Loosestrife

introduced to control erosion

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Burmese pythons

accidentally introduced to Florida; eating animals

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Passenger pigeon

at one point the most numerous bird on earth; it is now extinct

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capturing/killing plants and animals illegally

ex: rhinoceros, elephants

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single-species approach

focusing on one species, putting money into breeding programs and saving habitats where that species resides

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ecosystem approach

protects the entire habitat of that species. more liked by scientists because it benefits all species that live within that protected habitat

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Corridors (passageways)

allow a safe passage for animals from one protected habitat to another

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Lacey Act

prohibits interstate shipping of all illegally harvested plants/animals

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Marine Mammal Protection Act

prohibits the killing of all marine mammals in the US and the import/export of any marine mammal body part

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Endangered Species Act

designed to protect species from extinction

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CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)

controls the international trade of threatened plants/animals

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Pelican Island, Florida

first wildlife refuge in the US

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no-regrets strategy

any actions against climate disruption will lead to important benefits; only issue will be if we don’t do anything now

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