roundoff error
error from trying to represent a value that is too precise, which is then rounded
overflow error
error from trying to represent a number that is too big
lossless compression
reducing the number of bits without losing data
lossy compression
reducing the number of bits and losing some data (irreversible)
when you create anything, you automatically own a copyright to this creativity.
creative commons
copyright licenses that tell people how they are allowed to use your creativity
user interface
the inputs/outputs that allow a user to interact with a software
data sent to the computer that tells it what to do
data sent from a computer program to the device, such as audio or text
finding and fixing problems in a code
holds a program while working on it
holds a program when it’s put away
a string of characters/text
program statement
a command or instruction
a collection of program statements
sequential programming
when the program runs in order from top to bottom
event driven programming
the program runs when triggered by an event
global variables
permanent code that can be used anywhere
local variables
temporary code that can only be used where it was created (should be avoided)
open data
public available date
citizen science and crowdsourcing
collecting data from a crowd to analyze
big data
huge amounts of data
data about data
strings of strings/variables