Religion II Abraham and the Patriarch's

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who is Abram/Abraham

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who is Abram/Abraham

comes from line of Shem. father of multitude

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who is Sarai/ Sarah

Abraham's wife

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define Hagar

sarah's servant who she gave to Abraham to have a child.

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Abraham and Hagar's child

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who is Isaac

Abraham and Sarah's first and only son. God blessed Sarah to have him

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Lot is who

a righteous man who dad, Harah died. Was raised by Abraham. lived in sodom and gamorah

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Melchizedek is who

king. very righteous. meets abraham and blesses him

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what is Ur

land of Chaldea. where Abraham is from

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Chaldea is what

the land of Ur. where Abraham is from

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Haran (place) is what

where Abraham settled

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Shechem is what

? Jacob bought land here. the place his daughter, Dinah, was raped.

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Canaan is what

the land which the tribes of Israel conquered after an Exodus from Egypt and the Canaanites are the people they disposed from this land.

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what is circumcision

permanent mark of flesh. sign of covenant made with Abraham

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what is Sodom and Gomorah

sinned. Only righteous was Lot and family. Sim was homosexuality

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what is Moriah

Mountain where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac

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who is Eliezer of Damascus

Abraham's head slave

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who is Rebekah

dad was Bathuel. Issac loved her the most favorite son was Jacob not Esau

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who is Jacob/Israel

Rebekah and Isaac's son. Rebekah's favorite. tricked Issac in order to get blessing. he is in household

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Esau is who

Rebekah and Isaac's first son. he is a hunter. Isaac's favorite. tricked out of inheritance. always hated Jacob

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Laban is who

Rebekah's brother. made jacob work for seven years to marry Rachel (Leah) then another seven for Rachel

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who is Rachel

who Jacob really loved. worked 14 years for her. Had Joseph and Benjamin

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who is Leah

jacob married her thinking it was Rachel. had six sons

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who is Joseph

Rachel and Jacob's first son. hated by brothers so sold into slavery. became steward in Egypt. was very important in Egypt

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what is Patriarch

a male leader of family or tribe

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what are the three promises to Abraham and who will eventually fulfill them

-Great Nation (Moses fulfills) -Great name and kingship (David fulfills) -Blessing for all nations (Jesus fulfills)

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describe the covenant making ritual God did with Abraham

circumcision. premenant mark of flesh

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Know what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah and what happened to Lot's wife

God rained fire and stone. wife looked back and turned into salt

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what was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah

sodomy or homosexuality

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know what the Catechism says about homosexuality

treat like sons of God. it is wrong but to be kind

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Be able to describe the near-sacrifice of Isaac and the significance of the place

God provided a ram and stopped the sacrifice

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How is Isaac a type for Christ

-carries wood -only son of Abraham -willing sacrifice himself -Abraham had to give up his only son

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Know the two ways jacob supplants Esau

-took Esau's best clothes -killed animal and wore fur on his arms to be hairy

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Be able to describe Jacob's 2 dreams and their significance

  • God came to him and said be fruitful and multiply. he changed his name from Jacob to Israel there was a ladder resting on the earth and reaching up into heaven. And he saw angels of God going up and down the ladder. meaning connection between haven and earth

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Know the story of Joseph and its signifigance

-siblings were jealous, so sold into slavery, became high in Egypt. -God can take great evil into great good

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what does Abraham mean

father of many nations

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Isaac means what


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what does Esau mean


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what does Sarah mean


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what does Jacob mean

he who strives with God

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