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stochastic process
family of random variables x_t for every t in a set S {X(t) : t >= 0}
stochastic process example
Gaussian process (X_t) for t in [0,1], there are f_1, f_2, …, f_n functions on [0,1], Z_1, …, Z_n N(0, sigma²) X_t = sum from l = 1 to n : z_k f_l (t)
markov chain (X_n)
a stochastic process indexed by Z^+ (subset) and taking values in Z^+
markov property
P(X_n = j | X_n-1 = i_n-1, …, x_0 = i_0) = P(X_n = j | X_n-1 = i_n-1)
a markov chain has a stationary transition probability matrix iff
P(X_n = j | X_n-1 = 1) = f(i,j) (depends only on i and j) (result ony depends on steps!)
example of a markov chain with stationary transitions
(U_n) iid (upside down pi) X_0 (independent of initial state)
markov chain completely defined by
transition probability matrix P and initial distribution pi^(0)
P_ij =
P(x_1 = j | x_0 = i)
what is the initial distribution symbolically?
pi_vector ^ (0) = (pi_0, …, pi_N-1, …) and pi_j = P(x_0 = i) therefore, pi_vector^(n) = pi_vector^(0) P^n
Properties of Transition Prob. Matrix P
(i) using law of total probability, for any fixed i, the sum from j to num states P_ij = 1 (each row must add to 1) (ii) P_ij^(n) = PP(X_n = j | X_0 = i) (n-step probability matrix) = (P^n)_ij (iii) P is doubly stochastic iff each column adds to 1
Absorbing markov chains example matrix
( 1 0 0 0 ; P_10 … P_13; P_20 … P_23; 0 0 0 1)
time to absorption
T = min{ n : X_n in {0,3}} (T is the irst step (or time index n) when you enter one of the absorbant states (0, or 3)
probability of getting trapped in state 0 starting at state i/ (prob of getting absorbed first in 0 starting at i. (aborption probabilities U_i)
U_i = PP (X_T = 0 | X_0 = i) i in {1,2} (Transient States) we know that U_0 = 1, U_3 = 0 (absorbing states) (if it were PP (X_T = 3 | X_0 = i) then U_0 = 0 and U_3 = 1)
mean time to absorption (expected time to absorption)
t_ i = EE(T | X_0 = i) i in {1,2} (transient states), we know t_0 = t_3 = 0, where t_i = average number of steps (or time) it takes to reach an absorbing state (either 0 or 3 in this case) t_3 = 0 = t_0 because you are already trapped, so no time is needed
equations for U (prob gettting absorbed first in i) given example in form : prob getting absorbed first in 0.
in this case, u_1 = P_10u_0 + P_11u_1 + P_12u_2 + P_13u_3 but we know that u_3 = 0 and u_0 = 1 (if we are solving the prob of getting absorbed first in 0 and vice versa if prob of getting absorbed first in 3) DO NOT SWITCH UNLESS PROBLEM STATEMENT SWITCHES!!! U_2 = P_20+P_21u_1 + P_22u_2
equations for t_i:
t_1 = 1 + P_11t_1 + P_12t_2; t_2 = 1 + P_21t_1 + P_22t_2 (because general equation is t_i = 1 + P_i0t_0 + P_i2t_2 + P_04t_4 …… we also know that t_0 and t_3 = 0, so we are not including those terms.)
General Absorbing Chain
P = (Q R; 0 I) Note: when taking powers of this matrix, it looks the same. Q : r x r, 0 : (N - r + 1) x r I : (N - r + 1) x (N - r + 1)
Time to absorption for general absorbing markov chain
T = min{n : X_n in {r, …, N-1}} → we know that our abosrbing states are from r to N-1 in the general absorbing matrix chain.
u_ik for general absorbing markov chain (probability of 1st getting absorbed in k starting at i)
Note: two indicies. u_ik = PP(X_T = k | x_0 = i) where i in {0, …, r - 1} (transient states) and k in {r, … N - 1} (absorbing states). To find matrix of probabilities u: (I-Q)U = R0
limiting distribution
a chain (X_n) has a limiting distribution pi_vector = (pi_0, pi_1, …)N iff Lim n→ inf P_ij ^(n) = pi_j > 0 forall i, j. in terms of the markov chain (X_n): lim n→inf PP(X_n = j | X_0 = i) = pi_j > 0 forall j. This convergence means that in the long run, the probability of finding the Markov chain in state j is approx. pi_j no matter in which state the chain began at time 0. Definition in english: after the process has been in operation for a long duration, the prob of finding the process in state j is pi_j, irrespective of the starting state. AKA the distribution that the markov chain converges to as n → inf.
limiting distribution example:`
P = ( 1-a a ; b 1-b) where limiting dist: pi = (b/(a+b), a/(a+b)). when you take powers of P, each row matches as you approach infinity. The limiting probs are: b/(a+b) and a/(a+b)
stationary distribution:
pi_vector is a stationary distribution of (X_n) iff pi_vector * P = pi_vector forall pi_j >= 0, the sum of the pi_j = 1
T/F a limiting dist is a stationary dist
why is it called a “stationary” distribution?
long-run behaviour of a markov chain, left eigenvector of P corresponding to eigenvalue 1.
(P²)_ij =
compute the distribution of X_n in terms of P and distribution of X_0
pi_vector^(n) = (PP(X_n = 0). PP(X_n = 1), PP(X_n=2), …)
uniform initial distribution
pi_vector^(0) = (1/n, …,1/n)
if i communicates with j
then i is recurrent iff j is recurrent
example for: if there is a limiting distribution, we find it by solving eigenvector problems, but the converse is not true (eg a stationary distribution does not imply that a limiting distribution exists)
The existence of a stationary distribution does not automatically guarantee that the chain’s distribution converges to it as time goes to infinity (aka that a limiting distribution exists) Example: P = (0 1; 1 0) 1} findig the probability vector (pi_1 pi_2) st pi = pi P and pi_1 + pi_2 = 1. pi_1 = 0 pi_ 1 + 1 pi_2 and for state 2: pi_2 = 1 pi_1 + 0 pi_2 so we get pi_1 = pi_2 = ½ so, the stationary distribution is (1/2, 1/2). But, the limiting distribution does not exist. The chain is periodic with period two, if you start in state 1 at n = 0 you are in state 1 w.p. 1 so the dist is (1,0) and then at n = 2 you move to state 2 w.p. 1, so the dist is (0,1) and so on, continuing to oscillate between the two stwo probabilities, never settling to the stationary distribution (1/2, 1/2)
T/F We can always solve pi = pi P to get a stationary distribution
Regular Markov Chain
w/ finitely many states (X_n) with states {0, … N-1} x is regular iff there is a time n s.t. P_ij ^ (n) > 0 forall i, j
Example of regular markov chain
(0.9, 0.1; 0.2, 0.8) Is regular because all entries are positive, meaning that in one step there is a nonzero chance of transitioning from any state to any other state. Irreducible: you can get from any state to any other state (Either directly or over several steps) Aperiodic: There is no fixed cycle; for example, because each state has a positive probability of remaining the same (self-transitioning), the chain does NOT force you into a cyclic pattern.
T/F If (X_n) is regular,then it has a limiting distribution with all pi_i > 0
T/F If (X_n) has a limiting distribution with all pi_i > 0 then it is regular
Does every doubly stochastic matrix have a limiting distribution?
no (for example (0, 1; 1, 0)) but yes if it is ALSO regular
the states i and j communicate iff i → j & j → i at some finite (X_n) is irreducible iff there is only one equivalence class i e every two states communicate
example of non irreducibility (a reducible chain)
P = (1/3 2/3 0; 2/3 1/3 0; 0 0 1) {0,1) , {2} bc 2 does not communicate with the other states
example of irreducibility
P = (1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 0)
Define period d(i) of state i = gcd (greatest common divisor) {n: P^(n)_ii > 0}. A chain is aperiodic iff d(i) = 1 forall 1 (each state has a period of 1)
example of periodicity
suppose PP(X_1 = i | X_0 = i) > 0, P^(2)ii = sum P_ijP_ji >= P²_ii > 0 so d(i) = 1. In english, the probability of getting from state i to i is greater than zero, so the trans prob matrix to the second power = sum of the two intermediate transition probability matrices which is the trans prob matrix squared is also greater than zero. Therefore the period = 1 for all i
A chain is aperiodic if
you have trans. prob. matrix with only positive matrix or a markov chain with diagonal positive entries
Returning times to initial state (NOT TIME TO ABSORPTION)
T_i = min{n : X_n = i}, returning time: PP(T < inf | X_0 = i) in english: the probability of returning to i within a finite time
when is i recurrent?
iff sum from n = 1 to inf P^(n)_ii = inf or f_ii = 1 given f_ii = prob the chain returns to i in a finite time
when is i transient?
iff sum from n = 1 to inf P^(n)_ii < inf or f_ii < 1 given f_ii = prob the chain returns to i in a finite time
if (X_n) has finitely many states, it is aperiodic and irreducible then,
it is regular and recurrent
example (X_n) is regular and aperiodic
then it is recurrent
give an example of a non recurrent P
(1/3 2/3 0; 2/3 1/3 1/3; 0 0 1) → not recurrent bc you can get suck in state 2 if you go from state 1 to 2. For a state to be recurrent, starting from that state, you must return to it with prob. 1. In this case, if you start in state 0 or 1 theres a nonzero chance you’ll be eventually absorbed into state 2 and never return to starting state. Therefore 0 and 1 are transient and NOT recurrent)
example: regular because recurrent and positive
(1/3 2/3 0; 2/3 1/3 0; 0 0 1) → regular bc all entries positive and recurrent (recurrent because 0 and 1 form a closed communicating class {0,1} and cannot get to 2, in 2 it is absorbing but because you cannot get to it from the other states. If you start in state 2 you’re returning to state 2 in every step. This is not to be confused with irreducibility as irreducibility means that EVERY state can be reached from EVERY OTHER state.)
Limit Theorem
If (X_n) is aperiodic, irreducible, and recurrent then, where m_i is the mean waiting time Lim n→ inf P^(n)_ji = 1/m_i forall j i but 1/m_i does not depend on j m_i = PP(T_i^(n+1) - T_i^(n) | x_0 = i)
T/F i is positive recurrent iff lim n→inf P_ji^(n) > 0
equivalence class properties: assume i ←> j ie j E [i]
(i) d(i) = d(j) (ii) i recurrent → j recurrent (iii) j aperiodic, recurrent, positive recurrent → j also (iv) if i is aperiodic and recurrent then the restriction of p to the states in [i] is an aperiodic recurrent and irreducible trans. prob. matrix. i e (x_vector_i) to state in [i]