Made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, they store energy for short periods of time
Made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, they store energy for long periods of time, and they provide insulation
Composed of amino acids, they are structurally and functionally diverse. Their functions include:
-Energy Storage
Nucleic Acids
Contain hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus, they pass genetic data from one generation to the next.
Any of the minerals that people require daily in amounts over 100 mg
Trace Elements
Any of the minerals that people require daily in amounts under 100 mg
A substance that provides nutrients to help crops grow better
Responsible for plant color and growth
Responsible for producing flowers and fruits
Responsible for encouraging root growth
A chemical intended to kill insects and other organisms that damage crops.
Substance that kills insects
Substance used to destroy plants, especially weeds
Substance that kills fungi or inhibits their growth
A powerful insecticide that is also poisonous to humans and animals. It was banned after it was found out it caused eagle eggshells to turn soft, thus leading to a decline in the eagle population
An increased concentration of a chemical within an organism over time
A substance that increases the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. It has less than 7 pH, causes irritation and tastes sour
A compound that produces hydroxide ions in solution. It has more than 7 pH, causes irritation, tastes bitter, and is slippery
Acid Precipitation (Acid Rain)
Conversion of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides to acids that return to Earth as rain, snow, or fog
The technique of adding calcium carbonate to natural water bodies to neutralize them
Catalytic Converter
A device in a motor vehicle that reduces the amount of pollutants in emissions
A device that removes pollutants or changes them chemically before they leave factory smokestacks
A substance that absorbs oxides
Mass(mol) over Volume(L)
ppm (parts per million)
Mass(mg) over Volume(L)
Acute Toxins
Are immediately toxic and associated with high mortality
Chronic Toxins
Cause damage after repeated or long duration exposure
The amount of a chemical that kills 50% of the animals in a test population
Animal Testing
The use of non-human animals for experimental purposes, most commonly rats
Chemical Monitoring
Tracking the quality of air, water, and soil, and checking for the presence of pollutants
Biological Monitoring
Tracking changes in the populations of organisms
Physical Monitoring
Tracking changes in the landscape over time
Environmental Monitoring
Tracking changes in temperature, climate and weather
Non-persistant pollutant
Environment will naturally get rid of the pollutant
Persistant pollutant
Environment cannot naturally remove the pollutant
Point-source pollutant
There is an identifiable source of the pollution
Non-point-source pollutant
The major contributor of the pollution is unclear
A process in which nutrients, such as nitrates or phosphates, become plentiful in a body of water. This results in increased growth of organisms such as algae and bacteria. The algae and bacteria over consume the oxygen that is dissolved in the water, leading to a body of water that does not support life
Biological Indicators/ Indicator Species
Organisms that are more sensitive environmental change than others. They can provide indications about the overall health of an ecosystem or about one specific aspect of the ecosystem
Threats to Biodiversity
Habitat destruction
Introduced species
Disruption to interaction networks
Disruption to substrates ( A surface on which another organism lives)
Endemic Species
A species that is only found in a particular area
Endangered Species
A species at risk of becoming extinct
Threatened Species
A species at risk of becoming endangered
Extirpated Species
Species that have disappeared in a specific area
Special Concerned
Species that are not threatened yet, but have some indication they may become threatened
Mass Extinction
An event that causes a widespread decline in biodiversity on Earth
Habitat destruction
Introduction of exotic species
Population explosion
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)
Chemicals that were once used in aerosol cans, coolant systems, and styrofoam. It was banned in 1989 because it caused a breakdown in the ozone layer
Sewage treatment
Primary phase
Secondary phase
Tertiary phase
Primary phase
Physically removes solids with grates and grit chambers
Secondary phase
Allows bacteria to decompose organic matter using aeration tanks and sludge setting tanks
Tertiary Phase
Disinfects the sewage and returns the water to the watershed using chlorine or UV light
Sanitary landfill
In a sanitary landfill, trash is crushed and covered with a layer of soil to prevent smell, scavengers, sanitary and the spread of disease, and wind from blowing the garbage around
Secure landfill
A secure landfill is a landfill with a lined bottom to catch any leachate.
Never Punch Kris (NPK)
Elements in fertilizer: