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Non-intercourse act
replaced the Embargo act
Macon’s Bill #2
opened trade to everywhere & gave Madison the power to suspend trade with France or Britain if they didn’t agree to stop posing taxes and messing with US ships. Said that France or Britain needed to stop attacking the US and if one did, they could have an alliance, but if one didn’t, they would become an enemy.
British impress/kidnap American sailors
Why were the British impressing US ships?
The war with France & England was short of men & supplies. Their solution was to seize any US ships going to France in order to take the ships cargo and recapture English deserters
Battle of Tippecanoe
William Henry Harrison tried to make peace with the natives but ended up fighting them. The Natives attacked the US and lost; first battle of the War of 1812
Who was Tecumseh?
leader of the Natives during Madison’s presidency who tried to reunite the Natives & prevent the US from invading their lands
War Hawks
new generation fo American poltiicians led by Clay and Calhoun who argued for the invasion of Canada & Florida and advocated for war with England
War of 1812 causes:
Britain violated US neutrality (Britain violated US neutrality (seizing US ships, goods, & sailors/impressment) French accepts terms of Macon’s Bill #2, Britain armed Natives & encouraged attacks on US Western settlers (scalps), the US's agreement with France causes them to stop attacking US ships. England retaliates by blockading US coasts, & territory - protect our land so we need to expand (Canada/England & Florida/Spain)
War at Sea
the British blockaded the US coast to stop the US ships from trading with France. Our navy resisted.
USS Constitution vs HMS Guerriere
The British firred on the Constitution but the cannon balls bounced off, earning it the nickname “Old Ironsides” The Guerriere was eventually disabled & surrendered
nickname for the USS Constitution
Old Ironsides
Battle of Lake Erie
English & American forces battle for control of the Great Lakes
What battle is OH Perry known for?
Battle of Put-in-Bay
What happened during the Battle of Put-in-Bay?
Commander O.H. Perry led the US fleet against the British; Perry used heavy artillery to weaken the British ships & suffered 80% casualties. Brtiish Commander was wounded in battle. Perry won the day despite having to switch ships.
Burning of the Capital
After burning York, Canada’s capital, the British wanted to retaliate. The British troops attacked Washington, DC (Bladensburg Races). He told them to destroy everything in their path. They set fire to: The library of Congress, Capitol building, Treasury building, & the Executive mansion
What did Dolley Madison do?
saved the portrait of Washington when the British were burning down DC
What stopped the burning of the capitol?
rogue hurricane put out the fires
Battle for Baltimore
After burning down DC, the British moved on to Baltimore. However, they had to go through Fort McHenry first. At the Battle of North Point, the US forces halted the British advance. Major Armistead held Fort McHenry against the Roayl Navy’s bombardment.
What happened at the Battle of North Point?
US forces halted the Brtish advance on Baltimore
What battle did Francis Scott Key write the star-spangeled banner on?
Battle for Baltimore
Hartford Convention
Federalists meet in New England, trying to take advantage of the political instablity of Jefferson in order to take back the government. Proposed amendments to give New England more power (Judiciary Act of 1801 failed). Democratic-republicans took this Convention & made it seem as though the Federalists were British loyalists, ultimately leading to the downfall of the Federalist party. There were even talks of succession & the Federalists plotted to make Aaron Burr the President of the “new” federal government.
Treaty of Ghent
Ended the War of 1812
Restore US & English relations before the war started
Status Quo Antebellum
British promised to return impressed sailors & captured slaves
US promised to respect Native territory
“Draw” - no real winner of the war
Status Quo Antebellum
restore US & English relations before the war
Who won the War of 1812?
no one - it was a tire
Why did the Battle of New Orleans happen after the Treaty of Ghent?
word didn’t reach the US for a month
Battle of New Orleans
British forces attacked Andrew Jackson’s US forcees defending New Orleans. The americans were able to defend their position & inflict heavy casualties on the British; Brtish retreated The battle was insignificant because the war was technically over.
Why was the Battle of New Orleans significant?
led to a huge increase of Nationalism
Was the invasion of Canada successful?
What did the Hartford Convention Result in?
the decline of Federalism