Biology: population size and conservation

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what is happening during the lag phase?

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what is happening during the lag phase?

only a few individuals are present and they are still adjusting to their environment, rate of reproduction is low and growth of population size is low

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what is happening during the log phase?

resources are plentiful and conditions are good, rate of reproduction is quick, growth of population size is rapid

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what is happening during the stationary phase?

the population has reached its carrying capacity, reproduction rate and mortality are equal, the population size is stable and may fluctuate slightly

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what are the 2 types of limiting factors?

density independent and density dependent

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what are density independent limiting factors?

limiting factors that act just as strongly, irrespective of the population size e.g., temperature

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what are density dependent factors?

limiting factors that influence populations more if population sizes increase e.g., food and water avaliability

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what are K Strategists?

species whose population size is determined by carrying capacity, limiting factors exert a more significant effect as the population size gets closer to carrying capacity

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what are some examples of K Strategists?

birds, large mammals, humans

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what are the characteristics of K Strategists?

low reproduction rate, slow development, late reproductive age, long lifespan, large body mass

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what are r Strategists?

species whose population size increases so rapidly that it can exceed carrying capacity before the limiting factors have an effect, after reaching it there are insufficient resources and perhaps and excessive build up of waste

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what are some examples of r Strategists?

mice, insects, spiders, weeds

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what are the characteristics of r Strategists?

high reproduction rate, quick development, early reproductive age, short lifespan, small body mass

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what is conservation?

the protection and management of an ecosystem involving human involvement

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what does conservation involve?

maintaining genetic diversity and the maintenance of habitats

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what are the 2 types of conservation?

in-situ and ex-situ

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what is preservation?

the protection of ecosystems so they are kept exactly as they are, nothing is removed and visitation is limited

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what are some examples of preservation?

marine conservation zones, nature reserves

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what are 3 economic reasons for conservation?

provide resources that humans need (food or medicine), trade of resources provides income and it protects our future food supply

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what are 3 social reasons for conservation?

aesthetically pleasing to people, maintaining it for future generations to see and beautiful landscapes enrich human life

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what are 3 ethical reason for conservation?

organisms have the right to survive, morally right and prevents extinction of species

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what are 3 ecological reasons for conservation?

prevents the disruption of food chains, prevents climate change and protects keystone species

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