A state is the largest political unit, the formal term for a country. To be defined as a state, a country must have a defined boundary, contain a permanent population, maintain sovereignty, and be recongnized by other states. Soverignty is the power of a political unit or government to rule over its own affairs. In order for a political unit to have legitimacy over it;s domestic and international affirs it must maintain sovereignty over its own land. In the modern world a state must have defined borders that have been legally established. No political unit can exist to claim soveringty withouta permanent population within its borders.
A nation is a group of people who have certain things in common such as a common cultural heritage, a set of beliefs and values that unify them, a traditional claim to a particular space as their homeland, and a desire to establish their own state or express self-rule in another way. A nation of people who fufill the qualifications to become a state is a nation state. A multinational state is a country that contains more than one nation. An autonomous region is a defined area within a state that has a high degree of self government and freedom from its parent state. A semiautonoumous region is a state that has a degree of but not complete self rule. A stateless nation is a culturalgroup that has no independent political entity. A multistate nation occurs when a nation has a state of its own but stretches across borders of other states.
Nationalism is a nation's desire to create and maintain a state of it’s own. Nationalism commonly unifies people so it is considered a centripetal force. Some common centripital force examples are shared religion, external threats, and coomon language. The counter of a centripital force is a centrifugal force. Which is a force that tends to divide people. Imperialism is a broader concept that includes a variety of eays of influencing another country or group of people by direct conquest, economic controlm or cultural dominance. Colonialism is a particular type of imperialism which people move into and style on the land of another country.
Satellite states are states dominated by another politically and economically. The process in which one or more regions are given increased autonomy by the central political unit is known as devolution.
Geopolitics is the study of the effects of geography on politics. The willingness by a person to defend a space they claim or territoriality is a key concept in geopolitics. Territoriality has many connections to culture such as religious conflicts. Territoriality also has ties to economic issues resulting in economic conflicts.
Neocolniasm is the indirest control of economic, political, and cultural powers over developing countries. A choke point is a place of physical congestion between wider regions ofmovement and interaction, Landbased choke points can be natural valleys or bridges. However most vital choke points in the world todayare predominantly water based, such as straits or canals.
Physical geographic boundaries are natural barriers between areas such as oceans desertsand mountains. However cultural noundries divide people according to cultural division.
Types of boundaries
Antecedent: boundty established before a large population was present
Subsequent: boundary drawn to accommodate religious, ethnic,linguistic or economic differences.
Superimposed: a boundary drawn by outside powers
Relic: a boundary that no longer exists but is still evident on the landscape
Geometric: a straight line or arc drawn by people that does not closely follow any physical feature
Consequent: a type of subsquewnt boundary that takes into account existing cultural or physical landscapes.
An open boundary is an unguarded boundary that people can cross easily with no political intervention. Vice versa, a militarized boundry is a heavil guarded boundary that heavily discourages crossing.
Formation of boundaries
Defined boundaries are boundaries established by a legal document, such as a treaty, that divides one entity from another.
Delimited boundaries are drawn on a map by a cartographer to show the limits of space.
Demarted boundaries are identified by physical objects placed on the landscape. It can be as simple as fences and walls
Boundry disputes
Definitional boundary dispute: The countries argue about how to interpret the legal documents or maps that Identify the boundry.
Locational: arguing about where the boundary is located
Operational: how the boundary should be run
Allocational: arguing over the natural resources the boundary covers.
Boundaries that have checkpoints where a passport or visa are required to enter a country are called a controlled boundary.
Exclaves are territories that are part of a state yet geographically are separated by the mainstate by one or more countries. Ex: alaska
Political enclaves are states, territories, or parts of a state that are completely surrounded by the territory of another state.
A shatterbelt is a place located between two different and contentious regions.
Electoral geography is the use of spatial thinking techniques and tools to analyze elections and voting patterns. Internal boundaries that divide a country’s electorate into subnational regions are called voting districtsl From census information, the US uses info to reapportion the amount of representatives per state and redraw state lines to contain a similar number of people known as redistricting. Gerrymandering is the redrawing of boundaries in favor of a certain political party in order to boost votes.