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plasma membrane
a lipid bilayer that surround the cell
cell wall
a rigid meshwork of fibers that completely surrounds the cell
usually the most conspicuous organelle in the eukaryotic cell
double membrane-bound organelle that is semi-autonomous
not strictly an organelle because these structures are not membrane-bound
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
a series of flattened sacs that is contiguous with the nuclear membrane
golgi apparatus (GA)
a group of flattened sacs that is not contiguous with the nuclear membrane
large central vacuole
a large centrally located compartment
a green-colored, disk-shaped organelle that is the site of photosynthesis
a complex network of protein filaments that have the capacity to expand and contract
mediates the transport of substances into and out of the cell
what is the plasma membrane’s function?
structural, providing a constraint against which internal water pressure is exerted in the generation of turgor
what is the cell wall’s function?
directs the synthesis of proteins and contains nearly all of the cell’s genetic material
what is the nucleus’ function?
the site of cellular respiration
what is the mitochondrion’s function?
the structures that interface tRNA, mRNA, and amino acids in the process of protein synthesis
what is the ribosomes’ function?
the site of lipid synthesis
what is the ER’s function?
the site where proteins received from the ER are further modified and subsequently packaged for secretion or shipped to other places in the cell.
what is the golgi apparatus’s function?
serves as a storage site for a variety of different substances
what is the large central vacuole’s function?
Photosynthesis and temporary starch storage
what is the chloroplasts function?
functions in moving vesicles (small packages of materials that originate in the ER, GA, or from outside the cell) to particular sites in the cell
what is the cytoskeleton’s function?
leaf margin
the outer edge of a leaf
a zone of reinforced tissue along the center of the leaf
intercellular spaces
numerous long, dark lines running parallel to the long axis of the leaf
cytoplasmic streaming or cyclosis
when chloroplasts are moving aroung the periphery of the cell
facilitates the transport of materials within the cell and between the cell and its environment
non-pigmented organelles that typically have storage and/or metabolic functions
amyloplasts, proteinoplasts, and elaioplasts
the three types of leucoplasts
function in the biosynthesis and storage of starch
proteinoplasts and elaioplasts
function in the biosynthesis and storage of proteins and lipids respectively
starch grains
clear irregularly shaped particles located within an amyloplast
open areas where the protoplasts of cells are located
middle lamellae
partition between the cell walls of adjacent plant cells
perpendicular to the middle lamellae and stretching from the protoplast of one cell to that of an adjacent cell. Intercellular connections through which rapid exchange between adjacent cells
dermal, ground, and vascular tissue
three tissue systems present in plants
epidermis, guard cells, subsidiary cells, and trichomes
cell and tissue types in the dermal tissues
protection, regulation of gas exchange
what are the dermal cell’s functions?
chlorenchyma, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma
cell and tissue types in the ground cell
photosynthesis, growth, secretion, support, and storage
what are the ground cells functions?
xylem, phloem, and companion cells
cell and tissue types in the vascular cells
conduction of water, minerals, and food
what are the functions of the vascular cells?
conducts water and dissolved minerals
conducts carbohydrates
vascular bundle
the xylem, phloem, and associated cells are typically clustered together into a mass known as
stem common in dicots
a type of stem eustele common in monocots
leaves that are thin with high surface to volume ratio
the photosynthetic tissue of the leaf
cutin, cuticle
exterior leaf surfaces are coated with wax ____ that forms a continuous waxy layer known as the ____
protosteles or siphonosteles
roots commonly have vascular tissues organized as
root ___ often has evidence of storage products such as starch
Protection from mechanical insult, desiccation (drying), invasion by pathogens
what is the epidermal cell’s function?
Regulate gas exchange
what is the guard cell’s function?
assist guard cell functions
what is the subsidiary cell’s functions?
opening through which gas exchange occurs
guard cells
the cell that flanks either side os the stoma
When stoma are open, gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse down their concentration gradients, e. g., typically into and out of the leaf, respectively. During this exchange, water is lost from the moist internal tissues of the leaf in a process called _____
hair-like structures that are extensions of the epidermal layer
sources, sinks
subsidiary cells assist guard cell function by serving as ___ and ___ of ions that can be readily exchanged with the guard cell.
parenchyma structure
uniformly thin cell wall
parenchyma function
Regeneration and wound healing. New growth. Functions in photosynthesis (chlorenchyma). Functions in storage
parenchyma tissue/cell type
Occurs as continuous masses of cells in the cortex and pith of stems and roots, mesophyll of leaves, and flesh of fruit. These cells are living at maturity and have a primary cell wall only
collenchyma structure
have unevenly thickened primary cell walls
collenchyma function
support of young, growing tissues
collenchyma tissue/cell type
Living cells that exist as cylinders or strands in stems, petioles (leaf stalks), or midribs of leaves.
sclerenchyma structure
Have both primary and secondary cell walls, with the secondary walls being very thick
sclerenchyma function
support of mature tissues (no longer capable of growth)
sclerenchyma tissue/cell type
May be distributed in the plant body as masses, small groups of cells, or individual cells. Two types of sclerenchyma: fibers and sclerids.
xylem structure
Tracheids - slender cells with pits in the lateral walls; Vessels - shorter, wider cells with lateral pits as well as terminal perforations (large holes)
xylem function
conduction (unidirectional) of water and dissolved minerals
xylem tissue/cell type
Xylem is non-living at maturity. Two types of xylem: tracheids and vessels
phloem structure
Sieve Cells - have pores that are uniform in size and located on all walls (but preferentially clustered at the ends of the cell). Sieve Tube Members - in addition to the pores mentioned above, have sieve plates with larger pores at their ends.
phloem function
bidirectional transport of carbohydrate
phloem tissue/cell type
Phloem is living at maturity but greatly reduced in terms of organelles. Two types of phloem: sieve cells and sieve tube members.
vascular bundles
the ___ exist at the periphery of the pith, and are well separated from each other and organized in a ring that surrounds the pith
interfascicular region
the area between the vascular bundles
protoxylem and metaxylem
two types of xylem that are derived from the procambium
vascular cambium
external to the metazylem, and is a meristematic layer of cells
fascicular cambium
the vascular cambium within the vascular bundle
interfascicular cambium
the part of the vascular cambium that lies between the vascualr bundles
primary phloem fibers
heavy-walled, red-staining cells that form an external “cap” on each vascular bundle
the cells immediately beneath the epidermis
collenchyma cells
the outer most areas of the cortex are occupied by masses of collenchyma tissue is composed of
photosynthetic parenchyma cells
perivascular fibers
inside the cortex with heavy-walled cells that form a continuous ring around the vascular system
sieve-tube elements, companion cells, and parenchyma cells
phloem tissue consists of three cell-types
p-protein or slime
sieve-tube elements can be filled with a dark substance known as
sieve plate
partition between adjacent cells near the end-wall of the sieve-tube element
companion cells
sieve-tube elements are closely associated with smaller sometimes darker cells called
vessel elements
xylem can be composed largely of
roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures
the plant organs are
root system
plant system typically below ground
shoot system
usually above ground organs such as stems, leaves, and reproductive system
vegetative system
roots, stems, and leaves
reproductive system
flowers, cones or other reproductive structures depending on the type of plant
anchorage, absorption, storage, and production of hormones
roots function
transport, support and orientation of leaves and reproductive structures
stems function
photosynthesis, and limited storage
leaves function
production of gametes or spores
reproductive organs function
the outermost aspect of the cortex
casparian strips
the walls of the endodermal cells are thick and decidedly red-staining due to the presence of