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Ap Bio Unit 2: Cells

  • Cytology- the study of cells

    • Cell Theory

      • All living things are made of cells

      • Cell is the basic unit of life

      • All cells come from pre-existing cells

  • Cytology Techniques

    • Light Microscopy- up to 1000x magnification

    • Electron microscopy- up to 10,000,000x magnification

    • Cell fractionation0 isolate different components of cells for a detailed study

  • Types of Cells

Prokaryotic- Simpler, smaller cells that are more abundant



Eukaryotic- Lots of membrane-bound organelles

BOTH multicellular and Unicellular

Unicellular: protists, yeast

Multicellular: plant, animal, mushrooms+

No nucleus

No membrane-bound organelles

Can have: Cell wall, plasma membrane, capsule, Nuceloid (circular DNA), ribosomes, cytoplasm, plasmid, pili, flagella

ALL: Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucelus, smooth/rough ER, ribosomes, cytoskeleton, golgi body, plasma membrane mitochondria, vesicles

Plant ONLY: cell wall, vacuole, chloroplast

Animal ONLY: centrioles, lysosomes, extracellular matrix (ECM), can have flagella

Prokaryotic CellAnimal Cell<br /><br /><br />Plant Cell
  • The Utility of Membrane-Bound Organelles


-Site of DNA storage and replication—relays info to ribosomes

-Nuclear Envelope- Double membrane surrounds the nucelus with protein pore channels


-Region of the nucelus where ribosomal RNA genes are concentrated


-Site of protein synthesis using RNA transcript of a gene

-Complex of RNA + proteins with 2 subunits (large + small)

Types of Ribosomes: based on PROTEINS made

  • Free- floating in the cytoplasm → make proteins that STAY in cytoplasm

  • Bound- attached to the rough ER → make proteins that go into membranes + exported from cell

Endoplasmic Reticulum- netwoek of membrane channels attached to a nucelar membrane

Rough ER:

  • targeted protein synthesis, compartimentalizes the cell, structural support

  • Bound with ribosomes, closest to nucelus

Smooth ER:

  • Synthesizes LIPIDS, detoxification, breaking down glucogen

  • No ribosomes attached, farther from nucelus


-Small compartment surrounded by membrane

Many functions:

Golgi Apparatus

-Modifies, sorts, + packages proteins & lipids for delivery “UPS of the cell”

-Series of flattened, membrane-bound sacs

Plasma Membrane

-Controls movement of materials in/out the cell + communication between cell/environment

-Phospholipids bilayer with embedded proteins

Membrane-protein functions:

  • Transport

  • Enzymatic activity

  • Signal transduction- recieve chemical messages from environment and relay to cellCe

  • Cell-cell recognition- glycoproteins serve as identification

  • Attachment to cytoskeleton/extracellular matrix (ECM), intercellular joining


-Converts glucose to ATP energy through aerobic

cellular respiration, in charge of apoptosis (programmed cell death)


  • Double membrane w/ highly folded inner membrane (cristae)

  • Matrix- fluid filled inner cavity contains DNA, free ribosomes, enzymes

*Reproduce independently of the cell


-Photosynthesis: building (anabolism) of sugar from ATP, CO2 and light with O2 byproduct


  • Double membrane

  • Stroma: liquid inside inner membrane w/ DNA, robosomes, enzymes

  • Thylakoid sacs: membrane sacs where ATP is made—stacked into grana


-Digestion of waste materials, damaged cell parts, large molecules, sometimes apoptosis

-Sac full of digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes

Lysosomal Storage diseases:

-Lysosome picks up molecules but cnanot digest → grow larger until it disrupts cell/organ function

-Often fatal


-Digestive sac that breaks down fatty acids

-Detoxifies poisons like alcohol

-Produces peroxide (H2O2)



  • Food vacuoles- contain undigested food fused with lysosomes

  • Central Vacuole- Found in plants for storage of water/pigments/defensive compounds

  • , stockpiling proteins/inorganic ions, depositing metabolic byproducts

  • Contractile vacuoles- Found in freshwater protists pump out excess water

-Membraneous sac full of storage materials



  • Structural support/maintaining cell shape

  • Anchorage of organelles

  • Regulation of cell/organelle motlity

  • Movement of chromosomes during cell division

-Network of structural proteins extending throughout the cytoplasm assembled from protein subunits

  • Microtubes- connected to vescicles

  • Microfilaments-

  • Intermediate Filaments- cell motility (movement)

Cilia + Flagella:

-Motility (movement) related extension of cytoskeletal proteins


-Microtube-oganizing center ONLY in animal cells

Cell Wall

-Provide structural support

-Cross-linked netwoek of structural polysaccharides

  • Cellulose-plant cells

  • Chitlin- fungi

  • Peptidoglycan- Bacteria

Extracellular Matrix (ECM)

-Cell anchorage/cell communication ONLY in animal cells

-Network of connective proteins and proteoglycan molecules outside the cell membrane

Intercellular Junctions*

-Proteins that connect cells to other cells

Open Junctions: ALLOW communication and exchange of materials

  • Gap Junctions- channels between adjacent ANIMAL cells

  • Plasmodesmata- channels connecting adjacent PLANT cells

Closed Junctions: PREVENT movement of substances between cells

  • Desmosomes: Cellular rivets that anchor cells to provide structural support in tissues

  • Tight Junctions: Cell-cell connections that make a waterproof seal to prevent passage of materials

  • The Endomembrane System- how eukaryotic cells send proteins from ribosomes → destinations

    • Organelles involved: Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucelus, Golgi apparatus, Vesicle

  • Ex. Pathway of processing/Packaging a secretory protein: Secretory vesicles → rough ER → Golgi body → Membrane

Endosymbiotic Theory- Explains the origins of eukaryotes

  • Chloroplasts & Mitochondria arose from endosymbiosis

    • Membrane-bound organelles evolved from once free-living prokaryotes (aerobic bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria) engulfed by a host cell w(ancestor of eukaryotic cells)A

    • Evidence:

      • Both have their own DNA, DOUBLE membrane, ribosomes, enzymes

      • Both divide independently


  • Refers to way eukaryotic cells are divided into membrane-bound organelles with specialized functions

  • Purpose: More efficient movement of nutrients/materials through cell through increasing surface area + increased metabolic efficiency

    • Cells are small to maintain a LARGER/HIGHER surface area : volume ratio

    • Compartimentalization helps bigger cells like eukaryotes to get nutrients to the center more efficiently

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2.1 Subcellular Components

  • ALL living cells contain a genomse and ribosomes—reflect the common ancestry of all life

    • Ribosomes synthesize protein acording to the mRNA sequence and the instructions are encoded in that mRNA sequence originate from the genome of the cell—free floating not membrane-bound

      • Consists of TWO subunits not membrane enclosed

      • Made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins

    • Endoplastic Reticulum- network of membrane tubes withn the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

      • Rough ER

        • Ribosomes attached to membrane

        • Compartimentalizes cell b/c associated with packaging the newly synthesized proteins made by attached ribosomes for possible export from cell

      • Smooth ER

        • No ribosomes attached

        • Detoxification and lipid synthesis

    • Golgi Apparatus

      • Series of flattened membrane-bound sacs in eukaryotes

      • Correct folding + chemical modification of newly synthesized proteins and packaging for protein trafficking

    • Mitochondria

      • Double membrane—outer and inner

      • Outer is smooth—inner is highly convoluted forming folds called cristae

      • Functions in production of ATP energy

    • Lysosome

      • Membrane-enclosed sacs found in some eukaryotic cells with hydrolytic enzymes

      • Used to digest a variety of materials like damaged cells or macromolecules

    • Vacuoles

      • Membrane-bound sacs in eukaryotes

      • Variety of roles from storage to release of waste

    • Chloroplasts

      • In eukaryotic cells like plants/algae

      • Double outer membrane

      • Captures energy from the sun and producing sugar through photosynthesis

2.2 Cell Structure and Function

  • Chloroplasts- photosynthesis

    • Thylakoid

      • Highly folded membrane compartments organized in stacks called grana

      • Contain chlorophyll pigments that comprise the photosystems and electron transport proteins found between the photosystems embedded in the thylakoid membrane

      • LIGHT-DEPENDENT reactions occur here

      • *Folding of membranes increases efficiency of reactiosn

    • Stroma

      • Fluid between inner chloroplast membrane and outer thylakoids

      • Carbon fixation (Calvin-Benson cycle) reactions occur here

  • Mitochondria- metabolic reactions

    • Double membrane povides compartments for different metabolic reactions

    • Krebs Cycle reactions occur in the MATRIX of the mitochondria

    • Electron transport/ATP synthesis occur in the inner mitochondrial membrane

      • Folding of inner membrane increases surface area enabling more ATP production

  • Vacuole

    • In plants vacuoles aid in retention of water for turgor pressure

      • Turgor Pressure- Internal cellular force caused by water pushing up against membrane and cell wall

  • Lysosome

    • Intracellular digestion

    • Recylcng of organic material

    • Programmed cell death (apoptosis)

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum

    • Mechanical support

    • Intracelular transport

    • Rough ER protein synthesis on the bound ribosomes

2.3 Cell Size

  • Cells are typically small

    • Moving meterials in and out of cells gets more difficult the larger a cell is—smaller cells more efficient

    • Smaller cells have higher surface area to volume ratios thus more efficient with exchange of materials—needed for demands like exchanging oxygen, removing waste, taking in nutrients

    • As cells increase in volume relative SA decrease making it larger for larger cells to meet the demand for internal resources

  • Complex structures used to increase efficiency

    • Folded membranes increase surface area

    • Root hairs on plant root surface increases surface area → more absorption of water and nutrients

    • Ex. Small Intestine

      • Membrane folding increases surface area

      • Outer lining is highly folded containing infger-like projections called villi

      • Surface of each villi has additional microscopic projections called microvilli further increase surface area

    • As organisms increase in size their SA:V ration decreases, affecting properties like rate of heat exchange with the evironment

      • Elephant having large flat ears to dissipate more thermal energy as blood flows closer to the surface

    • Organisms evolve highly efficient strategies to obtain nutrients and eliminate wastes

      • Stomatal openings of leaes obtain molecules from and release molecules into the environment

        • When stomata are open CO2 eneters and O2 and H2O can be released into the atmosphere

Topic 2.4 Plasma Membranes

  • Cell embranes provide a boundary between the interior of the cell and outside environment

    • Control transport of materials in and out of cell

  • Phospholipids are amphipathic—Hydrophilic head hodrophobic tail

    • Spontaneously form a bi-layer in an aqueous environment

      • Tails located inside the bilayer

      • Heads exposed to the aqueous envrionment outside

  • Peripheral proteins

    • Losslely bound to the surface of the membrane

    • Hydrophilic with charged and polar side groups

  • Intergral proteins

    • Span the membrane

    • Hydrophilic with charged and polar side groups

    • Hydrophobic with nonpolar side grousp that penetrate hydrophobic interior of bilayer

    • Ex. Transmembrane proteins

  • Membrane protein functions:

    • Transport

    • Cell-Cell recognition

    • Enzymatic activity

    • Signal transduction

    • Intercellular joining

    • Attachment for extracellular matrix/cytoskeleton

  • Structure—a mosaic of protein molecules in a fluid bilayer of phospholipids

  • Held together primarily by hydrophobic interactions—weaker than covalent bonds

  • Most lipids and some proteins can shift and flow along the surface of the membrane or across the bilayer

  • Cholestrol (steroid) is randomly distributed/wedged between phospholipids in the membrane of eukaryotes

    • Regulates bilayer fluidity under different environmental conditions

  • Carbohydrates- diversity and location of carbodydrates and lipids enable them to function as markers/identifiers

    • Glycoproteins- one or more carbohydrates attached to a membrane protein

    • Glycolipids- lipid with one or more carbohydrates attached

Topic 2.5 Membrane Permeability

  • Selective permeability is a consequence of membrane structure

    • Smaller molecules pass freely

    • Hydrophilic substances such as large polar molecules and ions CANNOT freely move across the membrane

    • Hydrophilic substances move through transport proteins

      • Channel Proteins- a hydrophilic tunnel spanning the membrane that allows specific target molecules to pass through

      • Carrier Proteins- Spans the membrane and change shape to move a target molecule from one side to another

      • Small polar molecules like H2O can pass through directly in small amounts

  • Cell Walls act as a structural boundary:

    • Protects and maintains the shape of the cell

    • Prevents against cellular rupture when internal water pressure is high

    • helps plants stand up against the force of gravity

  • Cell Walls act as a permeable boundary

    • Plasmodesmata- small holes between plant cells allow the transfer of nutrients, waste, ions

  • Cell Wall- comprised of complex carbohydrates

    • Plants- Cellulose (Polysaccharide)

    • Fungi- Chitlin (Polysaccharide)

    • Prokaryotes- peptidoglycan (polymer consisting of sugar and amino acids)

Topic 2.6 Membrane Transport

  • Concentration gradient

    • When a solute is more concentrated in one area than another

    • Membrane separates two different concentrations of molecules

  • Passive transport:

    • Net movement of molecules from high to low without metabolic energy like ATP needed

    • Primary role in import of materials and export of wastes

  • Active Transport:

    • Direct input of energy to move molecules from low to high concentration

  • Endoctosis requires ENERGY to take in molecules to the cell

  • Exocytosis- internal vesicles use energy ot fuse with the plasma membrane and secrete large macromolecuels out of cell

    • Includes: Proteins like signaling proteins, hormones, waste

Topic 2.7 Facilitated Diffusion

  • Facilitated Diffusion- movement of molecules from high → low concentration through transport proteins

    • Large and small polar molecules

    • Large quantities of water pass through aquaporins

    • Charged ions (NA+ and K+) require channel proteins

  • Active Transport- moves molecules AGAINST concentration gradient (low → high)

    • Require carrier proteins called protein pumps

    • Require metabolic energy (ATP)

    • Establish and maintain concentration gradients

  • Cotransport- secondary active transport uses energy fom electrochemical gradient to transport two DIFFERENT ions across the membrane through a protein

    • Symport- two different ions transported in the SAME direction

    • Antiport- two different ions transported in the OPPOSITE direction

  • Cell membrane allows for formation of gradients

    • Electrochemical gradient

      • Type of concentration gradient

      • Membrane potential: electrical potential difference (voltage) across the membrane

    • Membranes may become POLARIZED by the movement of ions across

    • Ex. Sodium-Potassium (Na+/K+) Pump contributes to the maintenance of the membrane potential

      • 3 sodium ions pumped for every 2 potassium ions pumped to establish concentration gradient

Topic 2.8 Tonicity and Osmoregulation

  • Osmosis- diffusion of free water across a selectively permeable membrane

    • Move larger quantities of water via aquaporins

  • Osmolarity- total solute concentration in a solution

    • Water has high solvency

    • Solute- being dissolved

    • Solvent- dissolves a solute

    • Solution- uniformed mixture of one of more solutes dissolvd in a solvent

  • Tonicity- measurement of the relative concentration of solute between two solutions (in and out of the cell)

    • Internal cellular environments can be hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic to external environments

    • Hypertonic- MORE solute, less solvent

    • Isotonic- equal concentrations

    • Hypotonic- less solute, more solvent

  • Water moves by osmosis into area with higher solute concentration

    • Water concentration and solute concentrations are inversely related

    • Water would diffuse OUT of a hypotonic environment (less solutes) into a hypertonic one (more solutes) OR high water potential to low water potential

      • Solutes diffuse along their own concentration gradients from hypertonic environment to hypotonic

    • When a cell is in an isotonic environment a dynamic equilibrium exists with equal amounts of water oving in and out of the cell at equal rates—no net movement of water

  • Osmoregulation

  • In plant cells it maintain water balance and allows control of internal solute composition/water potential

    • Environmental hypertonicity- less cellular solute and more cellular water → Plasmolysis- water leaves the cell

    • Isotonic- Equal solute and water → Flaccid plant cell

    • Environmental hypotonicity- more cellular solute and less cellular water → Turgid

  • Turgidity- The optimum state for plant cells

    • Cell wall helps maintain homeostasis for plant in environmental hypotonicity

      • Osmotic pressure high outside of the plant cell (hypotonicity)

      • Water flows into the plant vacuoles via osmosis → vacuoles expand and press against cell wall

      • Cell wall expands until it exerts pressure back on the cell → Turgor Pressure

  • Osmoregulation in animal cells maintains water balance and allows control of internal solute composition/water potential

    • Environmental hypertonicity- Less cellular solute more cellular water → shriveled

    • Isotonic solution- equal solute and water → normal state

    • Environmental hypotonicity- more cellular solute less cellular water → lyse (bursting)


  • Characteristics:

    • Title- experiment details and what is measured

    • Labeled axes with units

    • Scaling—unifrom intervals; scale large enough to analyze data and scale numbers on grid lines

    • Identifiable lines/bars

    • Trend line- line of best fit shows overall direction/pattern of data

  • Line graph

    • Reveals trends or progress over time for multiple groups/treatments

    • Tracks changes over time, concentrations, etc.

  • Scatterplot (X Y Graph)

    • Determine relationships between two different things

    • Compare two variables that may/may not have linear relationship

  • Histogram

    • How values in data are distributed across equal intervals

    • Explore relationships between two or more variables

  • Bar graphs

    • Comparing multiple groups/treatments

  • Box and Whisker

    • Shows variability in sample

    • Compare distributions in relation to the mean

  • Dual Y*

    • Represent relationship between two dependent variables

Water Potential

  • Water potential measures TENDENCY of water to move via osmosis

    • Calculated from Pressure Potential and Solute Potential

      • Water potential = pressure potential + solute potential (measured in bars)

        <br /><br />
  • Moves from area of HIGH → LOW water potential areas

    • More negative/lower water potential = more likely water moves INTO the area

  • Water potential of PURE water has a value of ZERO in an open container

  • Osmoregulation and Water Potential

    • Increasing amount of solute = Decrease in solute potential / decrease in water potential

    • Increasing water potential = Increase in PRESSURE potential

      • Decreasing pressure potential = Decrease in water potential*

  • In an open system, pressure potential is zero, so water potential is equal to the solute potential

Topic 2.9 Mechanisms of Transport

  • Diffusion- Movement of molecules from high → low concentration

    • Small nonpolar molecules pass freely (O2, CO2, N2)

    • Small amounts of very small polar molecules also diffuse

  • Facilitated Diffusion- movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration through transport proteins

    • Large and small polar molecules

    • Charged ions (Na+, K+) require channel proteins

  • Large quantities of water move via aquaporins

    • Differences in relative solute concentrations facilitates osmosis

  • Active transport- move molecules/ions against concentration gradient from low → high concentration

    • Protein pumps are carrier proteins in active transport

    • Require metabolic energy (ATP)

    • Establishes and maintains concentration gradients

  • Endocytosis- Cell uses energy to TAKE IN macromolecules/particulate matter by forming new VESCICLES derived from the plasma membrane

    • Phagocytosis- Cell engulfs/eats large particles then fuses with lysosomes to produce digestive enzymes to break down materials; common in immune cells

    • Pinocytosis- drinking/uptake of extracellular fluid with dissolved substances

    • Receptor-mediated endocytosis- Selective—receptor proteins on the membrane capture specific target molecules

  • Exocytosis- internal vescicles use energy to FUSE with plasma membrane and secrete macromolecules OUT of the cell

Topic 2.10 Compartimentalization

  • Cells have a plasma membrane that allows them to establish and maintain internal environments different from external environments

  • Eukaryotic cells have additional internal membranes/membrane-bound organelles that compartmentalize the cell

  • Cellular compartments allow for various metabolic processes and specific enzymatic reactions ot occur simultaneously → increased cell efficiency

  • Membrane minimizes competing interactions

    • Example:

    • Hydrolytic enzymes of lysosome function at an acidic environment

    • With this compartmentalization, inside of lysosome can maintain a more acidic pH and allow for efficient hydrolysis to occur while the rest of the cytoplasm can remain a more neutral environment

    • May lead to cell damage/death if membranes around lysosomes were to burst as it would lead to the release of hydrolytic enzymes released into the cytoplasm that would digest important cellular materials/molecules

  • Mitochondria membrane folding maximizes surface area for metabolic reactions to occur

    • Electron transport and ATP synthesis occur in mitochondrial membrane

    • Folding of inner membrane increases surface area allowing MORE ATP to be made

  • Chloroplasts membrane folding maximizes surface area for metabolic reactions to occur

    • Thylakoids highly folded membrane compartments that increase the efficiency of light dependent reactions in the chloroplast

Topic 2.11 Origins of Cell Compartmentalization

  • Both eukaryotes and prokaryotes have a plasma membrane that separates their internal environment from their surroundings

  • Prokaryotic cells have an internal nucleoid region containing its genetic material while eukaryotic cells store genetic material in a membrane-bound nucelus

    • Nucelus and other internal membranes (ER) theorize to have formed from the infoldings of the plasma membrane

    • Mitochondria evolved from previously free living prokaryotes via endosymbiosis

      • A free living aerobic prokaryote engulfed by anaerobic cell

      • The prokaryotic cell did not get digested but eventually formed a symbiotic arrangement

      • Over time engulfed cell lost some of its independent functionality and became the mitochondria

    • Chloroplast evolved similarly

      • Free-living photosynthesic prokaryote engulfed by another cell and formed a mutually beneficial arrangement then lost its independent functionality over time to become the chloroplast

  • Similarities

    • Both have a double membrane-regulate passage of materials into and out of cell to maintain a stable internal environment

    • Both have their own circular DNA encoding genetic information and can reproduce similarly to prokaryotes

    • Both contain their own ribosomes that synthesize proteins


Ap Bio Unit 2: Cells

  • Cytology- the study of cells

    • Cell Theory

      • All living things are made of cells

      • Cell is the basic unit of life

      • All cells come from pre-existing cells

  • Cytology Techniques

    • Light Microscopy- up to 1000x magnification

    • Electron microscopy- up to 10,000,000x magnification

    • Cell fractionation0 isolate different components of cells for a detailed study

  • Types of Cells

Prokaryotic- Simpler, smaller cells that are more abundant



Eukaryotic- Lots of membrane-bound organelles

BOTH multicellular and Unicellular

Unicellular: protists, yeast

Multicellular: plant, animal, mushrooms+

No nucleus

No membrane-bound organelles

Can have: Cell wall, plasma membrane, capsule, Nuceloid (circular DNA), ribosomes, cytoplasm, plasmid, pili, flagella

ALL: Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucelus, smooth/rough ER, ribosomes, cytoskeleton, golgi body, plasma membrane mitochondria, vesicles

Plant ONLY: cell wall, vacuole, chloroplast

Animal ONLY: centrioles, lysosomes, extracellular matrix (ECM), can have flagella

Prokaryotic CellAnimal Cell<br /><br /><br />Plant Cell
  • The Utility of Membrane-Bound Organelles


-Site of DNA storage and replication—relays info to ribosomes

-Nuclear Envelope- Double membrane surrounds the nucelus with protein pore channels


-Region of the nucelus where ribosomal RNA genes are concentrated


-Site of protein synthesis using RNA transcript of a gene

-Complex of RNA + proteins with 2 subunits (large + small)

Types of Ribosomes: based on PROTEINS made

  • Free- floating in the cytoplasm → make proteins that STAY in cytoplasm

  • Bound- attached to the rough ER → make proteins that go into membranes + exported from cell

Endoplasmic Reticulum- netwoek of membrane channels attached to a nucelar membrane

Rough ER:

  • targeted protein synthesis, compartimentalizes the cell, structural support

  • Bound with ribosomes, closest to nucelus

Smooth ER:

  • Synthesizes LIPIDS, detoxification, breaking down glucogen

  • No ribosomes attached, farther from nucelus


-Small compartment surrounded by membrane

Many functions:

Golgi Apparatus

-Modifies, sorts, + packages proteins & lipids for delivery “UPS of the cell”

-Series of flattened, membrane-bound sacs

Plasma Membrane

-Controls movement of materials in/out the cell + communication between cell/environment

-Phospholipids bilayer with embedded proteins

Membrane-protein functions:

  • Transport

  • Enzymatic activity

  • Signal transduction- recieve chemical messages from environment and relay to cellCe

  • Cell-cell recognition- glycoproteins serve as identification

  • Attachment to cytoskeleton/extracellular matrix (ECM), intercellular joining


-Converts glucose to ATP energy through aerobic

cellular respiration, in charge of apoptosis (programmed cell death)


  • Double membrane w/ highly folded inner membrane (cristae)

  • Matrix- fluid filled inner cavity contains DNA, free ribosomes, enzymes

*Reproduce independently of the cell


-Photosynthesis: building (anabolism) of sugar from ATP, CO2 and light with O2 byproduct


  • Double membrane

  • Stroma: liquid inside inner membrane w/ DNA, robosomes, enzymes

  • Thylakoid sacs: membrane sacs where ATP is made—stacked into grana


-Digestion of waste materials, damaged cell parts, large molecules, sometimes apoptosis

-Sac full of digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes

Lysosomal Storage diseases:

-Lysosome picks up molecules but cnanot digest → grow larger until it disrupts cell/organ function

-Often fatal


-Digestive sac that breaks down fatty acids

-Detoxifies poisons like alcohol

-Produces peroxide (H2O2)



  • Food vacuoles- contain undigested food fused with lysosomes

  • Central Vacuole- Found in plants for storage of water/pigments/defensive compounds

  • , stockpiling proteins/inorganic ions, depositing metabolic byproducts

  • Contractile vacuoles- Found in freshwater protists pump out excess water

-Membraneous sac full of storage materials



  • Structural support/maintaining cell shape

  • Anchorage of organelles

  • Regulation of cell/organelle motlity

  • Movement of chromosomes during cell division

-Network of structural proteins extending throughout the cytoplasm assembled from protein subunits

  • Microtubes- connected to vescicles

  • Microfilaments-

  • Intermediate Filaments- cell motility (movement)

Cilia + Flagella:

-Motility (movement) related extension of cytoskeletal proteins


-Microtube-oganizing center ONLY in animal cells

Cell Wall

-Provide structural support

-Cross-linked netwoek of structural polysaccharides

  • Cellulose-plant cells

  • Chitlin- fungi

  • Peptidoglycan- Bacteria

Extracellular Matrix (ECM)

-Cell anchorage/cell communication ONLY in animal cells

-Network of connective proteins and proteoglycan molecules outside the cell membrane

Intercellular Junctions*

-Proteins that connect cells to other cells

Open Junctions: ALLOW communication and exchange of materials

  • Gap Junctions- channels between adjacent ANIMAL cells

  • Plasmodesmata- channels connecting adjacent PLANT cells

Closed Junctions: PREVENT movement of substances between cells

  • Desmosomes: Cellular rivets that anchor cells to provide structural support in tissues

  • Tight Junctions: Cell-cell connections that make a waterproof seal to prevent passage of materials

  • The Endomembrane System- how eukaryotic cells send proteins from ribosomes → destinations

    • Organelles involved: Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucelus, Golgi apparatus, Vesicle

  • Ex. Pathway of processing/Packaging a secretory protein: Secretory vesicles → rough ER → Golgi body → Membrane

Endosymbiotic Theory- Explains the origins of eukaryotes

  • Chloroplasts & Mitochondria arose from endosymbiosis

    • Membrane-bound organelles evolved from once free-living prokaryotes (aerobic bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria) engulfed by a host cell w(ancestor of eukaryotic cells)A

    • Evidence:

      • Both have their own DNA, DOUBLE membrane, ribosomes, enzymes

      • Both divide independently


  • Refers to way eukaryotic cells are divided into membrane-bound organelles with specialized functions

  • Purpose: More efficient movement of nutrients/materials through cell through increasing surface area + increased metabolic efficiency

    • Cells are small to maintain a LARGER/HIGHER surface area : volume ratio

    • Compartimentalization helps bigger cells like eukaryotes to get nutrients to the center more efficiently

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2.1 Subcellular Components

  • ALL living cells contain a genomse and ribosomes—reflect the common ancestry of all life

    • Ribosomes synthesize protein acording to the mRNA sequence and the instructions are encoded in that mRNA sequence originate from the genome of the cell—free floating not membrane-bound

      • Consists of TWO subunits not membrane enclosed

      • Made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins

    • Endoplastic Reticulum- network of membrane tubes withn the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

      • Rough ER

        • Ribosomes attached to membrane

        • Compartimentalizes cell b/c associated with packaging the newly synthesized proteins made by attached ribosomes for possible export from cell

      • Smooth ER

        • No ribosomes attached

        • Detoxification and lipid synthesis

    • Golgi Apparatus

      • Series of flattened membrane-bound sacs in eukaryotes

      • Correct folding + chemical modification of newly synthesized proteins and packaging for protein trafficking

    • Mitochondria

      • Double membrane—outer and inner

      • Outer is smooth—inner is highly convoluted forming folds called cristae

      • Functions in production of ATP energy

    • Lysosome

      • Membrane-enclosed sacs found in some eukaryotic cells with hydrolytic enzymes

      • Used to digest a variety of materials like damaged cells or macromolecules

    • Vacuoles

      • Membrane-bound sacs in eukaryotes

      • Variety of roles from storage to release of waste

    • Chloroplasts

      • In eukaryotic cells like plants/algae

      • Double outer membrane

      • Captures energy from the sun and producing sugar through photosynthesis

2.2 Cell Structure and Function

  • Chloroplasts- photosynthesis

    • Thylakoid

      • Highly folded membrane compartments organized in stacks called grana

      • Contain chlorophyll pigments that comprise the photosystems and electron transport proteins found between the photosystems embedded in the thylakoid membrane

      • LIGHT-DEPENDENT reactions occur here

      • *Folding of membranes increases efficiency of reactiosn

    • Stroma

      • Fluid between inner chloroplast membrane and outer thylakoids

      • Carbon fixation (Calvin-Benson cycle) reactions occur here

  • Mitochondria- metabolic reactions

    • Double membrane povides compartments for different metabolic reactions

    • Krebs Cycle reactions occur in the MATRIX of the mitochondria

    • Electron transport/ATP synthesis occur in the inner mitochondrial membrane

      • Folding of inner membrane increases surface area enabling more ATP production

  • Vacuole

    • In plants vacuoles aid in retention of water for turgor pressure

      • Turgor Pressure- Internal cellular force caused by water pushing up against membrane and cell wall

  • Lysosome

    • Intracellular digestion

    • Recylcng of organic material

    • Programmed cell death (apoptosis)

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum

    • Mechanical support

    • Intracelular transport

    • Rough ER protein synthesis on the bound ribosomes

2.3 Cell Size

  • Cells are typically small

    • Moving meterials in and out of cells gets more difficult the larger a cell is—smaller cells more efficient

    • Smaller cells have higher surface area to volume ratios thus more efficient with exchange of materials—needed for demands like exchanging oxygen, removing waste, taking in nutrients

    • As cells increase in volume relative SA decrease making it larger for larger cells to meet the demand for internal resources

  • Complex structures used to increase efficiency

    • Folded membranes increase surface area

    • Root hairs on plant root surface increases surface area → more absorption of water and nutrients

    • Ex. Small Intestine

      • Membrane folding increases surface area

      • Outer lining is highly folded containing infger-like projections called villi

      • Surface of each villi has additional microscopic projections called microvilli further increase surface area

    • As organisms increase in size their SA:V ration decreases, affecting properties like rate of heat exchange with the evironment

      • Elephant having large flat ears to dissipate more thermal energy as blood flows closer to the surface

    • Organisms evolve highly efficient strategies to obtain nutrients and eliminate wastes

      • Stomatal openings of leaes obtain molecules from and release molecules into the environment

        • When stomata are open CO2 eneters and O2 and H2O can be released into the atmosphere

Topic 2.4 Plasma Membranes

  • Cell embranes provide a boundary between the interior of the cell and outside environment

    • Control transport of materials in and out of cell

  • Phospholipids are amphipathic—Hydrophilic head hodrophobic tail

    • Spontaneously form a bi-layer in an aqueous environment

      • Tails located inside the bilayer

      • Heads exposed to the aqueous envrionment outside

  • Peripheral proteins

    • Losslely bound to the surface of the membrane

    • Hydrophilic with charged and polar side groups

  • Intergral proteins

    • Span the membrane

    • Hydrophilic with charged and polar side groups

    • Hydrophobic with nonpolar side grousp that penetrate hydrophobic interior of bilayer

    • Ex. Transmembrane proteins

  • Membrane protein functions:

    • Transport

    • Cell-Cell recognition

    • Enzymatic activity

    • Signal transduction

    • Intercellular joining

    • Attachment for extracellular matrix/cytoskeleton

  • Structure—a mosaic of protein molecules in a fluid bilayer of phospholipids

  • Held together primarily by hydrophobic interactions—weaker than covalent bonds

  • Most lipids and some proteins can shift and flow along the surface of the membrane or across the bilayer

  • Cholestrol (steroid) is randomly distributed/wedged between phospholipids in the membrane of eukaryotes

    • Regulates bilayer fluidity under different environmental conditions

  • Carbohydrates- diversity and location of carbodydrates and lipids enable them to function as markers/identifiers

    • Glycoproteins- one or more carbohydrates attached to a membrane protein

    • Glycolipids- lipid with one or more carbohydrates attached

Topic 2.5 Membrane Permeability

  • Selective permeability is a consequence of membrane structure

    • Smaller molecules pass freely

    • Hydrophilic substances such as large polar molecules and ions CANNOT freely move across the membrane

    • Hydrophilic substances move through transport proteins

      • Channel Proteins- a hydrophilic tunnel spanning the membrane that allows specific target molecules to pass through

      • Carrier Proteins- Spans the membrane and change shape to move a target molecule from one side to another

      • Small polar molecules like H2O can pass through directly in small amounts

  • Cell Walls act as a structural boundary:

    • Protects and maintains the shape of the cell

    • Prevents against cellular rupture when internal water pressure is high

    • helps plants stand up against the force of gravity

  • Cell Walls act as a permeable boundary

    • Plasmodesmata- small holes between plant cells allow the transfer of nutrients, waste, ions

  • Cell Wall- comprised of complex carbohydrates

    • Plants- Cellulose (Polysaccharide)

    • Fungi- Chitlin (Polysaccharide)

    • Prokaryotes- peptidoglycan (polymer consisting of sugar and amino acids)

Topic 2.6 Membrane Transport

  • Concentration gradient

    • When a solute is more concentrated in one area than another

    • Membrane separates two different concentrations of molecules

  • Passive transport:

    • Net movement of molecules from high to low without metabolic energy like ATP needed

    • Primary role in import of materials and export of wastes

  • Active Transport:

    • Direct input of energy to move molecules from low to high concentration

  • Endoctosis requires ENERGY to take in molecules to the cell

  • Exocytosis- internal vesicles use energy ot fuse with the plasma membrane and secrete large macromolecuels out of cell

    • Includes: Proteins like signaling proteins, hormones, waste

Topic 2.7 Facilitated Diffusion

  • Facilitated Diffusion- movement of molecules from high → low concentration through transport proteins

    • Large and small polar molecules

    • Large quantities of water pass through aquaporins

    • Charged ions (NA+ and K+) require channel proteins

  • Active Transport- moves molecules AGAINST concentration gradient (low → high)

    • Require carrier proteins called protein pumps

    • Require metabolic energy (ATP)

    • Establish and maintain concentration gradients

  • Cotransport- secondary active transport uses energy fom electrochemical gradient to transport two DIFFERENT ions across the membrane through a protein

    • Symport- two different ions transported in the SAME direction

    • Antiport- two different ions transported in the OPPOSITE direction

  • Cell membrane allows for formation of gradients

    • Electrochemical gradient

      • Type of concentration gradient

      • Membrane potential: electrical potential difference (voltage) across the membrane

    • Membranes may become POLARIZED by the movement of ions across

    • Ex. Sodium-Potassium (Na+/K+) Pump contributes to the maintenance of the membrane potential

      • 3 sodium ions pumped for every 2 potassium ions pumped to establish concentration gradient

Topic 2.8 Tonicity and Osmoregulation

  • Osmosis- diffusion of free water across a selectively permeable membrane

    • Move larger quantities of water via aquaporins

  • Osmolarity- total solute concentration in a solution

    • Water has high solvency

    • Solute- being dissolved

    • Solvent- dissolves a solute

    • Solution- uniformed mixture of one of more solutes dissolvd in a solvent

  • Tonicity- measurement of the relative concentration of solute between two solutions (in and out of the cell)

    • Internal cellular environments can be hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic to external environments

    • Hypertonic- MORE solute, less solvent

    • Isotonic- equal concentrations

    • Hypotonic- less solute, more solvent

  • Water moves by osmosis into area with higher solute concentration

    • Water concentration and solute concentrations are inversely related

    • Water would diffuse OUT of a hypotonic environment (less solutes) into a hypertonic one (more solutes) OR high water potential to low water potential

      • Solutes diffuse along their own concentration gradients from hypertonic environment to hypotonic

    • When a cell is in an isotonic environment a dynamic equilibrium exists with equal amounts of water oving in and out of the cell at equal rates—no net movement of water

  • Osmoregulation

  • In plant cells it maintain water balance and allows control of internal solute composition/water potential

    • Environmental hypertonicity- less cellular solute and more cellular water → Plasmolysis- water leaves the cell

    • Isotonic- Equal solute and water → Flaccid plant cell

    • Environmental hypotonicity- more cellular solute and less cellular water → Turgid

  • Turgidity- The optimum state for plant cells

    • Cell wall helps maintain homeostasis for plant in environmental hypotonicity

      • Osmotic pressure high outside of the plant cell (hypotonicity)

      • Water flows into the plant vacuoles via osmosis → vacuoles expand and press against cell wall

      • Cell wall expands until it exerts pressure back on the cell → Turgor Pressure

  • Osmoregulation in animal cells maintains water balance and allows control of internal solute composition/water potential

    • Environmental hypertonicity- Less cellular solute more cellular water → shriveled

    • Isotonic solution- equal solute and water → normal state

    • Environmental hypotonicity- more cellular solute less cellular water → lyse (bursting)


  • Characteristics:

    • Title- experiment details and what is measured

    • Labeled axes with units

    • Scaling—unifrom intervals; scale large enough to analyze data and scale numbers on grid lines

    • Identifiable lines/bars

    • Trend line- line of best fit shows overall direction/pattern of data

  • Line graph

    • Reveals trends or progress over time for multiple groups/treatments

    • Tracks changes over time, concentrations, etc.

  • Scatterplot (X Y Graph)

    • Determine relationships between two different things

    • Compare two variables that may/may not have linear relationship

  • Histogram

    • How values in data are distributed across equal intervals

    • Explore relationships between two or more variables

  • Bar graphs

    • Comparing multiple groups/treatments

  • Box and Whisker

    • Shows variability in sample

    • Compare distributions in relation to the mean

  • Dual Y*

    • Represent relationship between two dependent variables

Water Potential

  • Water potential measures TENDENCY of water to move via osmosis

    • Calculated from Pressure Potential and Solute Potential

      • Water potential = pressure potential + solute potential (measured in bars)

        <br /><br />
  • Moves from area of HIGH → LOW water potential areas

    • More negative/lower water potential = more likely water moves INTO the area

  • Water potential of PURE water has a value of ZERO in an open container

  • Osmoregulation and Water Potential

    • Increasing amount of solute = Decrease in solute potential / decrease in water potential

    • Increasing water potential = Increase in PRESSURE potential

      • Decreasing pressure potential = Decrease in water potential*

  • In an open system, pressure potential is zero, so water potential is equal to the solute potential

Topic 2.9 Mechanisms of Transport

  • Diffusion- Movement of molecules from high → low concentration

    • Small nonpolar molecules pass freely (O2, CO2, N2)

    • Small amounts of very small polar molecules also diffuse

  • Facilitated Diffusion- movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration through transport proteins

    • Large and small polar molecules

    • Charged ions (Na+, K+) require channel proteins

  • Large quantities of water move via aquaporins

    • Differences in relative solute concentrations facilitates osmosis

  • Active transport- move molecules/ions against concentration gradient from low → high concentration

    • Protein pumps are carrier proteins in active transport

    • Require metabolic energy (ATP)

    • Establishes and maintains concentration gradients

  • Endocytosis- Cell uses energy to TAKE IN macromolecules/particulate matter by forming new VESCICLES derived from the plasma membrane

    • Phagocytosis- Cell engulfs/eats large particles then fuses with lysosomes to produce digestive enzymes to break down materials; common in immune cells

    • Pinocytosis- drinking/uptake of extracellular fluid with dissolved substances

    • Receptor-mediated endocytosis- Selective—receptor proteins on the membrane capture specific target molecules

  • Exocytosis- internal vescicles use energy to FUSE with plasma membrane and secrete macromolecules OUT of the cell

Topic 2.10 Compartimentalization

  • Cells have a plasma membrane that allows them to establish and maintain internal environments different from external environments

  • Eukaryotic cells have additional internal membranes/membrane-bound organelles that compartmentalize the cell

  • Cellular compartments allow for various metabolic processes and specific enzymatic reactions ot occur simultaneously → increased cell efficiency

  • Membrane minimizes competing interactions

    • Example:

    • Hydrolytic enzymes of lysosome function at an acidic environment

    • With this compartmentalization, inside of lysosome can maintain a more acidic pH and allow for efficient hydrolysis to occur while the rest of the cytoplasm can remain a more neutral environment

    • May lead to cell damage/death if membranes around lysosomes were to burst as it would lead to the release of hydrolytic enzymes released into the cytoplasm that would digest important cellular materials/molecules

  • Mitochondria membrane folding maximizes surface area for metabolic reactions to occur

    • Electron transport and ATP synthesis occur in mitochondrial membrane

    • Folding of inner membrane increases surface area allowing MORE ATP to be made

  • Chloroplasts membrane folding maximizes surface area for metabolic reactions to occur

    • Thylakoids highly folded membrane compartments that increase the efficiency of light dependent reactions in the chloroplast

Topic 2.11 Origins of Cell Compartmentalization

  • Both eukaryotes and prokaryotes have a plasma membrane that separates their internal environment from their surroundings

  • Prokaryotic cells have an internal nucleoid region containing its genetic material while eukaryotic cells store genetic material in a membrane-bound nucelus

    • Nucelus and other internal membranes (ER) theorize to have formed from the infoldings of the plasma membrane

    • Mitochondria evolved from previously free living prokaryotes via endosymbiosis

      • A free living aerobic prokaryote engulfed by anaerobic cell

      • The prokaryotic cell did not get digested but eventually formed a symbiotic arrangement

      • Over time engulfed cell lost some of its independent functionality and became the mitochondria

    • Chloroplast evolved similarly

      • Free-living photosynthesic prokaryote engulfed by another cell and formed a mutually beneficial arrangement then lost its independent functionality over time to become the chloroplast

  • Similarities

    • Both have a double membrane-regulate passage of materials into and out of cell to maintain a stable internal environment

    • Both have their own circular DNA encoding genetic information and can reproduce similarly to prokaryotes

    • Both contain their own ribosomes that synthesize proteins
