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Evaluate one or more research methods used to study cognitive processes.
Loftus and Pickrell (questionnaire), Landry and Bartling (experiment)
Discuss one or more ethical considerations relevant to research on cognitive processes.
Brewer and Treyens (deception by omission), Loftus and Pickrell (deception by comisssion)
Discuss the use of one or more research methods used in the cognitive approach to understanding human behavior.
Loftus and Pickrell (questionnaire), Landry and Bartling (experiment)
Contrast two models of memory.
Glanzer and Cunitz (MSM), Landry and Bartling (WMM)
Evaluate two studies related to one model of memory.
WMM: Landry and Bartling (phonological loop - articulatory suppression), Shallice & Warrington (visuospatial sketchpad)
Evaluate schema theory.
Bartlett (war of the ghosts / cultural schema), Brewer and Treyens (office schema)
Evaluate one theory of thinking and decision-making.
WMM: Tversky and Kahneman (multiplication), Englich and Mussweiler (courtroom sentencing)
To what extent does emotion affect cognition?
FBM: Brown and Kulik, Sharot
Discuss how emotion may affect one or more cognitive processes?
FBM: Brown and Kulik, Sharot
Discuss one biases in thinking and decision making
anchoring bias: Tversky and Kahneman (multiplication), Englich and Mussweiler (courtroom sentencing)
Evaluate two studies on the reliability of one cognitive process.
Loftus and Pickrell (somewhat reliable), Yuille and Cutshall (reliable)
Evaluate one theory or study relevant to reconstructive memory.
schema: Bartlett (war of the ghosts / cultural schema), Brewer and Treyens (office schema)
Evaluate one or more research methods in the study of the reliability of one cognitive process.
questionnaire: Loftus and Pickrell, Yuille and Cutshall
Discuss the effect of emotion on cognition.
FBM: Neisser and Harsch, Brown and Kulik
Evaluate one theory or study related to thinking and decision-making.
dual-processing thoery: Tverksy and Kahneman, Englich and Mussweiler
Evaluate how and why one research method is used to study the effects of emotion on cognition.
FBM - questionnaire: Neisser and Harsch, Brown and Kulik
Evaluate one model of memory.
WMM: Landry and Bartling, Shallice and Warrington
Discuss one or more studies related to schema theory.
Bartlett (war of the ghosts), Brewer and Treyens (office)
Discuss ethical considerations relevant to research on the effects of emotion on cognition.
FBM: Neisser and Harsch (participant attrition), Brown and Kulik (undue stress)