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Latin Name: Jupiter
God of: Lightning, thunder, sky, order and justice
Symbols: Royal scepter, aegis (breast plate), and lightning bolt
Consort: Eagle
What they did: He cheated his brothers to gain power, he is called "Father of the Gods";"Bright One"; and "All seeing"
Latin Name: Pluto
God of: Underworld
Symbols: Invisibility cap, bident, key to underworld, metals and jewels (wealth)
Consort: Persephone, Cerberus, Thanatos, Hypnos, and Charon
What they did: Kidnapped persephone, made her queen of the underworld
Latin Name: Neptune
God of: Sea
Symbols: Trident
Consort: Dolphin, Horse and Amphitrite
What they did: He ruled the sea, he could cause earthquakes when he was mad, he also assaulted Medusa
Latin Name: Juno
Goddess of: Marriage & Birth
Symbols: Peacock, cow, pomegranate, diadem, crow, and veil
Consort: Jupiter (marries to Zeus)
What they did: Restores her virginity, jealous of Zeus affairs, gave pandora curiosity, threw Hephaestus and he landed in a volcano
Latin Name: Ceres
God of: Harvest and fertility
Symbols: Torch and fruits
Consort: Pig and Snake
What they did: She was the mother of Persephone, and when Persephone was abducted by Pluto (Hades), she mourned and caused the earth to become barren, leading to the creation of the seasons. She searched tirelessly for her daughter, and when she discovered the truth, she demanded Persephone's return. However, because Persephone had eaten pomegranate seeds in the underworld, she had to stay with Pluto for part of the year, causing winter when Demeter grieved and spring when they reunited.
Latin Name: Proserpina
Goddess of: Underworld, Harvest
Symbols: Pomegranate, torch, fruits
Consort: Pluto
What they did: Persephone was abducted by Pluto (Hades) and taken to the underworld. While there, she ate pomegranate seeds, binding her to the underworld for part of the year. Her mother, Demeter (Ceres), mourned her absence, causing winter. When Persephone returned to earth, spring and summer began.
Latin Name: Vulcan
God of: Fire, metallurgy, Masonry, sculpture
Symbols: Anvil, walking stick, hammer
Consort: Venus
What they did: Vulcan was the blacksmith of the gods, forging powerful weapons and armor, including Jupiter's thunderbolts and Achilles' shield. He was born lame and deformed, and his mother Juno (Hera) threw him off Mount Olympus in disgust.
Latin Name: Mercury
God of: Messages, commerce, thieves, travelers, and trickery
Symbols: Caduceus, winged cap, and sand pouch
Consort: None
What they did: He was the messenger of the gods, guided souls to the underworld, and was a trickster from birth. He invented the lyre, carried messages for Jupiter, and protected merchants and thieves alike.
Latin Name: Mars
God of: War and Spring
Symbols: Shield and full armor
Consort: Vulture and wolf
What they did: Unpopular among the gods due to his violent nature. His parents didn't like him since he was hateful. Made his bro with skins of his victims. Affair with Venus
Pallas Athena
Latin Name: Minerva
Goddess of: Strategy, warfare, wisdom
Symbols: Olive tree, owl, spear, armor
Consort: owl
What they did: Born fully armored from Jupiter's head, she was the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Turned Medusa into a Gorgon, and never married.
Latin Name: Venus
Goddess of: Love, beauty, and sexuality
Symbols: Swan, dove, pomegranate, and myrtle
Consort: Ares, Eros, Hephaestus,
What they did: She was born from sea foam, caused the Trojan War by making Paris fall in love with Helen, and had many affairs, most notably with Mars.
Latin Name: Diana
Goddess of: Virginity, chastity, hunting, moon goddess
Symbols: Bow and arrows, stag, hunting dog, and moon
Consort: Moon goddess, Semele
What they did: Idk tbh
Phoebus Apollo
Latin Name: Apollo
God of: Light, truth, poetry, and archery (not for hunting), sun god
Symbols: Bow and arrow, lyre, laurel crown
Consort: None
What they did: Extremely beautiful god, made Cassandra tell the truth by spitting in her mouth, love affairs, love hyacinth (flowers bloomed where his blood was). Spurned by Cassandra and Daphne (got turned into a morel tree)
Latin Name: Saturn
God of: None bc he is a titan but if he were prob time
Symbols: Sickle
Consort: Rhea
What they did: He was the leader of the Titans during the golden age and the father of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres, and Vesta. Fearing that his children would overthrow him, he swallowed them at birth. However, Jupiter escaped, later defeated him
Latin Name: Atlas
God of: None
Symbols: idk maybe globe
Consort: none
What they did: Primordial Titan. No powers, He was a Titan who fought against the Olympians. As punishment, Jupiter made him hold up the sky for eternity.
Latin Name: Prometheus
God of: None
Symbols: Fire, chains, eagles
Consort: None
What they did: He created mankind from clay and stole fire from Olympus to give to humans. As punishment, Jupiter chained him to a rock, where an eagle ate his liver daily—which regenerated each night. Eventually, Heracles freed him.
Latin Name: Pandora
Goddess of: None (mortal women)
Symbols: Jar, curiosity
Consort: None
What they did: She was the first woman, created by Jupiter as a punishment for mankind after Prometheus stole fire. She was given a jar (not a box) containing all evils, which she opened out of curiosity, releasing suffering, disease, and death into the world. Only hope remained inside.
Latin Name: Cupid (Chubby baby)
God of: love, sexual desire, fertility
Symbols: bow and arrows, wings, cupids, candles, kisses
Consort: Psyche
What they did: Golden arrows= desire. He was the son of Venus and used his arrows to make people fall in love. He fell in love with Psyche, but she was not allowed to see his face. When she broke this rule, he abandoned her. However, after enduring Venus' trials, she reunited with Cupid and was made immortal.
Latin Name: Psyche
God of: None
Symbols: None
Consort: Eros
What they did: Mortal women, Betty on the inside, personification of the human soul. Originally a mortal princess whose beauty rivaled Venus, she accidentally fell in love with Cupid. After breaking a rule and seeing his true form, she was forced to complete impossible tasks set by Venus. With Jupiter's help, she succeeded and became immortal, symbolizing the union of love (Cupid) and the soul (Psyche).
Latin Name: Bacchus
God of: Wine, fertility, agriculture, greek stage
Symbols: thyrsus (staff)
Consort: Ariadne
What they did: Party god, always tipsy. He was the god of wine, intoxication, and ecstatic rituals. Dionysus inspired wild, frenzied celebrations, and was often associated with theater. Born from Jupiter's thigh, he was a symbol of rebirth and renewal. He rescued Ariadne and brought her to Olympus. His followers, the maenads, would often engage in wild, violent worship.
Daedalus and Icarus
Latin Name: Daedalus
God of: None, but famous for craftsmen
Symbols: Wings
Consort: None
What they did: Daedalus was a master craftsman and the creator of the Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete, designed to hold the Minotaur. He famously crafted wax and feather wings for his son Icarus to escape Crete. However, Icarus flew too close to the sun, causing the wings to melt, and he plunged into the sea.
Pan and Satyrs
Latin Name: Faunus
God of: Wild, Shepards, music, male fertility
Symbols: Goat , maybe flue I guess
Consort: Syrinx
What they did: Syrinx was a lovely water nymph. Pan chased syrinx, the sister turned her into a plant and pan cut her and turned the syrinx into a flute
Latin Name: Sisyphus
God of: None, he was a king
Symbols: Boulder
Consort: None
What they did: Sisyphus was a king of Corinth who cheated death twice by tricking Thanatos (Death) and Hades. As punishment, he was condemned to roll a boulder up a hill in the underworld, only for it to roll back down whenever he neared the top. He betrayed the secrets of the gods
Latin Name: Juventa
Goddess of: Youth
Symbols: Cup, nectar, youth
Consort: Heracles
What they did: Hebe was the daughter of Jupiter and Juno and served as the cupbearer to the gods, pouring them nectar to maintain their immortality. She was also associated with youthful vitality and was later married to Heracles after his ascension to Olympus.
Latin Name: None
God of: None
Symbols: None
Consort: None
What they did: The Sirens were dangerous creatures with the ability to lure sailors to their doom with their enchanting music and voices. They often appeared as half-bird, half-woman beings. Friends of Persephone until Demeter turned them into these creatures. Scylla was a sea monster with twelve legs and six heads, each with three rows of sharp teeth. The Gorgons were three sisters, the most famous being Medusa. They had snakes for hair, and anyone who gazed upon them would be turned to stone.
Latin Name: None
God of: None
Symbols: None
Consort: None
What they did: Medusa was one of the Gorgons, originally a beautiful woman turned into a monster by Athena after Poseidon violated her in Athena's temple. As a result, Medusa's hair turned to snakes, and anyone who looked at her would be turned to stone. She was eventually slain by Perseus, who used a reflective shield to avoid looking directly at her and beheading her.
Erinyes (furies, child of Nyx)/ Moirae (Fates)
Latin Name: None
God of: None
Symbols: None
Consort: None
What they did: The Erinyes were three goddesses of vengeance, They were responsible for punishing crimes, especially those involving family bloodshed, such as murder or betrayal, made them go insane. The Moirae were three sisters who controlled the destinies of all beings:
Clotho - She spun the thread of life.
Lachesis - She measured the length of the thread.
Atropos - She cut the thread, ending life.
Latin Name: Vesta
Goddess of: Virgin goddess of hearth and home
Symbols: hearth, fire, family/domesticity
Consort: None
What they did: Her flame represented the well-being of the family and the state. Vesta was considered one of the most important deities, and her temple in Rome housed the eternal flame, which was tended by the Vestal Virgins.
Latin Name: None
God of: None, Demigod
Symbols: None
Consort: None
What they did: Achilles was one of the greatest Greek heroes in the Trojan War, known for his nearly invincible strength and rage. His mother, Thetis, dipped him into the River Styx as a baby, making him nearly invulnerable, but left his heelvulnerable, which would later become his downfall. He killed Hector in a duel during the Trojan War, but was eventually killed by an arrow to his heel shot by Paris.
Latin Name: Hercules
God of: None
Symbols: None
Consort: None
What they did: Heracles was a demigod son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene. Known for his immense strength, he performed Twelve Labors as a punishment for killing his wife and children in a fit of madness sent by Hera. He was later made a god, receiving immortality and a place in Olympus.
Latin Name: None
God of: None, demigod
Symbols: None
Consort: None
What they did: Perseus was a hero and demigod, the son of Zeus and Danaë. He is best known for slaying Medusa, the Gorgon whose gaze turned people to stone. He accomplished this with the help of Athena's shield, Hermes' winged sandals, and Hades' helmet of invisibility. Used the head to kill the kraken
Theseus and the Minotaur (Asterion is actual name of minotaur)
Latin Name: None
God of: None, demigod
Symbols: None
Consort: None
What they did: Theseus was a hero and king of Athens, known for his cunning intelligence and bravery. He is most famous for slaying the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull creature that lived in the Labyrinth on the island of Crete.
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