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father of marketing research
Charles Coolidge Parlin
Purpose of Parlins research
to increase advertising for saturday evening post
marketing research becomes widespread as markets became geographically diverse and colleges began to teach courses in marketing research
statistical sampling (Alfred Politz) and focus groups (Robert Merton) introduced
computers introduced
marketing research seen as indispensable to track consumption in widespread markets
automation of data analysis
personal computers led to improvement of data analysis
increased globalization led to major changes in the marketing research industry inclding consolidation
new tchnologies (such as mobile device use) spur innovations
client-side research
organziations that supply their own marketing research information
internal suppliers
formal departments or individuals conduct research internally
DYI research
facilitated by internet, firms have access to secondary data, online surey platforms and better knwoledge of data analysis software such as SPSS
supply-side research
external suppliers hired to fufill a company’s marketing research needs
supplier or agency
firm specialiazing in makretingresearch that offers its services to buyers needing information to make more informed decisions
Full-service supplier firms
have the capability to conduct the entire marketing research project for buyer firms
limited-service supplier firms
specialize in one or, at most, a few marketing reserach activities
syndicated data services
analyze the trends and consumer behavior within an industry and sell to many companies (Neilsen, IRI, YouGov, Intage)
packaged services
use a proprietary process to conduct a service such as test marketing or measuring customer or employee satisfaction (Gfk, video research, LTD, Burke Inc.)
online research specialists
provide client services associated with measuring online consumer behavior and measurement or online data collected (Cornscore, Inc. Harris Interactive, Knwoledge Networks)
customized services
provide services customized to individual client’s needs (all major firms can do this)
industry or market segement specialists
specialize in a particular industry or a market segemnt (IMS Health, Inc., Westat Inc, Latin Facts Inc.)
conduct reserach using methods such as focus groups, interviews, and shopping with consumers
mobile research
conduct research using mobile devices such as ipads or smartphones
use different smapling methods to draw samples to suit client’s research objectives)
observe brain activity as consumers are exposed to stimuli such as packages or ads
marketing segmentation
determine firms’ target markets, locate these consumers, and determine other characteristics of these consumers, such as media habits
social media monitoring
monito for relevant buzz over social media and attatch meaning for companies and their brands
field services
collect data using a variety of methods: telephone, online, person to person, mail intercept
marketing research online communities
create and hsot marketing research online communities
Industry performance: industry revenues and profits
E S O M A R estimates worldwide revenues for the marketing research industry at $44 billion.
Top 25 firms generated more than $22 billion.
The largest marketing research companies (led by Nielsen) are truly international.
Revenues vary around the world.
challeneges facing marketing research
Need to incorporate innovative and evolving sources of data and methodologies
Need for the effective communication of results
Need for talented and skilled employees
indsutry initiatives
Best practices
Maintaining public credibility of research
Monitoring industry trends
Improving ethical conduct
improving ethical conduct
Industry standards and ethics
Certification of qualified professionals
Continuing education
Transparency Intiative
a program by the AAPOR to encourage the routine disclosure of methods used in research that is released to the public.