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a low, sad state in which life seems dark and its challenges overwhelming
a state of breathless euphoria / frenzied energy in which people may have an exaggerated belief that the world is theirs for the taking
unipolar depression
depression without a history of mania
bipolar disorder
a disorder marked by alternating or intermixed periods of mania and depression
an inability to experience any pleasure at all
major depressive episode
period of two+ weeks marked by at least 5 symptoms of depression, including sad mood and/or loss of pleasure
bizarre ideas without foundation
perceptions of things that are not actually present
major depressive disorder
a severe pattern of depression that is disabling and is not caused by such factors as drugs or a general medical condition
catatonic depression
depression marked by either immobility or excessive activity
peripartum depression
depression that occurs during pregnancy or within four weeks of giving birth
melancholic depression
depression where the person is almost totally unaffected by pleasurable events
persistent depressive disorder
a chronic form of unipolar depression marked by ongoing and repeated symptoms of either major or mild depression
premenstrual dysphoric disorder
a disorder marked by repeated episodes of significant depression and related symptoms during the week before menstruation
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
a combination of persistent depressive symptoms and recurrent outbursts of severe temper
reactive (exogenous) depression
follows clear-cut stressful events
endogenous depression
a response to internal factors
family pedigree studies
select people with unipolar depression as probands, examine their relatives, and see whether depression also afflicts other members of the family
the person who is the focus of a family pedigree study
twin studies
when an identical twin has unipolar depression, theres a 38% chance that the other twin already has / will have the same disorder (compared to 20% for fraternal twins)
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathway
brings about the release of hormones at various locations throughout the body
brain circuits
dysfunction of the depression-related circuit is found in ppl with depression
a person directs all their feelings for the loved one, including sadness and anger, toward themselves
symbolic / imagined loss
the loss of a valued object that is unconsciously interpreted as the loss of a loved one
Aaron Beck
maladaptive attitudes, a cognitive triad, errors in thinking, and automatic thoughts combine to produce unipolar depression
cognitive triad
the three forms of negative thinking that lead people to feel depressed
automatic thoughts
a steady train of unpleasant thoughts that keep suggesting to them that they are inadequate and that their situation is hopeless
rewards and punishments
attribution-helplessness theory
when people view events as beyond their control, they ask themselves why this is so
artifact theory
women and men are equally prone to depression but clinicians often fail to detect depression in men
hormone explanation
hormone changes tigger depression in many women
life stress theory
women in our society are subject to more stress than men
body dissatisfaction explanation
women in Western society are taught to seek a low body weight and slender body shape, and when their dissatisfied, they become depressed
lack-of-control theory
women are more prone to depression bc they feel less control over their lives
rumination theory
women are more likely to ruminate when their mood darkens, making them more vulnerable to the onset of clinical depression
low-self concept
a temperament marked by feelings such as guilt, a negative style of thinking, general feelings of helplessness, and/or interpersonal dependence
bipolar I disorder
a type of bipolar disorder marked by full manic and major depressive episodes
alternation of the episodes
weeks of mania, period of wellness, episode of depression
mixed features
display both manic and depressive symptoms within the same episode
bipolar II disorder
a type of bipolar disorder marked by mildly manic (hypomanic) episodes and major depressive episodes
rapid cycling
a person with bipolar disorder has 4+ episodes within a year
cyclothymic disorder
a disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms