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What is Chemistry?
Study of the composition and properties of matter and the interactions between different types of matter.
Honors Chemistry
A faster-paced and more in-depth version of the regular chemistry class.
First Semester Topics
Properties of matter, atomic and molecular structure, periodic table, bonding, measurement and the mole, stoichiometry.
Second Semester Topics
Gas laws, thermodynamics, solutions, chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry.
Scientific Skills
Observation, problem solving, laboratory techniques, graphing, and writing used throughout the course.
Required Materials
3-ring binder, lined paper, writing utensils, scientific calculator, internet-connected device (laptop/chromebook/tablet).
"Chemistry:Principles and Reactions, 5th edition" by Masterton & Hurley.
Assigned daily, self-corrected with a red pen for full credit, must be handwritten unless specified.
Include multiple choice and short answer questions, may only be made up for excused absences, not returned to students.
Timed, may not be made up, missed quizzes receive a score of zero until the next unit test.
Vary in format, must be made up within one week of an excused absence, formal reports submitted to Turnitin.com.
Contributing to a positive class environment through active participation and respect.
Late Work Policy
Late classwork/homework accepted for ½ credit up to the unit test; late labs penalized 10% per class period late.
Grade Weighting
Classwork/Citizenship - 10%, Labs/Projects - 25%, Quizzes - 10%, Tests - 45%, Final - 10%.
Grading Scale
A (100-90%), B (89.99-80%), C (79.99-70%), D (69.99-60%), F (59.99-0%).
Classroom Policies
Respect, readiness, safety, and no food or electronic devices unless permitted.
Critical for success, tardies are counted if not seated when the bell rings.
Academic Integrity
Cheating includes copying work, using unauthorized materials, and sharing test information.
Make-Up Exams
Must be taken during tutorial or lunch for excused absences; zero for unexcused absences.
Letter of Recommendation
Requests must be made in person at least 3 weeks prior to the due date.