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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects the
Heart and blood vessels
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of
Death in permanent disability in the United States today
A group of risk factors have been identified and known as
Metabolic syndrome previously known as syndrome x
These risk factors are
abdominal obesity
High blood lipids such as high triglycerides low HDL and high LDL
High blood pressure
Insulin resistance
Elevated highly sensitive C-reactive proteins in the flood
Those diagnosed with metabolic syndrome or at an increased risk of
Coronary heart disease and stroke peripheral vascular disease and type two diabetes
Cardiovascular disease can be
Acute (sudden) or chronic
myocardial infarction (MI)
Heart attack caused by the blockage of an artery leading to the heart
MI is an example of the
Acute form
Chronic heart disease develops
Overtime and causes the loss of heart function
If the heart can maintain blood circulation
The disease is classified as a compensated heart disease
Compensation usually requires that the
Heartbeat unusually fast and a heart in enlarges
If the heart cannot maintain blood circulation
The condition is classified as decompensated heart disease and congested heart failure (CHF) occurs
The myocardium vowels endocardium pericardium and or blood vessels may be
Affected by heart disease
Arteriosclerosis is a general term for
Vascular disease way in which the arteries harden; making passage of blood difficult if not impossible
Atherosclerosis is a form of
arteriosclerosis that Most frequently occurs in developing countries
Atherosclerosis is believed to begin in _____ and is considered one of the _____
Childhood; Major causes of heart attack
Atherosclerosis affects the
Inner lining of the arteries (intima) are where deposits of cholesterol fan other substances a car overtime thickening and weakening artery walls
Deposits are called
Hallo area and tube
Reduce blood flow causing an in adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to and waste from tissues
angina pectoris
Pain in the heart muscle due to an adequate blood supply
When the lumen narrow so that a ______ occurs in a _______ and blood flow is cut off a ________
Thrombus (blood clot); coronary artery; heart attack occurs
Dead tissue resulting from blocked artery
cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Either a blockage or bursting of blood vessels leading to the brain; a stroke
peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
Narrowed arteries some distance from the heart
Excessive amounts of fat in the blood
Serum Cholesterol
Cholesterol in the blood
Some patients who experience MI will require
Surgery to bypass the clogged artery
Hyperlipidemia hypertension and smoking are all
Major risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis
Other contributing factors to atherosclerosis are
Obesity diabetes Male sex heredity personality type (ability to handle stress) age sedentary life
Elevated levels of LDL contribute to
Glow serum levels of HDL
Tribute to atherosclerosis
Medical nutrition therapy is the
Primary treatment for hyperlipidemia
Medical nutrition therapy involves reducing the
Quantity and types of fat and other calories in the diet
And an overweight person weight loss alone can
Reduce serum cholesterol levels
The American heart association categorizes blood cholesterol level of
200 mg/dl or less to be desirable
200-239 mg/dL
borderline high cholesterol
240 mg/dl
high cholesterol
American heart Association develops guidelines which are
Adult diet contain less than 200 mg of cholesterol a day
Fats provide no more than 20 to 35% of calories
Maximum of 7% from saturated and trans fats
Maximum of 8% from polyunsaturated fats
Maximum 15 to 20% from monounsaturated fats
Carbs are 50 to 55% of calories
Proteins are 12 to 20% of calories
Currently it is believed that
40% of calories in the average US diet come from fat
That restricted diet can be
Difficult for the client to except
A diet very low in fat will seem
Unusual and highly unpalatable (unpleasant tasting) to most clients
It will take about ____ to adjust to a low-fat diet
2-3 months
If they physician will allow the changes in nutritional make up of the diet should be made
The client must be taught how to
Select whole fresh foods and to prepare them without the addition of any fat
Only lean meats should be
Visible fats should
Not be eaten
Fat three milk and fat free milk cheese should be
The only dairy selected
Desserts containing whole milk eggs and cream are to be
Cholesterol is only found in
Animal tissue
Organ meats egg yolks and some shellfish are especially rich in cholesterol and
Should be used in limited quantities
Soft margarine in liquid vegetable oil's should be used
When cooking
It is thought that ______ soluble fiber a day will effectively lower cholesterol buy as much as _____
20-25 grams; 15%
This is a large amount of fiber and must be
Introduce gradually along with increase fluids or the client will suffer from flatulence
Some clients find the ________ useful for controlling fat content in their diet
Diabetic exchange list
Sometimes clients maybe deficient _______ in so a vitamin supplement may be needed
Fat soluble vitamins
If adequate blood to lipid levels cannot be obtained within 3 to 6 months of the fat restricted I alone if physician may prescribe a
Cholesterol lowering drug
Atherosclerosis is primary cause of heart attack but
Hypertension abnormal blood clotting an infection that caused by rheumatic fever are also causes
After the attack the client is in
Shark and will feel thirsty
nothing by mouth
The client should be given nothing by mouth until
The physician evaluate the condition
If the client remains nauseated after shock
IV infusions are given to prevent dehydration
After several hours after the attack the client may begin to
A liquid diet maybe recommended for
The first 24 hours after the attack
Food should not be extremely hot or cold and should be easy to
Chew and digest after the attack
After a heart attack _______ will be limited
Sodium fats and caffeine
Congestive heart failure is an example of
DeCompensation or a severe heart disease
Heart failure is caused by conditions that
Damage the heart muscle including coronary artery disease heart attack cardio myopathy valve disease heart defects present at birth diabetes in renal disease
coronary artery disease (CAD)
Severe narrowing of the artery that supplies blood to the heart
Damage to the heart muscle caused by infection alcohol or drug abuse
Shortness of breath and chest pain is common
When heart damage is extreme and heart cannot provide adequate circulation
Sodium builds up fluid retained and
Edema occurs because of reduced circulation
And attempted to compensate for this pumping deficit the heart
Beats faster and enlarges
With inadequate circulation body tissues do not receive sufficient amount of nutrients which can lead to
Mel nutrition and underweight although edema can mask these problems
Diuretics can aid in the
Excretion of water and sodium
Sodium restricted diet's are
Typically prescribed
Diuretics can cause an
Excessive loss of potassium so clients potassium levels should be watched closely
Essential or primary hypertension
High blood pressure with an unknown because 90% of cases
Secondary hypertension
High blood pressure caused by another condition such as kidney disease 10% of cases
Instrument used to monitor blood pressure
Normal blood pressure
120/80 mmHg
120-139/80-88 mmHg
Stage one hypertension
140-150/90-99 mmHg
Stage two hypertension
160/>100 mmHg
Hypertension contributes to
Or attack stroke heart failure and kidney failure
Hypertension is often called silent disease because
Suffers can be asymptomatic
The frequency of hypertension
Increases with age
Hypertension is more prevalent among
African Americans than others
Heredity and obesity are
Pre-disposing factors to hypertension
Smoking and stress also contributes to