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Pork Barrel
National government politicians spending huge amounts of money in their local voting districts to encourage voters to re-elect them.
Mutual aid and vote trading among legislators.
A strong allegiance to a political party, influencing opinions, policies, and actions in government.
The redrawing of congressional and legislative district lines after the census to accommodate population shifts.
The assigning of congressional seats by Congress after each census, with state legislatures reapportioning state legislative districts.
Baker v Carr
A landmark Supreme Court case from 1962 establishing the principle of 'one person, one vote' in legislative redistricting.
One person one vote
A principle asserting each individual's vote should carry equal weight in the electoral process.
Shaw v Reno
A ruling that redistricting plans drawn primarily based on race violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Divided government
Governance divided between the parties, where one holds the presidency and the other controls one or both houses of Congress.
Lame Duck
When a president or government official has reduced powers and is on their way out of office.
An official expected to vote independently based on judgment; one interpretation of a legislator's role.
An official expected to represent the views of constituents even when holding different personal views; another interpretation of a legislator's role.
Representatives who act as trustees or delegates depending on the issue.
Policy agenda
The informal list of issues considered most important for action by Congress and the president.
A formal decision to reject a bill passed by Congress.
Pocket veto
A veto exercised by the president after Congress has adjourned; if the president takes no action for 10 days, the bill does not become law.
Line item veto
Presidential power to remove specific items from a spending bill without vetoing the entire package; declared unconstitutional.
Commander in Chief
The role of the President of the United States as the highest-ranking military officer.
Executive agreement
A formal agreement between the U.S. president and other nation leaders that does not require Senate approval.
A formal, public agreement between the United States and other nations that must be approved by two-thirds of the Senate.
The drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or