amiss (adjective) \n out of place; faulty; wrong
amiss synonyms
awry, faulty, unsatisfactory, wrong
amiss antonyms
right, correct, satisfactory
caterwaul (verb) \n to quarrel making noises that sound like wailing or screeching
caterwaul synonyms
caterwaul antonyms
consort (verb) \n to keep company; associate; to join in company; unite
consort synonyms
associate, mingles, fraternize, accompany, join, unit
consort antonyms
avoid, enemy, opponent
contraband (noun)
goods banned by law from being exported or imported; goods smuggled into or out of a country
contraband (adjective)
banned by law from being imported or exported
contraband synonyms
bootleg, banned, illegal, illicit
contraband antonyms
legal, allowed, permitted
perpetual (adjective) \n lasting or continuing forever; recurring or continuing without stop or interruption
perpetual synonyms
everlasting, lasting, continuous, unceasing
perpetual antonyms
ephemeral, temporary,m intermittent, transient
salutation (noun) \n a gesture of expression of greeting or courtesy such as a handshake
salutation synonyms
salutation antonyms
ignoring, rudeness
sundry (adjective) \n of various kinds, miscellaneous
sundry synonyms
diverse, divers, miscellaneous, varied, various
sundry antonyms
same, similar, singular
vagabond (noun) \n one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place
vagabond synonyms
nomad, vagrant, drifter, floater, tramp
vagabond antonyms
civilian, fixed, permanent, settled, inhabitant
victual (noun) \n food or food supplies, especially for humans
victual synonyms
food, edible
victual antonyms