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What are the Un goals associated with sustainability and chemistry
Good heald and well beng
clean water and sanitization
afrodable and clean eneergy
industry innovation and infrastructure
sustainable cities and communities
responsible consumption and production
climate action
Whata re 3 parts of the triple bottom line
people - society
planet - environemnt
properity - economy
How does Ibeprofen relate to the UN sustianability goals?
Good heal and well being target
how does people fit inot the ibeprofen case study?
pain, fever and inflamation relief
over consumptiom side effects can be bad for children
How does prosperity fit into the ibeprofen case study
accessible and affordable
can be mass produced
profit expected to keep increasing
big pharma societal distruct
resolves only symptoms
Ibeprofen and plant
high demand
disposal can be harful to the environment
no waste water tech to remove
bioaccumulation in aquaticnspecies
whata re the 6 over arching goals of sustaibale chemisty
rece the haazard
use renewable feedstck
nontoxi and safeer by products
ensure biodegradability
gtreater efficiency
eliminate accidents
What are the 12 principles of gree chemistry
Greater efficieny:
waste prevention
atom economy
design for enegry efficiency
reduce derivatives
Reduce hazards:
less hazardous chemicals
safer solvents
inehrityl safter chemisty ofr accidents
non toxis and safer:
designing safer chemicals
use renewable feedstock
deign for degredation
realtime analysis for pollution prevention
what do each green chemistyr metric tell us about how green soemthing is?
Waste Generation and material effeciency
What 3rd aspects of geen assessment is needed besidesmeterial efficeny and waste egenration?
Life Cycle assessment
what are the 2 parts of the ibeprofen life cycle that are unsustainable
Responsible consumption and protection:
consumer use and
What are the 4 un goals that show the postive side of ibeprofen SYNTHESIS?
good healtha nd well being
responsible consumptiona nd production
life bellow water
life on land