designs and marginal placement
quality of enamel
Discoloration resistant to bleaching
Tetracycline = most common
Modification of ant teeth
Diastemas, cone teeth, length
Rehab of ant teeth
fractures, congenital, malformations
marginal placement = critical
need adequate space for porcelain
Smooth uncomplicated preparation
0.3 - 0.5 mm enamel reduction...in 2-3
Smooth, adequate margins, soft
Total margin in enamel
Path of insertion from facial if possible
Incisal edge covered with 1-1.5 mm of porcelain for esthetics and function
Keep the tooth/veneer margin away from opposing incisal edges during maximum intercuspation
The incisal preparation may or may not wrap to the lingual
reduce incisal edge by 1-1.5 mm if needed
prepare facial surface in 2-3 planes, (if needed) remove an equal amount of tooth structure as determine by your diagnostic workup
define margins of the preparation and refine the margins with magnification to make them smooth
Depth orientation grooves at
Best burs?
0.3 mm
best burs: 1mm chamfer, Brassler-LVS1 (0.5mm) or LVS2 (0.3 mm) 3-wheel diamond depth cutter
advantages of an incisal overlap
Porcelain is stronger in ___ vs ______
Slight covering provides _____, aids in proper seating of veneer
Stress concentration of veneer diminishes, wide vertical stop to resist __________
compression vs tension
Vertical stop
Vertical loading
Bonding is stronger when enamel rods are 90 degrees
to protect the prepared teeth
as an esthetic replacement of teeth
to check occlusal function and stability
to keep the periodontium healthy
to evaluate phonetics and esthetics
Shade guide/stump shade
Variable lighting
The lab should apply the _____ before it come to you
Ideal to apply silane coupling agent before ____ this protects the etched surfaces during try-in and adjustment
Silane should be reapplied prior to ____
hydrofluoric acid
try in
1 min
30 sec
Improperly sealed containers cause rapid evaporation of solvents
Abused silane may act as a separating medium \n
Describe bonding protocol:
Teeth are etched with __ phosphoric acid for secs and rinsed with water for at least as long as ____
Dry, according to manufacturer’s instructions...new generation agent
If dentin is exposed follow bonding protocol:
Apply unfilled resin to veneer
Apply selected shade of luting agent to the
veneer and press gently onto the tooth
Carefully, remove expressed luting agent at the margins... photopolymerize with 5 mm tip for ___ secs remove cement with surgical blade with #12 or #15,
__ sec cure, wait for 20 sec,
then cure for __ min
37%, for as long as it was etched
do not light cure unfilled resin (bonding agent)
3 secs,
20 secs
1 min
Remove excess cement w composite finishing knife, #12, or #15
Finish w diamond paste and polishing cups OR felt wheel if needed
Describe each of the types of fractures
Static fracture line
Cohesive fracture
Adhesive Fracture
Static fracture line – fracture lines present but veneer intact on tooth
(composite shrinkage and fatigue/occlusal loading)
Cohesive fracture – incisal edge and gingival third
(tensile force related, similar to abfraction related, flexing of teeth
Adhesive failure – usually where not enough enamel is present or technique related failure
Porcelain has been around for more than __ years in restorative dentistry
___ Faunce and Meyers first described a laminate veneer restoration for incisors. The
porcelain was etched and bonded to enamel
Ideal Reduction Guidelines
Ging margin
1-1.5 mm on incisal edge (if needed)
0.3 mm chamfer at gingival margin
0.5 mm reduction on most of facial surface
2-3 planes on facial surface
Compare LPV materials
Feldspathic porcelains
Pressable ceramics
Pressable ceramics
Feldspathic porcelains – hand stacked
Pressable ceramics –
Empress – leucite crystals help stop propagation of micro cracks.
The occlusal wear of Empress is in the range of enamel.
Weakest of pressable ceramics but most natural and translucent.
It will not block out dark tooth structure
Pressable ceramics – E-Max (lithium disilicate) – combines high strength with high esthetics.
More opaque than Empress.
Wear about equal to enamel.
Can be adhesively or conventionally cemented