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The art of making motion pictures, focusing on the visual aspects of a film's language.
Establishing Shot
A technique that sets the context for a scene, establishing time/place and relationships between characters and objects.
A shot that highlights changes in emotion by taking up the bulk of the frame, isolating important elements in the story.
Medium Shot
A shot that shows the character from the top of the head to just above the waist, commonly used in film.
Full (Long) Shot
A shot that captures the subject's entire body from top to bottom of the frame.
Wide Shot
A shot that shows the subject within their surrounding environment, often used for establishing shots.
Low-angle Shot
A shot where the camera looks up from below, creating a sense of power or dominance.
High-angle Shot
A shot where the camera looks down from above, often conveying vulnerability.
Bird's Eye View
An extreme high-angle shot looking down directly from above, frequently used for establishing shots.
A camera movement that moves horizontally back and forth (side to side).
A camera movement that moves the camera up or down.
A camera movement that brings the subject closer from a distance.
Canted Angle
Also known as Dutch Angle or Dutch Tilt, it creates a tilted perspective.
Crane Shot
A camera movement where the camera moves on a crane.
Tracking Shot
A camera movement that follows the subject.
Aerial Shot
A shot that provides a view from above, often taken with a drone or helicopter.
Soft Focus
A type of focus that softens the subject, often associated with romance or glamor.
Sharp Focus
A type of focus that provides clear, crisp details.
Rack Focus
A technique that changes the focus within a shot.
Deep Focus
A technique where the entire field (foreground, middle ground, background) is in focus.
The process that changes the pace of the narrative in a film.
Standard Cut
The most basic type of edit in film.
Jump Cut
An edit that jumps the scene in time.
A series of shots often underscored with music to convey a theme or passage of time.
Fade Out/In
An editing technique that shows the passage of time.
An edit that takes viewers away from the main characters or action.
Parallel/Cross Cut
An editing technique that cuts between two scenes happening simultaneously.
High Key Lighting
A lighting technique that is bright and evenly lit.
Low Key Lighting
A lighting technique that is dim and creates shadows.
Neutral Lighting
A balanced lighting technique that is neither too bright nor too dim.
Diegetic Sound
Sound that would logically be heard by the characters within the film's world.
Non-diegetic Sound
Sound that is not recognized as part of the film's world, such as voice-over, narration, sound effects, and background music.