Quibus rebus perturbatis nostris, novitate pugnae, tempore opportunissimo Caesar auxilium tulit.
With our men disturbed by these things, by the novelty of the fight, Caesar brought help at the most opportune time.
Namque eius adventu hostes constiterunt, nostri se ex timore receperunt.
For at his arrival, the enemies halted, and our men recovered themselves from fear.
Quo facto, ad lacessendum hostem et committendum proelium alienum esse tempus arbitratus
With this having been done, having thought that the time was unfavorable for provoking the enemy and engaging in battle,
suo se loco continuit et brevi tempore intermisso in castra legiones reduxit.
he held himself in his own position and, after a short time had passed, led the legions back into camp.
Dum haec geruntur, nostris omnibus occupatis, qui erant in agris reliqui discesserunt.
While these things were happening, with all our men occupied, those who remained in the fields departed.