Name the five C’s of consumer credit
Credit History
What is comsumer credit?
A major force in the American economy and the use of credit in family fincanial planning.
What are the factors you should consider when choosing a loan or credit card?
Can you afford the item?
Do you have the cash you need to borrow the money you need to make the down payment?
Can it wait until later?
What are the costs of using credit?
what is open - end credit?
similar to a loan, with a certain amount of money you can barrow for a variety of goods and services.
Closed - end credit
is only a one time loan. that you will pay back with a certain amount of time. This tpye of credt nvoles having a definte amount of money.
How can i build my credit?
Pay at least the minimum payment due each month, or more if you can, and make sure you pay on time.
What can a creditor NOT do?
threaten your credit rating or do anything to damage your credit reputation while you are neogoteating a billing dispute
How can you manage debt?
By controlling your impulses. use your moneyu responsibly, and use poor judgement.
advantages of using credit
enjoying services and goods,
combine purchases (making one monthly payment)
able to keep a record of your expenses
and also able to shop and travel.
disadvantages of using credit
can easily lose your credit reputation
may lose your income and property, which may be taken from you in order to repay your debts
what are the different types of credit cards?
store value (a gift card)
smart cards
what is net income?
the income that you recieve (take-home pay, allowence,gift cards and intrest)
What does APR stand for?
Annual Percetnage Rate
the definition of APR is
the cost of credit on a yearly basis, but expressed as a percentage.