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Who proposed the 3 types of Long term memory and what are they?
Tulving (1972) - episodic, semantic, procedural
What is semantic memory?
General knowledge/facts - temporal lobes
What is procedural memory?
Memory of a skill or habit, cerebellum
What is episodic memory?
Memories that have personal meaning - event, context, emotion. E.g. wedding.
Supporting research for the different types of long term memory:
Henry Molaison → HM
Suffered from severe epilepsy and underwent a surgery to remove a part of his hippocampus, after the surgery he couldn’t form new episodic memories but could still learn motor skills and recall facts.
Longitudinal study
Supporting research for types of long term memory - Clive Wearing
Musician who suffered severe damage to his hippocampus due to a viral infection.
Had a severely impaired episodic memory, could remember his kids or wedding, and forgot things in seconds.
Had an impaired semantic memory → could still remember some general facts but forgot many.
Procedural memory was still intact → could still play the piano, walk ect
Evaluate the types of long term memory and- strength
Case studies
Clive wearing and HM → damaged episodic
One store doesn’t affect the others proving that there are separate stores.
Evaluate the types of long term memory and- strength
Brain scanning
Tulving used PET scans and found that
Semantic memories were linked to activity in the left prefrontal cortex
Episodic Memories → right prefrontal cortex
Procedural memories → cerebellum
Scientific objective evidence to prove that different types of LTM use different parts of the brain are activated→ reliable
So there is strong neurological evidence.
Evaluate the types of long term memory and- limitation
Semantic and episodic memory overlap
Overlap between episodic and semantic memory
Semantic memory develops episodic memories
We learn general facts from person experience and so they may be interdependent
Suggesting that the stores may have been over simplified
It’s currently unclear and so further research is needed.
Evaluate the types of long term memory and- limitation
Case studies
Case studies
HM and Clive wearing → unique injuries may not be representative of neurotypical individuals.
Brain damage may cause wider cognitive changes and it doesn’t prove that LTM is separate for everyone.