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training sunday school teachers, popular family resort, lectures, preaching, music, vaudeville
Inventio (Invention)
developing your argument
Disposito (Arrangement)
organizing your arguments
Elocutio (Style)
selecting rhetorical techniques/strategies
Memeria (Memory)
learning and memorizing speech/address
Pronunciato (Delivery)
presenting your speech
dissoi logoi
nothing is good or bad in itself, it depends on the circumstances
it is always possible to speak either for or against something
there will always be something to be said on the other side of the case
a good or proper time for action
adapting to changing/contingent circumstances
the right or critical moment
seizing an opening/opportunity
Eristic argument
dispute regardless of truth
correct behavior in a social situation to best persuade an audience
Gorgias (sophist)
esteemed Athenian orator, influential sophist
must appeal to “whole person”
emotions especially influential
Encomium of Helen
written by Gorgias
encomium = praise
defense of Helen of Troy
power of speech
rhetoric like a drug or magic potion
Plato’s Socratic Dialogues
moral/ philosophical discussions
socrates as a character (not author)
socratic method
The Sophist (dialogue)
the sophist is nothing else, apparently, than the memory-making class of a disputatious combative acquisitive art
claims to give education, and is a hunt after rich + promising youths
a kind of juggler an imitator of realities
Gorgias (dialogue)
dialogue between socrates + gorgias
rhetoric is insincere speech w/ persuasion rather than truth as a goal
rhetoric like propaganda: just gets you to belief, not truth
Phaedrus (dialogue)
dialogue between socrates + young boy phaedrus
ostensibly a discourse on love
rhetoric not just public speech but any verbal communciation
plato critical of logography + spread of writing in Athens
both good and bad kinds of rhetoric
good rhetoric is ethical speech that reveals fundamental truth
cunning intelligence; trickery deceit; stratagems, clever, ruse, ingenious tactics
1st wife of zeus
prophecy of powerful offspring
birth of fully formed Athena
Metistic intelligence
intelligence/way of knowing
flair, wisdom, forethought
subtlety of mind, deception, resourcefulness
metis in everyday life
a wily intelligence
chief domains: war, politics, medicine
hunting & fishing
metis & kairos
metis plays upon the right time + right place
quick-wittedness of metis is realized in a time too short to be observed
metis & embodiment
embodied intelligence
physical embodied action + timing
metis & overcoming
the cunning of the underdog
bie = brute force/strength
trojan horse
escaping the cyclops
turning the tables
the weaker overcoming the stronger
Metis & sophists
arguing to win
making the weaker argument stronger
technical expertise
art, skill, craft
root of technology
universal application of knowledge
rhetoric AS techne
scientific understanding
systematic rationality
theory of knowledge
tools to acquire, create, + share knowledge
rhetoric AS epistemic art
practical wisdom
prudence + virtue
producing good consequence + realizing the good life
metis vs. phronesis
BOTH are practical/applied BUT metis is value neutral
Platonic truth
Sophists rejected Plato’s absolute Truth in favor of contingent relativism
= being
Platonic idealism
eternal truths in the realm of ideas (episteme)