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The data you are interested in capturing about the entitty
Strong entity
exists independently of other types of entities
has its own unique identifier
Identifier underlined with a single line
Weak entity
dependent on a strong entity (identifying owner); cannot exist on its own
does not have a unique identifier (only a partial identifier)
Entity box and partial identifier have double lines
Identifying relationship
Links strong entities to weak entities
Double parallel lines
Criteria for Identifiers
Choose identifiers that
Will not change in value
Will not be null
Has to be unique
Used underscore and bold
Avoid intelligent identifiers (e.g., containing locations or people that might change)
Substitute new, simple keys for long, composite keys
Multiple Relations
Two entities can have more than one type of relationships between them (multipple relations
Associative Entity
Combination of relationship and entity. Serves to link other entities together in a many-to-many relationship.
All relationships for the associative entity should be many
Meaningful independent of the other entities
Unique identifier, and should also have other attributes
May participate in other relationships other than the entities of the associated relationship
Convert ternary relationships to associative entities
Instances & Cardinality of Relationship
One to one
Each entity in the relationship will have exactly one related entity
One to many
An entity on one side of the relationship can have many related entities, but an entitty on the other side will have a max of one related entity
Entities on both sides of the relationship can have multiple
Guidelines for Naming Entities
singular noun
specific to organization
concise, or abbreviation
for event entities, the result not the process
name consistent for all diagrams
“An X is..”
describe unique characteristics of each instance
explicit about what is and is not the entity
when an instance is created or destroyed
changes to other entity types
history that should be kept
Naming Attributes
Name should be singular noun or noun phrase
Follow a standard format
Similar attirbutes of different entityt types should use the same qualifers and classes
Defining Attributes
State source of values
State whether attribute value can change once set
Specific whether required or optional
State min and max number of occurrences allowed
Indicate relationships with other attributes
Cardinality Constraints
The number of instances of one entity that can or must be associated with each instance of another entity
Minimum cardinality
If zero then optional
If one or more then mandatory
Maximum Cardinality
The maximum number
classification of attribute: required vs optional
Must have a value for every entity instance with which it is associated
May not have a value for every entity instance
classification of attribute: simple vs composite
Made up of multiple elements. List attribute name and in parentheses list components that make it up
Parentheses is composite
Employee Address(Street Address, City, State, Postal Code)
Cannot be split in to further attributes
Atomic attribute
ex; SSN (Social Security Number)
classification of attribute: single-valued vs multivalued
Multivalued: More than one value for a given entity (or relationship)
An employee can have more than one skill
Curly bracket to signify multivalued
Data Employedd {Skill}
Single-valued: Attributes having single value for particular entity
Ex: Age
classification of attribute: stored versus derived
Derived: Values can be calculated from related attribute values (not physically stored in the database)
Years employed calculated from date employed and current date
[Years Employed]
Square bracket
Stored: Attributes from which the values of other attributes are derived
classification of attribute: identifier (key)
An attribute (or combo of attributes) that uniquely identifies individual instances of an entity type
simple versus composite identifier
Candidate Identifier
an attribute that could be an identifier; it satisfies the requirements for being an identifier
modeling relationships: relationship types vs. relationship instance
The relationship type is modeled as lines between entity types. The relationship instance is between specific entity instances.
modeling relationships: relationships can have attributes
These describe features pertaining to the association between the entities in the relationship
modeling relationships: multiple relationships
two entities can have more than one type of relationship between them
Time stamp
a time value that is associated with a data value, often indicating when some event occurred that affected the data value
The Price History attribute is both multivalued and composite
Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP)
A class of systems that integrated all functions of the enterprise, such as manufacturing, sales, finance, marketing, inventory, accounting, and human resources
data warehouse
an integrated decision support database whose content is derived from the various operational databases
data lake
a large integrated repository for internal and external data that does not follow. predefined schema
enterprise data model
the first step in database development, in which the scope and general contents of organizational database are specified
conceptual data model
a detailed, technology-independent specification of the overall structure of organizational data
logical data model
The representation of data for a particular data management technology (such as the relational model). In the case of a relational data model, elements include tables, columns, rows, primary and foreign keys, as well as constraints.
physical data model
Physical data model. A set of specifications that detail how data from a logical data model (or schema) are stored in a computer’s secondary memory for a specific database management system. There is one physical data model (or schema) for each logical data model.
identifying relationship
The relationship between a weak entity type and its owner
Business Rule
A statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business
associative attribute