40 MCQ
we know the least about this division, extreme environments usually, no nucleus
nucleus, large genoems
no nucleus, diverse shapes and sizes, diverse feeding, sickness & health releated
eubacteria and archea, single-celled, lacks nucleus and organelles
plants, fungi, animals, humans, single-celled (sacchromyces/cerevisiae) or multicellular, have nuclei & organelles
organelle for protein synthesis
in proks, there is no nucleus but there is a:
Cell Wall
tough and protective outer coat of prokaryotic cell
the microorganisms of a particular site (geological, time, area), includes archea, fungi, protists and viruses
combined genomes of microbioata
Microbial cell ratio to human cells
up to ____ times more microbial genes than human genes in the human body
encodes the information to construct and maintain an organism, mostly DNA, some viruses have DNA and RNA
genome expression
Release of the biological information stored in the genome requires
The first product of genome expression is the
The second product of genome expression is the _______, defines the biochemical functions of the cell
The transcriptome is maintained by the process of
The proteome is maintained by the process of
The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Genome (DNA) āTranscriptome (RNA) āProteome (Protein)
Genome Expression
Different types of multicellular organisms contain the same genome. How do we produce different cell types?
Genome Expression
The process by which the information encoded in a genome's DNA is converted into functional proteins or RNA. In humans, out of ~25,000 genes, only 30-60% are expressed at any given time, and expression varies across different cell types. Gene expression is regulated at multiple stages, from DNA transcription to protein synthesis.
responding to extracellular stimuli
Regulation of gene expression is crucial for defining cell types and
RNA polymerase
DNA is transcribed into RNA by the enzyme
Transcriptional Regulation
The process of controlling gene expression in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, primarily through gene regulatory proteins (transcription factors) that bind to specific regulatory DNA regions (cis elements).
Positive Regulators (Activators)
Gene regulatory proteins that bind to DNA and increase gene expression, effectively turning genes ON.
Negative Regulators (Repressors)
Gene regulatory proteins that bind to DNA and decrease gene expression, effectively turning genes OFF.
Cis Elements
the DNA seq. is on the same side DNA double helix as the gene
E. coli
uni-cell prok, one chromosome of circular DNA, 4300 proteins, transcriptionally regulated by food availability
Multiple genes can be transcribed into a single RNA molecule, this system is called an:
a segment of DNA that contains the instructions for building a specific molecule, usually a protein
transcription attentuation
premature termination of transcription, RNA adopts a structure that interferes w RNA polymerase