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Unconditional Jump Instructions

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Unconditional Jump Instructions

Short, near, and far jumps allow branching within different byte ranges. Short jump within +127 and -128 bytes, near jump within ±32K bytes, and far jump to any location in the memory system.

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Label Field in JMP Instruction

Labels followed by a colon (LABEL:) in JMP instructions indicate the memory location to jump to.

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Displacement in Jump Instructions

The distance from the next instruction to the jump location in short or near jumps.

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Indirect Jumps

Jumping to the location stored in a register or memory word (near) / doubleword (far) location.

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Conditional Jumps

Short jumps based on flag bits (C, Z, O, P, S) with a 16-bit signed displacement in 80386 and above.

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Special Conditional Jump (LOOP)

CX decremented and jumps based on conditions like LOOPE, LOOPNE, LOOPZ, and LOOPNZ.

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Conditional Set Instructions

Set or clear a byte based on a condition under test in 80386 through Core2.

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.IF and .ENDIF Statements

Used in assembly language to generate conditional jump statements for decision-making.

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.WHILE and .ENDW Statements

Allow the use of WHILE and REPEAT-UNTIL constructs in assembly language programs.

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Groups of instructions for a specific task, linked using CALL and returned from using RET instructions.

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CALL Instruction

Combines PUSH and JMP, pushing return address and jumping to a procedure.

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RET Instruction

Returns from a procedure by removing the return address from the stack.

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Software or hardware signals calling procedures, interrupting the current program.

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Real Mode Interrupt Vectors

4 bytes long, containing the address of interrupt service procedures.

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Handling Interrupts

Flags pushed onto the stack, T and I flags cleared, and jump to interrupt service procedure.

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Software Interrupts (INT)

Replace system calls, saving memory space.

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IRET Instruction

Used to return from an interrupt service procedure, removing IP, CS, and flags from the stack.

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INTO Instruction

Conditional interrupt based on the overflow flag (O).

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Interrupt Enable Flag (I)

Controls the INTR pin connection, set by STI and cleared by CLI instructions.

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Carry Flag (C)

Controlled by CLC, STC, and CMC instructions.

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WAIT Instruction

Tests BUSY or pin, waiting until it becomes logic 1.

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LOCK Prefix

Sets the pin to logic 0 during the locked instruction.

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BOUND Instruction

Compares register contents with memory boundaries, causing a type 5 interrupt if not within bounds.

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ENTER and LEAVE Instructions

Used with stack frames to pass parameters and manage local memory variables.

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