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segmental features
involve consonant and vowel sounds or phonemes
suprasegmental features
include stress, rhythm, intonation, pitch, length
the patterns of stress and intonation in a language
Patterns of intonation, timing, and loudness in speech that can convey nonlinguistic information.
can affect the meaning of a message without changing linguistic elements (the words are the same)
prosody on a spectrogram
The pattern or contour of the F0 (pitch)
Duration and juncture
The pattern or contour of intensity (loudness)
pauses in between syllables to change the meaning of utterances
ex) I scream vs ice cream
pitch and ______ change in similar ways during an utterance. If one rises, so does the other
_______ syllables are often louder, longer, and higher in pitch
A speaker can also manipulate loudness at the phrase/sentence level in order to convey meaning
Motor-speech disorders, such as dysarthria, can disrupt prosody.
People with autism may have less _______ in their utterances
refers to the variations of how speech sounds are produced, when compared to native speakers of a region
refers to the linguistic aspects that are different, when compared to a native speaker
indexical properties
This is evidence of a speaker’s identity that is found in their speech.
Humans find patterns in the world. We categorize speakers’ traits based on aspects of their speech.
We vary the pitch in a phrase to convey statements, questions, etc.
Variations in pitch at the word level is
segments are speech sounds, suprasegmental elements are related to prosody
what is the difference between segmental and suprasegmental aspects of speech?
Prosody can change a speaker’s meaning through variations in loudness, timing, and intonation. T/F
False, dialect
An accent includes only linguistic characteristics, such as saying buggy instead of shopping cart T/F
indexical properties
Are pieces of evidence about a speakers identity conveyed through speech
When asking a question on a spectrogram, the pitch contour will go ______
False, prominence
Juncture indicates pauses within phrase due to punctuation T/F
longer, louder, higher in pitch
A stressed syllable in a word, compared to the other syllables will be…
When a speaker manipulates loudness at the phrase level to convey meaning (cdi is MY major) it is called
Breathy voice quality, using slang words from the 1970s, and higher than average pitch for a male
You are talking to a man you don’t know on the phone. What would indicate that he may be older?