AP HU.G. Vocab Words in KBAT
Antecedent boundary
Boundary created before lots of people moved into that area. (US-CA)
Regions with power / goverment. (US)
Choke Point
A narrow pathway to a place, which is difficult to pass. (Black Sea)
Claiming or dominating overseas territory. (British Empire)
Concurrent Powers
Type of power in only a federal goverment that is shared by both the national and regional goverments, where both goverments have control to make action on an issue. (Canada with Covid-19)
Consequent boundary
Boundaries based on cultural, ethnic, or political traits. (Serbia)
Defining boundaries in a legal document. (Treaty)
Drawing bounadries on a map using a legal document. (Treaty, Germany Post WW2)
Demarcated Boundaries
Boundaries that are based on physical features. (Great Wall of China)
Transferring some sort of power from a central goverment to regional goverments. (Spain, Catolina)
Economies of scale
Cost benefits from production gained by states through increased size or cooperation between nations. (Brueni, ASEAN)
Electoral College
538 People. 100 from the senate, 435 from the House of Repersenaties, 3 from Washington DC. They elect the President.
Ethnic cleansing
Attacking a ethnic group via violence. (Holocaust)
Ethnic Nationalism
A shared belief of ethnicity between a nation and state, and blocking people who don’t fit the requirement. (Nazi Germany)
Ethnic Seperatism
Groups of people wanting to leave a state because they align closer with their identity. (Kurds)
where nationality is defined by ethnicity]
Exclusive Economic Zone, an area 200 ni out from the coast of a state, which allows them to use natural resources there.
Federal State
A state that has regions across their territory with some goverment powers.
Geometric Boundary
Boundaries that use math, lat. or long, straight. (Basically Africa )
Redrawing borders in a district to give the ruling party an advantage. (Basically everywhere in the US. wtf i thought we were cool)
Exerting power over a region through economic, social, and cultural means.
A country taking back land that was previously owned.
Majority-Minority Districts
Where a district has a ethnic minority group as a majority,
Multinational state
A state that governs over 2 or more nations. (USA)
Multistate nation
A nation that resides in 2+ states. (Kurds)
People with a common identity. (VIETNAM BABY)
Territory owned by a group that views themselves as a nation. (JAPAN)
When a country continues to have power over its former colonies. (Russia, Kazhakstan)
Political Geography
The study on the relations between territory, politics, and people.
Reallocating repersenatives, or seats, in a state. (CA loses a seat due to loss in population)
Redrawing the boundaries of a district based on census data, every 10 years.
Relic Boundary
A boundary that is not as important anymore, and a former one. (Great Wall of China)
A state’s right to change its own political status.
Being allowed to make some decisions without asking leaders. (French Guinea)
A region that is conflict-prone and culturally diverse. (Legit the Middle East)
The right for a goverment to control and defend its land.
Land, goverment, and people.
Stateless Nation
People united by a common trait without a state.
Subsequent Boundary
A boundary drawn when people have settled.
Superimposed boundary
Boundaries drawn with people and cultural landscapes already existing there, usually without any care. (Africa, Berlin Conference)
Supernational Organization
Organization with 3 or more states attempting to achieve something. (ASEAN ASIA REPERSENTATION BABYY)
claiming land as your own using power
Unitary State
A state with a central goverment that holds almost all power, and regional bodies having none. (my dear beauty country France)
United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea. Has the maritime boundaries that decide how countries control and use their seas.