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Hippocratic Oath
The oath taken by the doctor that they will preserve life
Back street abortion
illegal abortion by medically unqualified person
Post abortion trauma
Trauma experienced by a woman after an abortion
Republic of ireland - abortion legal date
20 December 2018 (up to 12 weeks)
N.Ireland - abortion legal date(section 9)
21 october 2019 (up to 12 weeks)
Active Euthanasia
A person directly and deliberately causes the patientâs death e.g. Painkillers
Passive Euthanasia
A person does not directly take the patientâs life allowing them to die withdrawing treatments
Voluntary Euthanasia
Carried out at the request of the person who dies
Non-voluntary Euthanasia
Someone makes the decision on their behalf
Involuntary Euthanasia
The person who dies wants to live but is killed anyways
Palliative Care
Medical, emotional or spiritual care given to a person who is terminally ill and which is aimed to reducing suffering rather than curing
Taking revenge
A sentence may be a deterrent to a criminal repeating the same crime and others
Society must be protected from dangerous criminal. e.g. take their freedom away
Reform criminal so they learn to ve a law-abiding member of society
People want to see that law are upheld, upholding justice
Criminal should make good the damage and hurt they have caused
Restorative Justice
A problem solving approach to a crime that involves, community, offender and the victim
Restoration of - the victim to a normal life
the offender a law-abiding life
the damage caused by crime to the community
Conscientious Objectors
Law that allow people to refuse to fight, if they think itâs the right thing to do
Absolute Pacifism
War is never right
Conditional Pacifism
War is okay under certain circumstances
Selective Pacifism
Certain types of war are wrong
Active Pacifism
Belief that non-violent methods and political activity such as peaceful protests, stricks, road block and hunger strikes to bring about peace
Just war theory
a christian theory developed by St Thomas Aquinas
Jus ad bellum
Resort to war:
Last resort
Legitimate authority
Just cause
Reasonable success
Jus in bellum
Conduct in war:
Good outweighs evil
proportionality (appreciate attack)
Innocent shouldnât be killed
Peace resorted at end
The transformation of society from religious to not being religious
Forcing religious views on others
Integrated education
Shared education between catholics and protestants
No sex before marriage
Abstaining from marriage and sexual relations
Human fertilisation and embryology act(1990) updated in 2008
An authority to oversee and govern fertility treatment
human embryos discarded after 14 days
sperm can only be used 10 times for fertility treatment (donor anonymous)
financial gain from surrogacy is illegal
updated law:
same sex couples can have both their names on childâs birth certificate
banned selection of children for non-medical purposes
allowed creation of a âsaviour siblingâ, who is created to have DNA match to help their older sibling with a genetic disease
traditional surrogacy
50% surrogate 50% commissioning partner
gestational Surrogacy
No biological link to carrier
Altruistic surrogacy
No money earned